Saturday 28 September 2019

Puppy Love

            On Friday morning I translated a few more lines of “Le complainte du progres" by Boris Vian.
            Word shut down on me twice and twice I had to close it in the Task Manager to get it started again. I think maybe I punched a wrong key and called up an editor I didn’t need.
            I finished posting “C’est la vie qui veut ca” by Serge Gainsbourg on my Christian’s Translations blog.
I tried to find the lyrics or at least a recording of "Je t'aime aussi” by Serge Gainsbourg but it doesn’t seem to exist online. I think it was one of those things that he threw together for a TV show and that it’s a parody of his own "Je t'aime, Moi non plus”.
I looked for “Que je t’aime" which I think is a parody of Johnny Halliday's song of the same name. I found one video of it. I’ll look for the lyrics to the original and then listen to the parody to see if I can figure out how it was altered.
I made a third attempt at washing, scrubbing and scraping the glue from the floorboards on the threshold of my living room and kitchen. I ended up scratching my right elbow a few times against the corner of the bookshelf as I scrubbed underneath it. It seemed to me I’d worked from the same position the day before that without scratching myself. Maybe the elbow grease I used was more abrasive. The result was that I got a lot more of the glue off but there’s still some there. I’ll give it another try. Maybe it's because I built that part of the floor in the first place and it’s my baby that I'm being such a perfectionist about it.

I had a slice of roast beef for lunch.
I got caught up on my journal.
In the afternoon I did some exercises while listening to Amos and Andy. In this story Andy gets a telegram telling him he's been made a sales manager for a clothing company and he’ll be making $75 a week plus commission. This would be the 1945 equivalent of over $1000 a week today. Kingfish and Henry Van Porter try to convince Andy that he'll need a manager so they offer him $25 and a contract that would give them half his salary. Andy refuses but later when he receives another telegram telling him it was a mistake and they meant a different Andy Brown, he decides to teach Kingfish and Henry a lesson and he signs the contract.
I took a bike ride to Bloor and University, south to Queen and home.
I read the long poem “Modern Love" by George Meredith once silently and once aloud. The speaker is recounting his relationship with his lover and with his wife.

I had a potato, the last three slices of roast beef and some gravy while watching Annette. The first part was the continuation of a documentary about her. I hadn’t known there was a Canadian connection in that she'd dated Paul Anka and that he’d written "Puppy Love" about their relationship.

While having yogourt with honey and blueberries for dessert I watched two more episodes of the show. Steve is the head of the entertainment committee for the school and he’s put Annette in charge of the sophomore part of the group. There is a meeting at Steve’s house and Laura once again gets nasty with Annette by saying that she's not qualified to be on the committee. She then again implies that Annette stole her necklace and despite everyone else chastising Laura for her behaviour Annette resigns and leaves. Mike goes after her and convinces her not to quit the committee. Later, Steady, Steve and Mike try to confront Laura but she resents them all siding with Annette and says that Annette has them bamboozled. Thy all meet at the malt shop to rehearse for the Thanksgiving show. Jet does a country song and dance number called “Pigeon Wing” while Annette and Mike do a duet called "Meeting at the Malt Shop After School”.
Jet was played by Judy Nugent, who started acting at age six in the film “It Had to be You". She played the little blind girl that Superman flies around the world in The Adventures of Superman.


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