I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the second session of four. It’s still going out of tune. As soon as I can turn the humidifiers off I’m going to try to find a luthier to fix it.
I weighed 86.3 kilos before breakfast.
Around midday I brought the stepladder in from the deck and filled the rest of the parts of the bathroom wall that are too high to reach with a chair. Next I’ve got to buy another bucket of drywall compound. I also need to get a new set of doorknobs or handles for the bathroom door.
I weighed 86.5 kilos before lunch, which is the lightest I’ve been in the early afternoon since February 22.
In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown. I stopped at Doug Miller Books to ask if they would order my book but they only sell second hand. The guy was quite friendly though and wished me luck. On the way home I stopped at Freshco to buy the toilet paper that I forgot yesterday. While I was there I grabbed another five bags of their super cheap red grapes.
I weighed 86.55 at 18:30.
I was caught up in my journal at 19:30.
I continued to search for generation gap films of the 50s and 60s but nothing grabbed me. Finally I just searched for, found, and started watching “The Blackboard Jungle”. I viewed the first half an hour and I think it has stuff I can use for my “Seven Shades of Blues” video.
I had a potato and steamed peas with gravy while watching season 3, episode 22 of Batman.
This is continued from the previous story. Shame and his gang are holding Batgirl hostage after dosing her with fear gas. Frontier Fanny, the mother of Shame’s girl Calamity Jan is in police custody. Shame robs a gun store for ammunition to prepare for the great train robbery. Jan suddenly realizes that her mother is missing. She eventually convinces Shame to swap Batgirl for her. He sends Chief Standing Pat to Commissioner Gordon’s office to arrange for the exchange. Last time Pat only spoke in smoke signals while puffing a cigar but now he speaks in that stereotypical pidgin English of the pre-socially conscious scripted cinematic First Nations person. Gordon refuses the deal but Batman argues Batgirl’s value and says they’ll accept the terms. Pat says to bring Fanny to the Central American pavilion at the Gotham World’s Fair. A time is set for the switch but Shame plans to get there early and bushwack Batman and Robin. But as the heroes arrive with Fanny in the face of the drawn guns of Shame and his gang, Batman throws a chemical bomb that changes the chemical property of metal to make it twenty times heavier. This causes Shame and his gang to drop their guns. The big group fight begins and while her captors are distracted, Batgirl cuts herself free to join in the battle. But as his gang is losing, Shame shoots some piñatas that are hanging above Batman, Batgirl and Robin down onto their heads, stunning them long enough for Shame and his gang to get away. Later Batgirl tells Batman that Shame plans a train robbery and so they have to figure out which train he means. Batman remembers that today is the day the government ships all the old money out of town by train to be burned. Meanwhile Shame and his gang board the Money Train and spray fear gas at those in charge of the money. They steal all the money and get away before Batman, Batgirl and Robin arrive. Batman distributes bravery tablets to the fear gas victims. Back at the Batcave Batman programs a Bat drone to write a message across the sky calling Shame a coward and challenging him to a one on one fight with no weapons on Neptune Avenue in the deserted tenement district at high noon. In an alley adjacent to Neptune Avenue, Shame’s gang is hidden and waiting to shoot Batman when he and Shame are five meters apart. Shame steps onto the street and begins hurling insults at Batman. He tells Batman he’s too grim. Batman thanks him for the constructive criticism. Shame says, “Your mother wears army boots”. Batman admits she does and finds them quite comfortable. The gang gets ready to shoot at Batman but behind them Robin and Batgirl are hidden, against Batman’s wishes, because they suspected an ambush. Batgirl ropes Jan and Fanny while Robin lassos Fred and Pat, leaving Shame on his own against Batman. When Shame realizes this he pulls a gun from his hat, but Batman knocks it from his hand. Shame begins to beg for his life but then attacks Batman when his guard is down. Batman wins the fight and then turns to the fourth wall to preach to us that good always triumphs over evil. That’s some horseshit right there. Later we see King Tut escaping from prison.
Fred was played by Barry Dennen in his television debut. After graduating from UCLA he went to New York where he studied in acting workshops and performed in cabarets while living with his platonic girlfriend Barbara Streisand. He created and directed a nightclub act featuring Barbara that launched her career. In 1968 he moved to England for 15 years. There he created the role of the Emcee in the original West End production of Cabaret. He won the Evening Standard Award for Best Actor in a Musical. He played Pontius Pilot on the original recording of Jesus Christ Superstar with Deep Purple singer Ian Gillin as Jesus. A year later he played the same role in the Broadway production. Two years after that he reprised his performance in the film version. In 1970 he made his film debut when he co-starred in The Juggler of Notre Dame. On television he played a clone of Hitler in an episode of Wonder Woman. He co-starred in The Dark Crystal. In 1997 he published his memoir My Life With Barbara.
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