Saturday, 2 July 2022

July 2, 1992: Susana Wald looked the same since I'd last seen her five years before and seemed to have grown spiritually

Thirty years ago today

            On Thursday I got up around 6:17 and prepared to leave as soon as possible. I caught the streetcar to Yonge and the subway to Union Station. I had time to get a coffee, a juice, and the paper before boarding the 7:23 train to Oakville. I got to Sheridan College at 8:20 but the class didn’t start on time. The instructor, Susana Wald looked the same, except for a few grey hairs and she seemed to have grown spiritually. I put on a great show, and she used me for all she could to lift weights so the students could draw my muscles. She gave me and two others a ride back to Toronto and dropped me off just south of Bloor. I went to the subway where I saw Ezra playing violin and he asked if I wanted to go for a beer. We went to Futures and talked over a couple of pints. He asked me to finish his second draft and so I felt a bit inebriated when we left.

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