Wednesday 8 August 2018

My Mother's Been Stealing Equipment from My Dreams

            A version of my mother when she was a young woman, with neck-length wavy blonde hair had just stolen a valuable piece of electronic equipment from me and was running away with it. I gave chase and kept shouting “Now!" to spur myself on but as I ran, both my mobility and my voice were being held back by the fact that I was sleeping while my mother, being a dream being, had no such limitations and so I couldn’t catch her. 
            I spent a lot of time working on my review of Tuesday night’s Shab-e She’r.
            I had babaganoush and celery sticks for lunch.
            In the late afternoon I took a bike ride. Twice on the way east I saw cars treat the bike lane as if it was a right turn lane.
            I don’t know if it’s my new axel or not but for some reason I’ve been getting to Danforth and Warden a lot faster than I got to Danforth and Pharmacy. I rode north on Warden and turned right on Danforth Rd. I turned right again on Scotia and turned left on Milne but the street was so quiet that I didn’t bother to make a proper left turn but rather just went toward the middle. Suddenly a car coming the other way screeched to a halt. If he’d hit me it would have been my fault but I think the young driver was going way too fast on a residential street if his car screeched to a halt.
            I realized shortly after that incident that I’d already traveled on Milne on my last ride and so I went back to Danforth Road and took that to Mack, which I followed to Pharmacy, then turned around and returned to Danforth Rd and went along it to Pharmacy again. Except for a few old working class houses near Warden Ave, Danforth Rd and Mack Ave are pretty much all industrial but there are a surprising number of evangelical churches in that and other industrial areas, like the Shouters church on Mack. I guess there’s not much chance of disturbing the neighbours with raucous church services when your neighbours are an auto detailer and a poker club.
            There were a lot of young women looking pretty in their summer dresses along Danforth, Bloor, Yonge and Queen.
            When I got home I put a rack of ribs in the oven.
            The trick of wrapping my peaches in a cloth bag on the kitchen table has so far worked like a charm. The fruit flies can’t get at them but they’ve ripened nicely.
            Before getting ready for bed I walked into the bathroom and saw two cockroaches for the first time in a few months. One was an adult in the bathtub and one was a baby along the rim. I killed them both. What are ya gonna do? I live above a donut shop in Parkdale. It seems one can only hold the pests at bay but never permanently get rid of them. It could be that the two of them had just come because they were attracted to the gel poison and would have died anyway.
            I had a few ribs while watching some episodes of The Man Behind the Badge. This 50s show’s premise was the reenactment of true stories about people other than the police that work for justice. The first story was about a district attorney but the download was too incomplete to see much of it. The second story was about an immigration agent that goes under cover in Mexico to smash a ring that is making phony US passports. The bodyguard for the agent was played by Hollywood tough guy, Claude Akens.
            The third story was about a detective investigating robberies of small stores and restaurants by two men in Halloween masks. Claude Akins played one of the bad guys, the one with the violent tendencies that wasn’t satisfied with just making the robberies but had to rough up the victims too. It turned out that the other guy was a Christian missionary who ran a shelter on skid row.

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