Monday, 24 February 2025

Sivi Alberg

            On Sunday morning I had to start Word in Safe Mode and it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do from now on. It only takes a few seconds and then I have Word open all day usually anyway. It seems that I can only revert to the old template by copying old text into a new document but after its saved it seems to revert back to the corrupted template. Maybe a solution will come to me in the future but for now I’m stuck. The only problem with Safe Mode so far is that I can’t add words to the dictionary. I would have to leave Safe Mode and work in the old template to do that. Maybe some time I’ll try it. Safe Mode also doesn’t seem to remember where I left off and so I have to scroll and search to find the last place I was writing. 
            I memorized the second verse of “Le petit Lauriston”.
            I finished memorizing “La main du masseur” (The Hand of the Masseur) by Serge Gainsbourg. I searched for the chords and found a set in La boîte à chansons (Song Box). I started transcribing them and I’ll finish tomorrow. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice and it stayed in tune. Tomorrow I’ll begin a two session stretch of playing my Martin acoustic guitar and it won’t stay in tune. 
            I weighed 86.4 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I brought in from the deck the now snow and ice-free stepladder and I filled the cracks, holes and depressions of the northwest quarter of my bathroom ceiling. I should have the ceiling done on Wednesday and then I’ll start on the parts of the walls that can only be reached with a stepladder. 
            I weighed 87.1 kilos before lunch. I had whole wheat saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride and made it up to Bloor for the first time in about a week. I would have gone further but the Bloor bike lane was all plugged up with snow. Maybe they just won’t even bother to clear it from now on since Doug Ford is going to rip up the bike lanes in a week or so and then he’ll be bowling for cyclists in his limo. I went home along Brock, the way I came. 
            I weighed 87.35 kilos at 17:45. 
            I might have found a way to convert my old documents to the old template. I opened the template, then in this journal went to File/Options.Add-Ins/Templates/Normalold and clicked for that to be the template. I’ll find out if it works tomorrow, otherwise I’ll just keep working in Safe Mode. 
            I was caught up in my journal at 18:38. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “Seven Shades of Blues” I continued shuffling the order of clips from the BBC documentary “When Hippies Ruled the World” to arrange them according to how they fit with my lyrics. 
            I reviewed the song practice videos of my electric performances of “Sixteen Tons of Dogma” on September 17 and 18. On both days I played it on my Gibson Studio electric guitar. On September 17 the take at 1:00 in part B sounded okay but there were off chords at the end. On September 18 I hit some wrong chords at the end. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread with marinara sauce, parmesan, oven fries, and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 3, episode 10 of Batman
            The upcoming World Surfing Championship will be taking place at Gotham Point and Skip Parker has a good chance of winning. He is currently on a date with Barbara Gordon on the beach while the Joker arrives in his Jokermobile and parks near the Hang Five club. On his hot dog radio, he contacts his moll Undine who is inside the Hang Five. The owner Hot Dog Harrigan is working on a surf board when Joker’s men grab him and lock him in a trash can outside. Joker tells Undine to fetch Skip Parker and so she goes to where Barbara and Skip are on the beach to tell him he has a phone call. But Joker has rigged the payphone so that Skip gets a mouthful of knockout gas. Then Skip is taken to the Jokermobile to be transported to the closed down Ten Toes Surfboard Shop. But Barbara sees Skip’s abduction by the Joker and calls her father Commissioner Gordon, who calls Batman. Batman and Robin take the Batcopter to Gotham Point. Meanwhile Gordon and Chief O’Hara arrive undercover as a couple of conspicuous looking cops trying to look like surfers. Gordon says most surfers are called either Duke, Skip, Rabbit or Buzzy and so O’Hara is Duke and Gordon is Buzzy. They sit at the Hang Five while surfers dance to the jukebox. Batman and Robin arrive and someone says, “Dig the gremmies”. Robin explains to Batman that a gremmie is a beach bum, similar to a hodad or a wannabe surfer. Meanwhile at the Ten Toes Surfboard Shop, Skip is strapped to a chair and hooked up to the Joker’s Surfing Experience and Ability Transfermeter. All of his surfing ability, knowhow and all his youthful energy is sucked from Skip and transferred to the Joker. The drained of knowledge and energy Skip is now tossed into a bin under a workbench. Joker plans to use Skips ability to win the World Championship. This he says will cause all surfers to follow him and do his bidding so he can conquer Gotham and then the world. Back in the Batcave the Bat Computer produces an image of two bare feet. Batman deduces that Joker’s hideout must be at the Ten Toes Surfboard Shop and heads there. Joker knows Batman is coming and has poisonous sea urchin spines ready for him and Robin. Batman and Robin crash through the window and are hit with the spines. Batman and Robin are tied to workbenches and Joker has them processed into pre-shaped blanks, they will be covered in fiberglass, laminated with resin, polished, and then given paraffin rubdowns as they will be trapped inside of surfboards. But as Joker’s men put on the finishing touches the surfboards begin to smoke and then they explode. Batman and Robin emerge unscathed even though the surfboards they were contained in were a tenth the thickness of their bodies. If they had really been inside of them their bodies would have been crushed. Batman says he used the Bat Ray in his utility belt to burn his way out but that doesn’t explain how Robin’s surfboard was also burning from the inside. Joker’s men run away. Batman and Robin find and free Skip. Batman finds Joker and challenges him to a surf-off in the World Championships. Batman and Joker put on their baggy swim trunks on top of their costumes and head for the beach. Barbara arrives and goes with Skip to watch the competition. While they are out there on the wave a shark approaches but Batman has a can of shark repellent in his utility belt. They hit the beach and Joker thinks he has won but the judges say the points go to Batman. Hotdog is freed from the garbage can. Joker and his gang run away. Dick runs into one locker room and Barbara into another and both emerge at the same time as Batgirl and Robin. The final fight takes place at the Hang Five with Batman, Batgirl and Robin against the Joker and his gang. The Joker is defeated and Gordon and O’Hara take him away after the Joker’s machine is switched to reverse the transfer and give Skip back his abilities. Meanwhile a few thousand kilometers away in Londinium two middle aged British crooks are stealing priceless snuff boxes. We’ll learn who they are in the next episode. 
            Undine was played by Sivi Alberg in her first onscreen acting role. She was Miss Sweden of 1964. In 1967 she won the Hollywood Star of Tomorrow award. Her film debut was in The Killing of Sister George. She was a trained cosmetologist and dermatologist. 


            After closing down my journal before bed I tried re-opening it out of Safe Mode to see if the solution I’d thought I’d found worked but it didn’t. I couldn’t even get the old template to show up in add-ins at all and when I tried to the window disappeared. Then I tried adding my journal to the Template window and then the old template showed up. I selected it and then tried opening my journal. It worked but the View was in a different format. I switched it to Printing View and it was the way I like it. I tried the same thing with the first doc I planned to open up the next day and that worked too.

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