Tuesday 27 February 2024

Juliet Prowse

            On Monday morning I adjusted my translation of verses five to seven of “C’est le Bebop” by Boris Vian. 
            I finished transcribing two sets of chords for the Edith Piaf version of “Mon Légionnaire” by Raymond Asso. I started copying one more set. I’ll finish that tomorrow and then I’ll find out if any of the chords I’ve transcribed fit with how I hear the song. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice for the second of four sessions. 
            I weighed 87.8 kilos before breakfast. 
            I finished reading “The Pleasures of Rhyme: A Psychoanalytic Note” by M. Faber. Rhyme separates while at the same time connecting. Rhyme draws together things that one would not normally connect, thereby deepening the meaning. 
            I started reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy Stories”. He did not like visual representations of fantasy and thought that it should always exist in the imagination through literature. He would have hated all of the film adaptations. But he was a bit of a fuddy duddy and wrote like one. 
            I weighed 87.5 kilos before lunch. I had the rest of my chili with plantain chips and a glass of orange juice. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 87 kilos at 17:30. I was caught up on my journal at 18:12. 
            I finished reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy Stories”. 
            I read Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger’s essay “Mysticism and Materiality: Pearl and the Theology of Metaphor”. It gives a pretty detailed analysis of Pearl, its repetition of puns and how the poem comes full circle like a pearl. 
            I downloaded D. W Winnicott’s “The Location of Cultural Experience.” There’s a link to it on the course website but it’s a dead end and so I had to find it somewhere else. I didn’t read it yet. 
            I had three potatoes with gravy while watching season 2, episode 10 of Burke’s Law. 
            In this story the De Armand Sisters, the biggest sister act in the world are performing when the lead singer Alicia collapses dead of strychnine poisoning on stage. Lou Manzini the manager and part owner of the act says that Alicia was the core of the group, so there’s no way the two remaining sisters could continue as a duo. Don Kyles the club owner says Alicia and Manzini had been arguing. Burke goes to see Lana De Armand who tells him that part of her always wished Alicia dead. Most of the people that Burke interviews throughout this series admit that they wished the victim dead. No one would really tell the cops that if they were in their right mind. Lana says that eight years ago she was the lead singer but the act was going nowhere. She says she doesn’t have enough talent to not need Alicia so she had no motive to kill her. Tim says a man named Yeats Dudley phoned Alicia the day of the murder and then Alicia left home in a cab. Dudley is a real estate salesman at Rolling Acres. Tim and Les go to talk with him. Yeats is also an actor and worked on a movie with the sisters three years ago. He says he called her yesterday to get her to invest in a business deal but she wasn’t interested. Burke goes back to the club where the sisters are trying out a replacement for Alicia but she isn’t working out. Kyles says he’ll have to cancel. Meanwhile Manzini is being beaten up by a thug in the dressing room. When Burke knocks on the door the guy escapes through the window. In the hospital Manzini admits that he has gambling debts. He owed $40,000 and paid it off with his part of the act, but with Alicia dead the act is worthless and so now they want the $40,000 again. Burke goes to see Renee and finds her arguing with her father. When he sees Burke he storms out and Renee immediately kisses Burke. She says her relationship with Yeats is platonic. She hated Alicia. Renee is constantly coming on to Burke throughout the interview. She says Alicia made her see a psychiatrist to have her nymphomania treated but she became lovers with the doctor as well. The next day Burke goes back to Renee and she admits that she and Yeats were lovers. Three years ago they were going to get married but Alicia paid Yeats to leave her. Tim goes to pick up Yeats but Yeats knocks him down gets in his car and tries to run him over before escaping. Burke goes to see Phil Ross the former arranger of the act. He says he became a big success because of the sisters but started hitting the bottle and fell from grace. Burke goes to see the sisters’ father who looks like Agostino my late bike mechanic. He says he’s only their step father and if he’d been the real father he wouldn’t have let it happen. He would have killed his wife, the sisters’ mother. She was obsessed with them becoming stars and robbed them of their childhoods. Four years ago the mother died but then Alicia became just like her. The cops find Yeats in the trunk of a car, beaten to death with a 2X4. Burke is waiting for Renee at her beach house when Lana walks in. She tells him Phil was crazy about Alicia but she drove him to drink and he ended up in a sanitarium. Burke thinks Yeats knew who the killer was and tried to blackmail them. Les says they found the address of a sanitarium in Dudley’s pocket. Burke goes to see Phil and tells him he knows he went back to the sanitarium to steal strychnine. Phil starts to go willingly but then tries to get away. Burke stops him. He says Alicia came to him for arrangements because she wanted to go solo and throw her sisters under the bus so he killed her. 
            Renee was played by Juliet Prowse, who studied dance from the age of 4. She studied at the Royal Academy of Dance but by the time she was 14 she was too tall to be a ballerina. She started dancing in European nightclubs. In 1960 while she was working on the movie Can Can Nikita Khrushchev was invited to a rehearsal. He told the press that Juliet’s French dance sequence was immoral. This led to his statement and her picture being together all over the news and because of that she became an instant celebrity. She was considered to have the best legs since Betty Grable. She became romantically involved with Frank Sinatra and they were engaged for six months. She co-starred with Elvis in GI Blues and they had an affair. In 1965 she starred in the short-lived sitcom Mona McCluskey. She co-starred in The Fiercest Heart, and Who Killed Teddy Bear? In 1967 she starred in the West End production of Sweet Charity and won Entertainer of the Year. She was a guest star on the very first Muppet Show episode. She did a series of commercials for Leggs Hosiery.

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