On Sunday morning I finished posting my translation of “La poupée qui fait pipi" (The Poppet that makes Peepee) by Serge Gainsbourg on my Christian’s Translations blog. I started memorizing Gainsbourg's “L’Hippopodame”, a song about a Rubenesque woman.
I worked on updating my journal.
I washed a six-board section of my
kitchen floor on the west side of the room in front of the mantle.
For lunch I had a ham, cheese and
tomato sandwich.
In the afternoon I did my exercises
while listening to Amos and Andy. In this story Sapphire announces that she is
going to spend the summer in Philadelphia with her sister. She says that her
brother is going to stay with him in New York but Kingfish puts his foot down,
even though he hasn’t met her brother. She agrees not to invite him. Later
Kingfish is at his office when a man comes in looking for directions to a
certain rest home. He explains that he is paying $750 to spend the summer at a
quiet place. Kingfish gives him fake directions and says that the rest home is
right on top of the subway to convince the man that it would be too noisy for
him. Kingfish then tells him that his name is Dr. Stevens and he just happens
to also have a rest home that he can stay at. He gets Andy to pose as a nurse.
After the patient moves in Sapphire returns home explaining that she had a
fight with her sister. Kingfish confesses the situation and Sapphire agrees to
help take care of the patient. Kingfish tells the patient to make sure he does
everything Sapphire tells him. After Kingfish leaves the room she tells the
patient to make sure that he doesn’t tell her husband until the end of the
summer that he is really her brother.
got caught up on my journal.
translated a few paragraphs of “Les Enfants du Paradis”.
had an egg with toast and a beer for dinner while watching Zorro.
this story a man arrives in Los Angeles who shows himself to be very skilled
with a whip. He checks into the inn but gives smart aleck answers Sergeant
Garcia’s questions about his name and place of origin. He signs the register as
Carlos Murietta and goes to his room. Don Diego happens to be in the inn at the
time and tells Garcia that Murietta was wearing a gaucho hat, suggesting that
he has just come from Argentina,
but he did not have an Argentinean accent.
A local tanner named Jose comes to see Murietta. It turns out that they are
both part of the Eagle Brotherhood. Murietta shows that he has stolen the cross
of the Andes that some of its jewels will be delivered to Jose’s tannery.
Meanwhile a young man named Don Rudolfo arrives at the inn and sits at a table,
as he apparently does every day, to moon over the barmaid Maria. Rudolfo hast
just turned eighteen. Murietta and Jose come down to the inn to drink a bottle
of wine but Murietta tries to kiss Maria and Rudolfo comes to her defence. He
unwisely challenges a far better swordsman to a duel at dawn. Diego takes him
to his place and tries to give him some fencing pointers without revealing he
is Zorro but Rudolfo is far too inexperienced. Zorro comes to Murietta’s hotel
room to point out the error of his ways in having insulted Maria and challenged
someone that is barely a man to a duel. They sword fight and when Murietta’s
hat comes off Zorro sees the eagle feather inside. They fight some more until
Zorro wounds Murietta’s duelling hand and leaves. The next day Murietta sends
an apology to cancel the duel because of his injury.
think I got the cloth that I use with the wood soap mixed up with the one I use
to wash the dishes. My coffee didn’t taste right.
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