Thursday 5 September 2024

Ellen Weston

            On Wednesday morning I wasn’t quite able to finish memorizing “L’Amour à deux” (Passion for Two) by Serge Gainsbourg but I’m pretty sure I’ll have it nailed down on Thursday. 
            I video and audio recorded my daily song practice as I will until October 15. I started playing my Gibson electric but a few songs in the D string broke. Except for the low E string that’s the last of the original strings that were on the guitar when I bought it from The Mother of All Guitar Shops. Gian at Li’l Demon Guitars said the strings were wound only one time around, creating too much tension. So far none of the strings I put on have broken. I switched to my Martin acoustic again for the rest of the session. I made it to the last few chords of “Sixteen Tons of Dogma” before fumbling a chord so that’s a good sign. I think there were a few other songs that I got through with no major mistakes. 
            I weighed 86.55 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since August 9. 
            I changed the D string on my Gibson. 
            I weighed 88 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            My publishing contract arrived in the mail along with a cheque for $400. I didn’t expect that but apparently it’s standard. There are two copies so I assume I send one back to Richard Olafson of Ekstasis Editions and keep the other. First though I have to find a witness for my signature. Maybe I’ll take it to the Parkdale Community Legal Clinic tomorrow to see if someone can do it there. Then again, when I look up what a community legal clinic will do it looks like this might not be the kind of contract they would witness because it’s more like a business contract. Anybody can be a witness so maybe I’ll ask one of my neighbours. 
            I weighed 87.4 kilos at 18:00. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:51. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I finished synchronizing the old concert video with the last line of the song. I hold the notes a lot longer in the video and so I had to cut quite a bit out of each extension. I lined them up so the high note begins at the right moment and the last note ends with the final downstroke on the guitar. I think in terms of synchronization the video is done. Tomorrow I’ll figure out exactly where to end it and I might tweak a few parts with a zoom in effect. I also need to do a version with drums using the same video timeline. Hopefully there won’t be any synching issues with the other track but if there are I’ll figure out how to line everything up again. 
            I emailed Richard Olafson to ask if the song versions of my poems that I post online are in conflict with his publishing contract. He got back to me later to tell me that there is no conflict. 
            I reviewed the first fifteen minutes of the video I shot of my song practice this morning. No keepers so far. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread with basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 8, episodes 17 and 18 of Bewitched
            In the first story Serena has lost her powers because she was messing around with a guy she didn’t know was engaged to the Contessa Pirhana. The Contessa caught her off guard and took away her powers. So the now helpless Serena has shown up at her cousin Samantha’s door because she doesn’t know how to function in the mortal world. She sees her salvation in Harrison Woolcott, the wealthy client of Samantha’s husband Darrin. She latches onto him right away and soon spends three days on his yacht. He shows her his art collection and she immediately recognizes Picasso, Matisse and Van Gogh, but she also knows right away that they are all fakes. She says the salt air would have ruined the originals. He’s impressed because she’s the first guest who could tell that the paintings are copies. He does own the originals but doesn’t put them on his wall. She hints that she had an affair with Van Gogh but says he was the subject of her thesis. She recognizes by taste the name and vintage of the wine they are drinking. She tries to light the candles on the dinner table but doesn’t know how to do it without witchcraft. The matchbook reads “close cover before striking” so she closes the cover and starts hitting the book. He asks where she got her education and she automatically replies “At Witches U” but then she covers her mistake by saying that’s her nickname for Vassar. For some reason Samantha wants to discourage Serena and Harrison’s relationship and so she freezes Serena and disguises herself as her on their next date and proceeds to express her indifference to any kind of romance between them, then she disappears. Harrison goes to Darrin and asks him to take him to Serena. Meanwhile Samantha summons the Contessa to get her to undo her spell on Serena. Harrison walks in, sees the Contessa and immediately forgets about Serena. They right away make a date but before they leave Samantha gets the Contessa to undo her spell on Serena. 
            Contessa Pirhana was played by Ellen Weston, who attended Performing Arts High School in New York. She dropped out of college to act but two years later returned to complete her BA. Her first major TV role was as Louise Fletcher on The Guiding Light. Then she played Karen Gregory on Another World. She played Betty Harrelson on S.W.A.T. She played Dr. Steele on Get Smart. She co-wrote seven songs with Leslie Gore for her Someplace Else Now album. She became a staff writer for the soap opera Capital. She wrote several TV movies. 

            In the second story Tabitha has been invited to her friend’s ice skating birthday party but Tabitha can’t skate. Endora says that’s disgraceful because as a witch she could make herself be able to skate. Samantha ice skated as a child but only with the help of magic. Darrin says Tabitha will learn the mortal way and challenges Samantha to also take lessons. At the rink they are both falling down a lot. Endora can’t stand it and casts a spell to make Tabitha into a skating prodigy. The instructor has been taking advantage of Samantha’s need to hold onto someone so she shows him up by also using magic to skate like an expert. The instructor calls a famous coach named Blades Bucholtzer about Tabitha and he comes to see her. He demands that Tabitha give him a demonstration and says he will bug them until they agree. So Samantha brings Tabitha to the rink and when Bucholtzer sees her falling down he walks away disappointed. Endora casts a spell to cause him to slip on the ice.

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