Saturday 21 September 2024

Nancy Olson

            On Friday morning I searched for more chords for “Dis-lui toi que je t'aime” (That I Love You Now Tell Him) by Serge Gainsbourg and found some sheet music that had different chords than the ones I transcribed yesterday. I worked out the first three chords for the intro and they don’t fit with either of the sets that are posted online. 
            I played my Gibson Les Paul Studio electric guitar during song practice for the last of four sessions. I audio and video recorded the session as I will until October 15. After several takes I made it through “Sixteen Tons of Dogma” without any major errors although there were lots of small ones. I think I might have done the best take of “Vomit of the Star Eater” so far. 
            I weighed 88.1 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning in a week. 
            I weighed 88.65 kilos before lunch. That’s the lightest I’ve been at midday since last Friday. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. On Yonge Street someone on an electric bike came the opposite way on the wrong side and almost clipped me. 
            I weighed 87.05 kilos at 17:45. September 12 was the last time it was that low. 
            I was caught up in my journal at 18:34. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “Me and Gravity” I synchronized the old concert video with the studio audio when I sing “careening into limbo”. That brings the song to the second chorus where the video continued to fall behind the studio audio. So after “me and gravity” I had to split the timeline and cut out a little bit so the video was lined with the audio for the repetition of “me and gravity”. Basically at every pause between lines I had to cut a little bit out and managed get the video and audio synchronized for the chorus, leading up to the instrumental. The instrumental on the 1994 concert video is about ten seconds longer than in the studio so I’ll have to cut that much out next time to line things up for the beginning of the third verse. 
            I uploaded today’s song practice video. I’m still converting the camera’s MP4 videos to H264AVI and right now I’ve finished September 13. I’ll convert part A of September 14 overnight. I finished reviewing the video for September 9 and a lot of the songs didn’t sound bad, including “Sixteen Tons of Dogma”. The Martin acoustic guitar sounds better than the electric for most of the songs. 
            I had a potato with gravy and a ladleful of ground sirloin chili while watching season 12 of The Big Valley
            Nick and Heath are camping when Nick is attacked by a wolf. Heath shoots and kills it but an examination of the corpse shows that it had rabies. In the nearest town the doctor says at that time in 1880 there is no cure, although they are working on one in Europe. He tells Nick that rabies has a sixty day incubation period and if he lives past that he is home free. However the doctor admits that he has only read reports of survivors and has no personal experience of a patient not dying from rabies. Nick makes Heath swear that he won’t tell their family. They return home and Nick tries to continue work but his symptoms include fits of rage and after striking Heath he decides to leave. He tells Heath he may go to Willow Springs to look for a girl he met when he was 18. He tells the family that he’s going to a different town to check out the yearling sale. He makes Heath promise not to tell anyone. He goes to the house where he sat on the swing with Jenny and he sits on the swing. A young boy pokes his head out the door and tells him that’s his swing. Nick talks to the boy’s mother Julie and asks about Jennie. She doesn’t know her but suggests he try the graveyard. Seven years ago most of the town was wiped out by a typhoid epidemic. He goes there and finds her grave and that she died in 1871, nine years ago. He has an attack and has to crawl out of the cemetery. He can’t even climb onto his horse and just lets it drag him standing sideways into town. He goes into a bar and buys a bottle of whiskey. Two men at the bar notice he has a lot of money. He leaves drunk and they follow him. He goes back to the house with the swing and sits there but then he is knocked out from behind. The men are trying rob him when Julie comes out with a shotgun and fires, sending them running. She takes him inside and nurses his concussion. He is delirious for days and talks without consciousness until Julie knows his whole story. When he wakes he offers to pay her for her care but she says there is one way he can repay her. She knows he is dying and she asks him to marry her because she wants a name for her son Tommy who was born out of wedlock. He turns her down but stays. Julie works for Mr. Po at the laundry. One evening Nick goes to escort her home and meets Po, who used to be a Taoist priest in China. They leave and while walking are called from behind by the two men who tried to rob Nick a month before. The men have their guns drawn but Nick is a lightning fast draw. He turns and kills them both but one of their wild shots hits Julie. He takes her back to Po and a doctor is called but he says Julie will be dead within an hour. Nick decides to marry her so Tommy will have a name and gets Po to perform the ceremony in his capacity as a Taoist priest. A few days later Heath tracks Nick down who asks him to take Tommy to his grandparents in Massachusetts. Heath says Nick can take him since 65 days have passed and he is still alive. Nick is overjoyed. 
            Julia was played by Nancy Olson, who began acting on stage while attending UCLA. She was discovered while performing and signed to paramount. He film debut was in Portrait of Jennie. She was nominated for an Academy Award for her supporting performance in Sunset Blvd. She co-starred in Union Station, Force of Arms, Submarine Command, So Big, Battle Cry, and The Boy From Oklahoma. She married renowned lyricist Alan Jay Lerner and retired from acting to raise her two daughters. After her divorce she returned to acting to co-star in The Absent Minded Professor, Son of Flubber, Snowball Express, and Dumbbells. She married record executive Alan Livingston.

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