Wednesday 31 August 2016

Hawaiian Eye


            On Thursday June 30th, I did my laundry in the bathtub and hung it out back. I noticed two levels of neighbours in the building next door had had the same idea.
            That night I worked my second and final night of posing up the street at Artists 25. As I arrived, cars were beeping their horns on Dundas in the Portuguese neighbourhood in celebration of some kind of sports victory, I assume.
A couple of young women in their teens came to draw there for the first time. They were extremely chatty with one another while I was posing until Alex arrived and determined that the position from which he’d been painting me the week before was exactly between them. That shut them up until one of them later on decided to take a break and went over to sit and yak with her friend.
That night I watched an episode of Hawaiian Eye that had an interesting plot twist. A couple became the sponsors of a teenage girl in a beauty pageant but it was only for the purpose of blackmailing one of the judges by making it look like he was seducing the girl. They drugged the girl at his home and then took a photo of him leaning over her and trying to revive her. The photographer ran away, but the judge was still trying to revive the girl. Then his wife came home. She had been asking for a divorce, which he had refused to give her. She saw this as a perfect opportunity, so she took a loaded gun from a drawer and killed him. Then she put the gun in the girl’s hand and left. The writers didn’t really handle the plot very well after that point. The man’s wife had placed the gun in the girl’s hand, but barrel first, so the cops knew she hadn’t shot him.

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