Tuesday 2 July 2024

Whispering Ghost

            On Monday it was Canada Day. 
            In the morning I worked out the chords for the first verse of “Litanie en Lituanie” (Litany in Lithuania) by Serge Gainsbourg. I think the other verses and the instrumental just repeat that pattern.
            Yesterday I bought the Boss FS6 foot switch but when I connected the battery the power light didn’t come on and so I assumed the battery was dead. But this morning on a whim I plugged a cable into one of the jacks and the light came on even without the amp being on. I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice and used both the FV-50 H volume pedal and the FS6 switch. It was fun being able to switch to reverb or distortion in the middle of certain songs I’ve been feeling might work with more than one effect but couldn’t do it without stopping the song to walk over to the amp and change it. It’s going to take a while though for me to get quick enough with my feet to use the effects without screwing up the rhythm of a song. I think progress was made even during today’s practice. 
            I weighed 88.5 kilos before breakfast. 
            I washed a pair of shorts and a couple of pairs of socks to dry out on the deck in the sun but when I went outside the deck was gone. It was there yesterday but since the landlord tore it up and it’s all sitting in a pile at the back edge of the roof. The mountain bike that Nick Cushing gave me was lying there as well so I moved it elsewhere on the roof just in case Raja or someone else decides to toss it over.
            I moved another seventy photos from my main hard drive to the Samsung SSD. 
            I weighed 88.25 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 88.05 kilos at 17:00. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 17:45. 
            I went out to look for characters to pretend to sing lines from my song “The Next State of Grace” for the video I’m making. David, the guy who panhandles in front of my building had said he’d be available to do a video this evening. He was around earlier when the light was too harsh but I saw him walking up O’Hara and I assume home when I was heading for my bike ride. He does leave and come back a few times during the day, but meanwhile I walked west to see who else I could find. At West Lodge I saw the guy I’ve been really wanting to put on video, the guy I’ve been calling the “Animal Man” since I didn’t know his name and because he has a tail, antlers and parts from other animals that he wears. He greeted me with “Happy Canada Day!” before I could even ask. We bumped fists then I asked him if he’d like to be in a video and he was all for it even before I told him I’d give him $10. He asked if he could wear his mask and I said “Yes!” We went across the street where the light was and he stood by a tree. He very enthusiastically followed my directions and sang, “Sit here and wait for the next state of grace” and “Line up and wait for the next state of grace” a few times while gesturing with his tomahawk and his other hand. It was a video dream come true and hopefully the end result will be as well. He says his name is “Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver” but everyone calls him Silver Wing because it’s easier. He says he’s down here from Sault Ste. Marie with his partner and their Ukrainian son who is seven. They left the Sault during Covid and decided to explore. He’s Ojibway of the Bear Clan. He’s very creative and made his mask himself. I’ll upload and convert the video tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll turn out but right now I’m pretty happy about the accomplishment of capturing this guy for my video. When we said goodbye we gripped each other’s right forearms and pulled in to press our right shoulders together.
            I went to the Queen Fresh Market to buy some raspberries because I wanted to break a $20 in case I saw David and he was willing to shoot the video tonight. I noticed when I got home that the rubber washer that I use for my tripod mount was gone. I went back to Queen Fresh to see if it had fallen off when I laid my tripod on the counter but the owner said it didn’t. Fortunately it came in a pack of two but I’ll have to be more careful from now on when I shoot videos with the tripod so I don’t lose the second one. They’re not that expensive anyway but I expected to have them both forever. 
