Who would suspect that any person
is bald beneath their smart chapeau?
The hat’s their great social salvation
that makes them just like any Joe
Tomorrow I’ll work out the chords and probably upload it to my Christian’s Translations blog, then publish it and look for the next song I’ve missed.
I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice. It stayed in tune and sounded good.
I weighed 87.25 kilos before breakfast, which is the heaviest I’ve been in the morning since February 23.
In the early afternoon I packed up my laundry and headed out to wash it. The snowbank in front of my place has shrunk enough that I can now lock my bike in front of my building without laying it down while I bring the trailer down or take it back up. But my bike kind of looks like it’s humping the bank.
Before lunch I went back out to buy a six-pack of Creemore. It’s now 5 cents short of $20.
I weighed 86.85 kilos at 16:00. I had whole wheat saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of low sugar iced tea.
I took a siesta at 16:30 and woke up at 18:18.
I weighed 87.15 kilos at 18:35. That’s the most I’ve tipped the scales in the evening since February 23.
I was caught up in my journal at 19:45.
I continued to search for generation gap videos but it’s difficult. No one seems to ever film hippies or beatniks interacting with other generations. The films are always focused on each group by itself.
I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread, with parmesan, a sliced potato and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 3, episode 20 of Batman.
The Penguin, Miss Clean and two of Penguin’s thugs enter the Gotham Mint. He puts the staff to sleep with gas and appears to be stealing wheelbarrows full of money. Miss Clean carries a feather duster and dusts everything she passes. Batman is called and when he and Robin arrive at police headquarters they meet Penguin and his gang in the elevator. They all go into Gordon’s office together. Batman arrests Penguin but learns that Penguin stole nothing from the mint. Penguin says he’ll sue for false arrest but Batman says he still broke into the mint and he’ll arrest him for that unless he drops the lawsuit, so he drops it. Penguin leaves and Batgirl arrives. She says if Penguin didn’t steal anything from the mint maybe he put something in. She says everyone at the mint is still asleep long past the time when Penguin gas would have worn off. Batman, Batgirl and Robin go there. Batman and Batgirl observe the mint money under a microscope. Batgirl says there are bacteria that look like they are of the species somnophilia. Batman says specifically somnophilia lygeria. They say Lygerian sleeping sickness is carried by the Lygerian fruit fly. Penguin planted a culture of the bacteria in the ink used to print the money. The only shipment of money sent out since Penguin’s tampering went to the Gotham National Bank. Batman sends Batgirl there while he and Robin go to the Gotham hospital to get a supply of somnophilia vaccine. But Penguin beats Batman and Robin to the hospital where he is forcing a doctor to vaccinate himself and his crew and then destroys the rest. Batman and Robin arrive but Penguin releases three Lygerian fruit flies and escapes. Batman takes out his Bat fly swatter and kills two of the flies but the third lands on Robin’s nose. It looks like a house fly whereas actual fruit flies are a tenth that size. Batman uses tweezers to capture the fly and he contains it in a capsule. The doctor says the vaccine Penguin destroyed was the last outside of Lygeria. Batman says to order some but the doctor says it will take a day. Meanwhile at the bank Batgirl learns that $1300 of the infected bills has already left the bank with various customers and could be all over Gotham by now. When Batman learns of this he calls Gordon to tell him to broadcast a message to everyone in Gotham not to handle any money. People begin dumping their money on the street to protect themselves. Even two bankrobbers, on hearing the report, return the loot to the bank. Penguin and Miss Clean are on the street each pushing a big vacuum machine to suck up the money. Batgirl arrives but is immediately held and then gassed to sleep. It’s disappointing how easily she tends to be subdued. They just leave her lying on the sidewalk while they continue vacuuming. Bruce Wayne calls the main financiers of the world to warn them against accepting any Gotham money. In Penguin’s hideout they are drenched in cash. He asks Miss Clean what she wants and she says she’s always wanted a little house in the country. Penguin begins looking into buying a little country but Bruce’s warning has preceded him and everyone Penguin calls refuses to accept cash from Gotham. Penguin calls Bruce and tells him to call everyone back or he will release 500 of the flies, but Bruce refuses. Later Penguin and his finks arrive at the bank and find outside Batman, Batgirl, Robin, Gordon and O’Hara asleep on the sidewalk. Penguin lifts O’Hara’s pocket watch but then they all get up to reveal they are fine. The big fight takes place with Batman, Batgirl and Robin against the Penguin and his gang, except for Miss Clean, who holds back. After defeating Penguin, Batman tells him that it was Gotham’s current temperature of 7 degrees that killed all his fruit flies. Also because Penguin took a double dose of vaccine he gets sleeping sickness himself.
Later Gordon learns that Calamity Jan and Frontier Fanny have been visiting Shame in Gotham prison.
Miss Clean was played by Belgian actor Monique Van Vooren, who was fluent in French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, and Italian. In her native Belgium she was a champion skater and a beauty pageant winner. Her film debut was in Tomorrow is Too Late. She recorded an album in 1958 called Mink in Hi-Fi. She had a nightclub act in which one of the backup dancers was named Ronnie Walken. She suggested it would have more impact if he changed his name to Christopher, and so he did. She was a judge in the 1969 Miss Universe pageant. She co-starred in Flesh For Frankenstein. She was a panelist on To Tell the Truth and Password. She wrote a novel called Night Sanctuary. She was convicted of cashing her dead mother’s social security cheques and sentenced to 200 hours of community service.