Tuesday 10 November 2015

Writer In Residence

            On Monday, I got a notice back from the professor at U of T who’s collecting the writing samples for the competition to get into the fiction writing seminar. She said I had to send one two page file of my fiction writing, instead of two. I combined the two stories into one file and sent them back to her, still within the deadline.
At noon I took an early siesta so I’d be fresh for work. I posed for Heather Frise’s class at OCADU. She had me doing mostly short poses. Some of them were three part action poses with a common pivot. I hadn’t done those for years. On the final pose she had the students do another exercise I haven’t seen done for a long time. She had the students start their drawing and then had everyone move one place to the right to work on the next person’s drawing, and so on, about every thirty seconds.
I watched some more old Sid Caesar skits. “The Professor of Magic” is pretty funny. Sid plays a famous German magician who has been invited to speak before the society of amateur magicians. The MC, played by Carl Reiner, thinking that it would be cute, shows the famous magician the first trick he’d learned as a child, in which one points one’s finger upwards, puts a handkerchief over it and then makes it disappear by bending it down into one’s fist. The professor of magic keeps asking where the finger went and accusing Reiner of being a witch.
In another skit, Caesar plays a hard-boiled newspaper reporter. He goes into a nightclub, the hatcheck girl asks him to check his hat, and he gives it to her, then takes another hat out of his pocket and puts it on.

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