Monday 16 October 2017


            On Sunday when I made coffee I discovered that my last bag of milk was slightly sour and so it curdled in the brew. I sort of messily rescued the java by straining it three times and adding some almond-coconut milk and some honey but it was a poor substitute for milk. The sour cow juice was still okay for cereal though. In the early afternoon, since I didn’t want to drink nut milk with my bean squeazings I went out to No Frills to buy some real milk.
            Although I could have used a few other items from the supermarket, I just limited myself to milk because I needed time to work on my essay. Ahead of me was a horribly skinny woman in black, with a pentagram tattooed on her leg. She looked about 80 years old but I suspect that she was in her 40s or 50s and a drug addict. She was buying a pack of donuts with nothing but dimes, three of which she dropped onto the floor and had a hard time retrieving because her probably bitten-off fingernails nails were too short. She mumbled, “Sorry!” during the retrieval process. After this the woman spent a lot of time counting out her dimes and nickels to pay the cashier and in turn the cashier took some time counting them again. The woman got a nickel back. The cashier and the customer behind me seemed annoyed with the poor woman.
            I made Kraft Dinner for the first time in years. I never remembered it to be so disgusting. I doctored it up as best as I could with scotch bonnet sauce and cayenne but it still tasted like Krap Dinner.
            I watched the fourth broadcast of the Mickey Mouse Club. Annette Funicello finally got some screen time. She sang and she introduced the Mousecartoon. There was a performance by a troupe of very good acrobats because it was circus day. They have been running a series focused on a boy and girl that want to become a pilot and a flight attendant respectively. The flight attendant trainees had to get their hair cut above the shoulder and they were practicing squatting. 

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