            I reviewed the song practice videos of my performances of “The Wooden Leg” and “La jambe de bois” from September 7 to 14 of last year. On September 7 and 11 I played “The Wooden leg” on my Martin acoustic guitar. On September 7 the take at 14:00 in part B was not bad. On September 11 the take at 11:00 in part B was not bad and looked good. This session is already a project in Movie Maker. I played “La jambe de bois” with the Martin on September 10 and 12. On September 10 the take at 8:30 in part B was pretty good but the light wasn’t great. On September 12 the take at 3:30 in part B was okay but the light was bad. On September 14 I played it on the Kramer but the take at 8:10 in part B wasn’t great and the guitar didn’t sound good. I’ve finished reviewing the videos for these songs and so now I have twenty two videos to re-review. I have six acoustic sets of “La jambe de bois” to compare and three electric sets. Then nine acoustic sets of “The Wooden Leg” and four electric sets.
            I had a potato with gravy and two chicken drumsticks while watching season 4, episodes 8 and 9 of Bewitched. 
            In the first story, on the night before Halloween Samantha reads Tabitha a bedtime story about a gremlin, a goblin, and a jack-o'-lantern. After Samantha thinks Tabitha is asleep and leaves, Tabitha brings the creatures to life and plays with them. The next night is Tabitha’s first time trick or treating. The three creatures climb out of the nursery window and join them. Samantha thinks they are just kids and so she invites them to trick or treat with them. But they like playing tricks more than getting treats. One woman giving treats is given a beard and Samantha thinks it’s Tabitha who did it. One man gives them candy from a basket and then tells them to scat. They levitate the basket from his hand and into Tabitha’s. Then Samantha punishes Tabitha and takes her home. It is only there that Samantha looks at the storybook and sees that the creatures are missing from the cover. She goes out looking for them so Tabitha can put them back in the book. Meanwhile Gladys Kravitz has dressed her nephew Tommy as a jack-o'-lantern and taken him trick or treating. The three creatures hide behind a bush and Tommy gets away from his aunt to join them. Then the real jack-o'-lantern emerges and Gladys, thinking it is Tommy, takes it to continue trick or treating. A woman invites them in for chocolate cream pie but it ends up all over her face. Gladys angrily drags what she thinks is Tommy home where it levitates its head around the room and then escapes through the window. Samantha finds two spooks and Tommy behind the bush, thinking they are all Tabitha’s wishes and teleports them home. At the same time Darrin is home with Larry and Louise who have come over for dinner. Tommy takes off his head covering and Samantha realizes she is missing one spook. She puts them all in the kitchen where Tommy complains he’s not a spook but a kid. So the spooks turn Tommy into a baby goat. Gladys comes for Tommy and thinks correctly that he’s been turned into a goat. Gladys leaves the kitchen to tell everyone that Samantha has turned Tommy into a goat and while she is gone Samantha turns him back to normal. Gladys takes him home and says she’s going to take her medicine. Tabatha puts the spooks back in the book. Later there is a creature missing from the cover of Tabitha’s book Zobo the Friendly Grizzly Bear and then Zobo comes out of the closet to wave at Tabitha. 
            In the second story Darrin’s mother shows up at his door and says she’s leaving his father because she found lipstick on his collar. Frank said a waiter dropped lingonberry pie on him but she says lingonberries are out of season. Then Aunt Clara arrives through the chimney. Darrin shows them some home movies of Tabitha but the sound is out of sync with the picture. Clara tries to fix it with a spell and it works on the movie but causes Samantha to talk out of synch with her mouth. Now Clara can’t remember her incantation in order to reverse it. Dr. Bombay is called. He mixes a potion for Samantha to drink and it cures the problem but causes her face to have vertical green stripes. Darrin’s mother sees Frank arrive and she is happy to see something normal. Her mistrust is forgotten and she willingly and with great relief leaves with him. Bombay fixes the stripes but Samantha’s voice goes out of synch again. Finally Clara remembers her spell and reverses it. But Darrin’s voice goes out of synch.
            I looked at my camera later and realized that I didn’t get the recording. I had pressed record at first but then forgotten that I’d pressed it, then when I pressed the button again it actually stopped recording and only recorded again after we were done and I pressed it again for what I thought was stopping the recording. What an idiot I am! But he’s a nice guy so I’m pretty sure he’ll be willing to do it again. He didn’t screw up and so I’ll pay him again. He seems to be around that area a lot. It’s a learning curve for me with a new camera and I’ll be more careful next time if I get the chance. Plus I know how to watch the playback now and so if we reshoot I can make sure then and there if I got it right.

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