It was called “weapon eleven” and the trigger
was simply to speak to the programmed and highly trained agent and pronounce
the number “eleven”. This would put the human weapon under the speaker’s
control and then what followed were detailed instructions of the mission, which
the agent would complete by any means necessary. He was always successful and the means were not always violent,
though they could be brutally so. I don’t know why I dreamed about it though.
I had to do laundry
on Monday, and on my way out the door I finally met my neighbour in apartment 2
across the hall from the west side of my apartment. For some reason I had
always envisioned her as being middle aged and frumpish, but she’s actually
much younger than I thought and kind of cute. I introduced myself to her and
she told me her name was “Nicky”. I think she’s the first woman that has lived
in this building since my daughter Astrid moved out five years ago.
noticed while locking my bike that they are about to open an A&W at the
corner of Queen and Macdonell. That seems like an odd location for a major fast
food chain. Nothing has ever lasted at that corner for decades and it’s one of
the most run down and druggy parts of Parkdale. Then again, a few doors east on
the same block there is always a line-up at the Tim Hortons. Maybe the Tibetans
will really go as well for root beer and Papa Burgers.
grilled chicken drumsticks, boiled a small potato and had it with gravy. I
watched a couple of episodes of the Big Bang Theory. Christopher Lloyd guest
starred as a homeless guy that Sheldon rented his room to out of spite after he
moved out and after they had an argument with Leonard over the division of
property. I didn’t even know Christopher Lloyd was still alive.
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