Saturday 5 January 2019


            When I weighed myself on Friday I was heavier by 900 grams. I’ve made changes to my meal portions but nothing has kicked in so far. Maybe when the holiday is over and I start riding to and from work and class it will go down.
            I got caught up on my journal and read a few chapters of Frankenstein. It’s more interesting in the middle than it was leading up to it.
            I worked on editing some poetry from my book and spent at least an hour re-working the first three verses of The Street Sucks the Sandman’s Bag.
I still have to eat turkey for lunch and dinner because there’s still so much. It’s getting pretty boring.
I watched two episodes of South Park.
Spoiler alert!
The first story starts the day before Halloween. South Park is suddenly full of e-scooters but no one knows where they came from. One has to use one’s credit card and download the app but then one can take any scooter where one is going, leave it and then just use a different scooter to get back. Everyone is using them but Mr Mackie, who finds them annoying. The kids all plan on trick or treating with e-scooters so they can cover more ground and get more candy. The night before Halloween Mr. Mackie collects all of the e-scooters in town and dumps them over a cliff but he wakes up later to find them I his house and all over town again. There is a town hall meeting warning residents about the probability that the e-scooters will be bringing in kids from out of town on Halloween night and so each house will need $6000 extra of candy. The only kid that can’t trick or treat with an e-scooter is Kenny, who is too poor to have a phone. He helps Mr. Mackie go out to the edge of town and pull down the cell tower and then everyone has the last normal Halloween.
The second story involves the sudden presence of a vicious monster in the South Park area called Manbearpig. The kids remember how before (11 years before for us but the kids are still in Grade 4) Al Gore had told them about Manbearpig and almost got the kids killed hunting for it but no one saw it. Manbearpig is an allegory for global warming. In this case there really is a manbearpig savagely ripping people apart but the cops just think the deaths are from school shootings by kids and the main suspects are Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. Al Gore demands profuse apologies from the boys for not believing him before but after they say they are sorry he still won’t help them until he mentions that he plays Red Dead redemption and needs to know how to sell stolen property. They exchange that information for his help. He calls up Satan with a ritual sacrifice and finds Satan likes Red Dead Redemption Too. Satan tells them that the best way to find out about Manbearpig or anything else is at their local library. Satan goes with them to the library and puts on his reading glasses to help them do research. Before they can figure out what to do the cops surround the library and arrest the boys. As arrest is shown on television, Stan’s grandfather is watching from the senior’s home and he exclaims, “What have I done?”

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