Monday 23 November 2015

Unitards of the Plastiverse and Other Stories

The ancient Egyptians had a religion that was transportation based. That’s why one of the gods they worshiped was “A New Bus”.

I spent most of Sunday working on my essay. Because of that I wasn’t able to go out to the Plastiscene Reading Series for the second month in a row. I assume that the next Plastiscene will be on December 20 and I plan on going to that, even though my exam will be on December 22. It’s very hard to prepare for English essays other than to just write practice essays on questions one makes up about the material. Sometimes it’s possible to anticipate an exam essay topic and have most of the response in one’s head before the exam, but mostly one just has to have read the books. I’ll have almost three weeks between my last class and the essay, so I should be okay for a night out on December 20.
I finished a first draft of my essay at around an hour before midnight. Hopefully I’ll have time to fine-tune the thing on Monday.
I went to bed after midnight, but couldn’t sleep and so I got up again to write this. I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t sleep though. Perhaps I was excited because I was relieved about finishing the first draft of the essay. I slept so well the night before. I was feeling kind of prickly but it didn’t seem to be bedbugs because I couldn’t smell them and when bedbugs are around the odour is obvious. Maybe it’s from the cats shedding on the couch and me having been sitting against it. I’d better vacuum the couch again.
When I finally started feeling tired, I went back to bed, and just before drifting off to sleep I could smell bedbugs.

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