Monday 2 September 2024

Ruth Brooks Flippen

            On Sunday morning I memorized the first verse of “Allons z'enfants” (Join the Ranks Kids) by Boris Vian. It’s a very long song and so I have thirteen verses left to learn. 
            I published on my Christian’s Translations blog “Feinting Romance”, my translation of “Amours des feintes” by Serge Gainsbourg and posted the lyrics on Facebook. There are fifteen songs left in my Gainsbourg project. I memorized the first verse of his song “L’Amour à deux” (Romance for Two). This song and I think the rest of the songs on the list only have lyrics by Gainsbourg and music by other composers. 
            I had the first session of my annual month and a half long project to video and audio record my daily song practice. It took a while to set up because, for one thing I had to remember how I did it last year. Also it was my first time recording a song practice with my new camera. I had to get the tripod set up and used a level while the spirit vial kept popping out. One nice thing about the new camera is that the view screen flips out so I can see how I look. But once one starts recording, the screen gets smaller and so I had to move back. I moved back a few times while recording and in the end was in the same position I stood last year. Another problem was that I forgot how to set up Audacity to record in stereo but I finally got it. Then the foot pedals had to be placed in a position different than where I’ve gotten used to them. I played my Gibson Les Paul Studio electric guitar for the first time in a recording. There were so many distractions from the new setup that I fumbled songs in places where I usually don’t. I’ll watch the video later and see how it turned out. The first days of my annual sessions have never been keepers. 
            I weighed 87.3 kilos before breakfast, which is the heaviest I’ve been in the morning since August 20. 
            I had planned on doing some sanding of my bathroom door frame but the morning recording session ate up too much time. 
            I weighed 88.55 kilos before lunch. That’s the most my weight has been since July 17. I had Triscuits with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of lemon iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 87.55 kilos at 17:45. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:36. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I looked for a clip of my penultimate repetition of “line up and wait for the next state of grace”. I harvested one from the first take of the three times I did the song on the street a couple of months ago. I inserted it into the main timeline and synchronized it with the studio audio. I converted to AVI WMV the videos I shot of Brian and Sal on the street reciting “line up and wait for the next state of grace”. Tomorrow I’ll import them into Movie Maker and make a clip from each video to insert after the previous clip of me. 
            I reviewed the video I shot this morning of my song practice. I got the distance right the third time I moved back but I think I need to move further to my right. The lighting was disappointing but maybe that’s because I’m recording two hours later in the morning than last year. It does record for longer than the Nikon Cool Pix but I’m disappointed that the Sony cuts up the files into 3.89 gigs each. I would like to have one single video to view. I looked this up and it seems that I’m getting the small files because the camera came with an SDHC card. If I want one file I need an SDXC card. Then I read that the memory card is probably formatted for FAT32 but that I can reformat it to exFAT and it will probably record in one file. I think it will record my whole song practice but we’ll see. Then I see that the battery only lasts an hour or maybe an hour and ten minutes. I do have two batteries though. The Gibson sounds pretty good at least in the camera microphone. I haven’t listened to the audio I recorded through the interface.
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 8, episodes 11 and 12 of Bewitched
            In the first story Endora appeals to Darrin to let Samantha go to her cousin Panda’s wedding. At first Darrin says maybe they can go until he learns that it’s in Hong Kong and he says it’s out of the question because of his work. Endora sees her daughter as a prisoner and plots to make Darrin’s work no longer an issue. She summons a warlock named Alonzo who is an over the top Hippy. At first he turns Endora down until she threatens to place him in an active volcano. Alonzo shows up at McMann and Tate to get a job as an adman. He casts a spell on Larry to make him love every idea he comes up with. Darrin has already designed a campaign for Monticello Carpets but now Larry wants to hear Alonzo’s ideas. Alonzo stands on his head for a while, while chanting Om, then he writes down his first idea: “Flurpity Flurp”, which he says is the sound bare feet make on a carpet. Larry loves it of course. At this point Darrin starts to think there is witchcraft involved and so he calls Samantha. She tries to summon her mother but she doesn’t respond. Alonzo’s second idea is a blank sheet. Darrin protests but Larry suggests he start his own agency. Samantha suggests he teach Larry a lesson and do just that. There happens to be a vacant office across the hall from McMann and Tate. Darrin rents the space and Samantha makes a sign for him in 24 carrot gold letters and decorates the rooms. Mr. Cushman of Monticello arrives for a meeting with Larry although he’s always preferred dealing with Darrin. Cushman hates Alonzo’s ideas. Alonzo is about to put a spell on him when Samantha intervenes. Alonzo knows there’s a witch in the room and decides to quit. Cushman goes to Darrin’s office and loves his ideas. Larry begs for Darrin to come back and he does. 
            The second story is a rehashed one from a few seasons ago. They are looking for a catlike model for the Tom Cat Tractor company and Endora finds pictures of several scantily clad young ladies in Darrin’s briefcase. She thinks it means it’s just a matter of time before he cheats and so she tries to make it happen. She summons Ophelia the cat familiar and has her change into a woman, but she charms everyone but Darrin. Mr. Burkeholder of Tom Cat doesn’t like any of the model photos but then Ophelia walks in and she is hired right away and does a very successful photo shoot. She is scheduled to appear at the convention in Albany that night but when Darrin says he’s not going she has a panic attack. She says she’s come to trust Darrin and can’t possibly do it without him. She casts a spell on Larry and Burkholder to make them think Darrin was always supposed to go to Albany. Darrin goes but plans on leaving for home at midnight. Ophelia however calls Darrin and uses a false voice to inform him that his flight has been cancelled due to fog. He calls Samantha to tell her and then Endora informs Samantha that the weather is clear in Albany and so he is lying about the fog. Samantha tells her mother that she is coming with her to Albany because she suspects her of being behind this. Ophelia comes to Darrin’s room to help her rehearse for the TV interviews, but Darrin summons Larry to come too. Ophelia puts Larry to sleep and makes advances on Darrin but he avoids her. Samantha freezes Darrin and reveals herself. Ophelia admits Endora put her up to it. Samantha tells her she can do her worst with Darrin and she won’t tempt him unless she uses magic. Darrin wakes Larry but Ophelia puts him back to sleep. Darrin suspects something strange is going on and at the first opportunity heads for the airport where there is no fog and he makes his flight. 
            Ophelia was played by the most famous TV Catwoman, Julie Newmar. 
            This story was co-written by Ruth Brooks Flippen, who was onstage in early childhood as a tap dancing toddler named Baby Ruth. She was teaching dance at the age of 11. She began writing for radio series such as Maisie Ravier and This is My Best. She wrote the screenplay for the films Three Guys Named Mike, Because You’re Mine, Everything I Have Is Yours, I Love Melvin, Gidget Goes Hawaiian, Gidget Goes to Rome, A Ticklish Affair, Sail a Crooked Ship, The Light Fantastic, Love is Better Than Ever, and Looking For Love. She wrote the pilot for the Gidget TV series. She wrote twelve episodes of That Girl and for one of them she was nominated for an Emmy). She was also nominated for an Emmy for The ABC Afternoon Playbreak. She was for a while head writer on Days of Our Lives.

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