Thursday 25 April 2019

Spadina Man

            On Wednesday I thought it might be a good day to go downtown to renew my health card but my morning went kind of slow and so it didn’t happen this time. I still have a month before the old card runs out of juice anyway. I also need to find a dentist to see if there’s a solution to my periodontal pocket problem. It’s very annoying to keep having food get caught down there.
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride. I just wore an undershirt with my leather jacket on top and most of the time that wasn’t too hot, especially on the way back when the sky clouded over a bit and the air cooled down. I rode as far as the Bloor Viaduct and then I turned around. I went down Yonge Street to Queen and then headed west. The Hunny Pot cannabis store still has a line-up but it’s much smaller than it was in its first week. Now there were only about five people waiting outside.
            When I rode by Spadina and Queen on Monday the skateboarding Spiderman was standing on top of a fire hydrant and greeting people. He has at least two costumes. One is the traditional red costume but this time he had on the black one that in the comic was from the time when the costume was an alien symbiote. The guy had strung several cords from poles to look like webs. He really gets into the role and he also has a good body for a Spiderman. He’s slim and in good shape but not overly muscular. But he wasn’t there this time.
            I went south on Ossington but the road was closed south of Queen. I went down Shaw but that didn’t go much further. I ended up weaving around CAMH but since I couldn’t find a western exit I ended up where Shaw continues south to King. I rode to No Frills and bought grapes, and then I came home.
            I practiced “Instructions for Electroshock Therapy”.
            I looked at the recordings of my song practice from July 21, 2017 but the top of my head was cut off that time. Not a lot but enough to be annoying.
            I weighed 88.6 kilos before dinner.
            I had bacon and eggs with toast and a beer and watched an episode of Star Trek Discovery.
            Spoiler alert!
            While Michael recovers from having been dead and having her heart restarted by tachyon radiation from her mother’s red angel suit, Dr. Burnham and the suit are contained in a stasis field. Dr. Burnham wants to see Captain Pike and she tells him that he must delete the 3000-year rich sphere database that the sphere had uploaded into their computer system. She says that it is that database that gives the computer system called Control the ability to wipe out all sentient life in the future. But when they try to delete it the database puts up firewalls to prevent its own destruction. They decide to transfer the sphere data into Dr Burnham's red angel suit and to send it so far into the future that Control won’t be able to reach it. They would at the same time beam Dr. Burnham into our time line.
Meanwhile on the Section 31 ship Leland is taken over by Control. He tells Ash and Philippa that they are to intercept the sphere data as it is being transferred to the suit. Philippa sneaks a small device near the containment field to intercept the data. But in talking with Dr Burnham she hears her quote Control’s agenda and she uses the exact same words that Philippa had recently heard Leland say. She realizes that Leland has been compromised. She sends a message to Ash and tells him to check on Leland. He discovers him being injected with chemicals by Control. Leland wakes up and attacks Ash, stabbing him. Leland appears at the facility where Dr Burnham is being held to complete the data transfer. Philippa tries to hold him back but he is enhanced now. Michael’s only option is to destroy the containment field and let her mother go again. Dr. Burnham and the red angel suit fly through a wormhole that the suit has made in the ceiling. Michael, Philippa, Stametz, and Nahn beam to Discovery. They destroy the base but Leland beams back to Section 31. Ash is found alive in an escape pod.

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