On Tuesday morning I worked out the chords for the intro and the first verse of “La main du masseur” (The Hand of the Masseur) by Serge Gainsbourg.
I played my Martin acoustic guitar for the last of two sessions. It was out of tune most of the time but I enjoyed singing my songs. I did the best version yet of “Paranoiac Utopia”.
I weighed 87 kilos before breakfast.
Around midday I cleaned the old warm mist humidifier. I didn’t have to shut it down first or start up the new one because the humidity has been naturally high all day. The old one is more difficult to clean and there are some unreachable areas that have some accumulation but I got most of it. This time I used 4.5 cups of vinegar. I didn’t bother to disinfect it with a bleach solution because I figured the water was hot enough.
I fell asleep last night for two hours at the computer and fell behind on my journal, so I spent some time before lunch getting caught up.
I weighed 86.7 kilos before lunch.
In the afternoon I took a bike ride. The Bloor bike lane was clear but it was raining and so I only went as far as Ossington and Bloor.
I weighed 86.5 kilos at 17:40, which is the lightest I’ve been in the evening since February 12.
I was caught up in my journal at 19:20.
In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “Seven Shades of Blues” I continued cutting and shuffling clips from the BBC documentary “When Hippies Ruled the World”. I think I’ve established the video up to the beginning of the instrumental. Next I have to figure out which clips to add to the instrumental.
I finished reviewing the song practice video of my Gibson electric performance of “Sixteen Tons of Dogma” from September 19. The take at 41:15 didn’t sound horrible but I did miss a beat. I started reviewing September 20 but had to stop for supper and so the take at 19:45 is where I left off.
I made a new batch of gravy with a combination of chicken and pork drippings. It turned out a bit thick and so I’ll need to add some liquid later. I had some with a potato and some pork ribs while watching season 3, episode 12 of Batman.
At the end of the last episode a knockout fog bomb had been planted in the Batmobile by one of Lord Marmaduke Ffogg’s thugs and it went off, engulfing Batman and Robin. The beginning of episode 12 doesn’t even show them escaping. We only hear Batman explain that they used their Bat Extinguisher. That doesn’t explain anything since there was no fire to extinguish. Commissioner Gordon, Batman and Robin are at Superintendent Watson’s office when Barbara Gordon enters with a package that Watson’s secretary told her was for Batman. It begins to smoke and inside the box are three silver bells. There is a pub by the docks called The Three Bells. There’s a ship leaving that dock today with a cargo of mod materials from the fashion district. Later Barbara returns to Ffogg Place where she is told that Ffogg and Penelope will have to leave her with Lady Prudence while they go into Londinium. Batman and Robin arrive on the docks but Batman tells Robin he’s not old enough to enter the tavern so he has to mwait by the Batmobile. Inside Batman approaches Ffogg and three of his thugs. They attack him and after the usual fight, Batman is subdued. Meanwhile Penelope and her four students approach Robin. When he sees them he grabs an axe and cuts the rope that was holding the ship to the dock so they can’t steal the cargo. The girls overwhelm Robin and since he won’t fight females they pick him up and carry him away. Meanwhile Barbara again rendezvous with Alfred as he brings the Bat Suitcase containing her costume. She says she’s going to investigate Lord Ffogg’s cricket pavilion because it’s the only place Prudence didn’t show her. Alfred leaves and Barbara changes to Batgirl behind a bush. In the cricket pavilion she finds all of the items that Ffogg and Penelope have stolen so far. But Prudence sees Batgirl through the window and turns on a gauge marked “paralyzing gas”, which fills the pavilion and renders Batgirl motionless. Meanwhile back at the pub, Batman is tied to a chair and Ffogg attaches a device to his cowl that will reverse the recollection centre and wipe his memory. Once Batman is blank, they leave him alone. Perhaps hours later when the pub is empty Batman gets free of his bonds and wanders outside. Alfred comes running up to him after tracking him with the Bat Tracker and finds that Batman doesn’t know him and or even himself. Alfred puts him in the Batmobile and drives him to the temporary Batcave where he happened to pack the Recollection Cycle Bat Restorer for their trip. Headphones are placed on Batman and the machine is switched on causing Batman to immediately regain his memory. Alfred tells him that Batgirl has discovered that Ffogg Place holds a school for girl crooks. Batman wants to know about Alfred’s association with Batgirl but Alfred asks him to respect that he can’t reveal the details. Back at Ffogg Place Batgirl and Robin are taken to the dungeon. Marmaduke calls Penelope and is surprised to hear that there is also a Batgirl. Penelope tells him that bats come in both sexes. Ffogg tells her he has other plans for Robin. Meanwhile the Bat Computer produces only the word “winch” in the search for Robin. Alfred says that the most prominent winch in Londinium is in the Winch Room of the Tower Bridge. It operates the mechanism that raises the arms of the bridge to let ships through. Robin is bound by the rope of the winch and he will be crushed as the winch tightens to pull up the arms of the bridge as a ship approaches. Batman and Alfred arrive at the bridge and Batman uses the anti mechanical Bat Ray from the Batmobile glove compartment to render the mechanism useless. He then finds the winch room and unwinds the winch to free Robin. Ffogg and his men arrive and the usual fight takes place. Batman and Robin are able to take out Ffogg’s men but Ffogg lights his fog pipe and Batman and Robin are engulfed. Meanwhile Batgirl is still paralyzed and now is bound with her arms apart to the stone wall of the dungeon.
Lady Prudence is played by Lyn Peters, who studied cooking at Le Cordon Bleu. She was a top model in London. She co-starred in Grave of the Vampire. She played Emily Neal, a parody of Emma Peel on Get Smart. She was married to TV star of Naked City and 12:00 O’Clock High, Paul Burke. After she retired from acting she founded Custom Catering and had a very successful business with famous clients, such as Frank Sinatra.
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