Thirty years ago today
I spent the night
at Yvette's place but was disappointed that she didn't like to snuggle in bed
after sex and that the night before she hadn't wanted to hold hands on the
street. She liked it when I went down on her though and it was so nice to hear
her moaning heighten in pitch as she approached orgasm.
She went to brunch
with some old friends and I went home. She came over to my place quite a bit
later and I showed her my artwork and photographs. We went out to buy roti and
brought it back to my place. A while after eating she went home.
Nancy came over
and told me that she had a date for the next day. She'd asked a guy at work to
go out with her.
I made love to her
but I came very quickly on penetration and then was too soft to keep going.
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