Thursday, 27 February 2025

Stacey Gregg

            On Wednesday morning I worked out the chords for the second verse of “La main du masseur” (The Hand of the Masseur) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I played my Gibson Les Paul Studio electric guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. It only needed a couple of tunings. 
            I weighed 86.55 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I brought in the stepladder from the deck and finished filling the bathroom ceiling. Next I’ll do all the high parts of the walls that require a stepladder to reach. 
            I weighed 87 kilos before lunch. I had whole wheat saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride. On O’Hara I dropped into a pothole that was hidden by a puddle. There was some snow that had been knocked from the banks that was slippery when I rode over it. I decided to only go as far as Ossington and Bloor. Tomorrow since I’ll be taking the time to vote before my ride I’ll probably only go that far as well. Maybe Friday I’ll make it downtown for the first time since the storm. I stopped at Freshco on the way home to take advantage of the last day of the No Frills sale of grapes at $4.14 a kilo and so I did a price match on seven bags of green grapes. Leaving the supermarket there was a woman with a two wheeled shopping cart and a little dog. She gave the dog a command and it jumped into the cart so she could wheel it away. 
            I weighed 86.95 kilos at 18:11. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 19:22. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “Seven Shades of Blues” I cut and shuffled various clips from the BBC documentary “When Hippies Ruled the World” to fit with the instrumental. I needed just a few seconds more when I stopped for the night. 
            I reviewed the song practice video of my Gibson electric performance of “Sixteen Tons of Dogma” on September 20. The take at 32:00 was okay but I hit some wrong chords in the end. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread with marinara sauce, oven fries, parmesan and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 3, episode 13 of Batman
            After rescuing Robin from the Londinium Bridge, Batman learns from him that Batgirl is in the dungeon at Ffogg Place. Robin drives the Batmobile while Batman rides there in the cab that Alfred borrowed from his cousin. Meanwhile Batgirl has recovered from the paralyzing gas and finds herself standing chained to the stone wall. Ffogg and Penelope visit her and discuss that she will have to die. He tosses lethal fog pellets down the stairs before leaving the dungeon. Robin parks near the gates of Ffogg Place and finds Batgirl’s suitcase. He begins to open it but stops, frowns and puts it down. He then climbs the wall of Ffogg Place. While crossing the lawn he steps into a very visible trip wire attached to the door of the killer beehive that even has a sign that says it’s the trip wire for the killer beehive. He falls on the lawn and a very fake looking bee lands on his gloved hand. Prudence squats beside him and tells him that it’s the queen bee. She happily reminds him that if it stings him he will die. Meanwhile Alfred’s cab pulls up behind the Batmobile, and Batman also discovers Batgirl’s suitcase. He begins to open it and then stops himself. He says that by opening the suitcase he might learn Batgirl’s identity. But Alfred adds, “And thus destroy the anonymity so precious to her”. Batman gives the case to Alfred and then climbs the wall of Ffogg place. Ffogg and Penelope return to the dungeon and are surprised that Batgirl isn’t dead. He says his fog pellets must be stale. Penelope says she had the girls make a fresh batch in chemistry class and so they go to get them. Batman enters the cricket pavilion and finds the door to the dungeon. Lord Ffogg pushes him down the stairs. Penelope throws down the fresh poison fog pellets. Prudence brings a stunned Robin to Ffogg and Penelope announcing that the killer bee stung Robin. She is told to take him upstairs to die. Meanwhile in the dungeon Batman is spraying the can of anti lethal fog that he always keeps in his utility belt (If everything he says he always keeps in his utility belt was really there he would need to have freight train wrapped around his waist). Then from the same belt he takes a file to begin freeing Batgirl. Meanwhile Robin reveals to Prudence and the students that he had one African death bee antidote pill that he popped in his mouth and is fine now. But the girls have their hands all over him and won’t let him leave the dorm, so he jumps out of the window. Ffogg and Penelope are on their way with their gang to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of Londinium and then the pair plan on escaping to Argentuela, which has no extradition treaty. Meanwhile Batman and Batgirl can’t break through the door of the dungeon. There is a grating high up on the ceiling but all Batgirl has is a Batrope with no Baterang. Batman teaches Batgirl the Indian fakir command “Roosi sita rako” and as they recite it the end of the rope levitates up to the grating through the power of concentration and yoga. Then they climb it and escape. Robin meets them just after they climb out and asks Batman if he has a fakir tick to beat Ffogg to the Tower. Ffogg, Penelope and the girls arrive at the Tower and are about to take the Crown Jewels when it is revealed that the two Beefeaters on guard are Batman and Robin. Robin says they got there by holy incantation. Ffogg calls for his thugs and the final fight takes place. Ffogg, Penelope, Prudence and the girls try to escape but Batgirl blocks their way holding a poleaxe. Ffogg starts to use his fog pipe but the smoke goes in reverse because Batman uses his Pipe of Fog Bat Reverser (His devices get sillier and sillier in this final season). The cops arrive and arrest the crooks. Batgirl disappears and soon after arrives as Barbara to say she just saw Batgirl drive away on her Batgirl cycle. Back in the States the president on the phone invites Batman for a barbecue in Texas. One assumes this is the Texan President Lindon Johnson. Then they hear at Commissioner Gordon’s office that Catwoman has just stolen the new police mini skirt uniforms. They try to catch her but she hisses and scratches the air at them then laughs and escapes into the elevator before they can grab her. We don’t really see much of her but this is the first appearance of the great Eartha Kitt as Catwoman. So that’s who they will be facing next episode. 
            The student criminal Rosamond was played by Stacey Gregg, who co-starred with Richard Gere in the first London production of Grease in 1973. She has done a lot of work as an English dubbing voice actor such as in the Spanish TV series The Fruitties, and the French series The Twins of Destiny. She also dubbed major parts in several anime films such as Odin, Project A-Ko, and X.

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