Tuesday 10 December 2019

Snowrow: a Canadian Hero

            On Monday morning I memorized the first two verses of “L’Hippopodame” by Serge Gainsbourg, which is half the song.
            I washed, brushed and scraped a six board wide section of the west side of my bedroom floor. I’m just eleven boards away from the northwest corner now.

            I want to get back into editing my 2017 rehearsal videos but I had to go back in my diary to find out where I left off in July. Now I know I was almost finished with “Jeunes femmes et les vieux messieurs”.
            I finished reading the chapter on the Inuit and Nunavut in Ways of Knowing by Yale Belanger. I figure that while I’m off from school I might as well get ahead in a relaxed way.
            I think there should be a Canadian version of Zorro called Snowrow. The hero has a canoe that can go in the snow and gives enemies a good paddling. The mark left behind is a yellow "S" in the snow.
            I finished editing my July 28, 2017 rehearsal video of me singing “Jeunes femmes et vieux messieurs”.
            I did my afternoon exercises while listening to Amos and Andy. In this story Kingfish announces to Amos and Andy that he and Sapphire are about to have their twenty-fifth anniversary but he’s not happy about it. He recounts how four years ago Sapphire bought a piggy bank and said that they were going to put all their loose change in it every day until their silver anniversary. The only problem is that Kingfish has been robbing the piggy bank every day and replacing the coins with lead washers. Now he’s worried Sapphire will leave him after the bank is opened. Kingfish and Andy go talk to Gabby the former lawyer and now politician. They ask him what made him decide to go into politics. He explains that he noticed a horrible condition in the ward where he lives. All the money was going into the ward boss's pocket. He tells them he decided to do something about it and then says, "Shake hands with the new ward boss!" Kingfish tells Gabby his problem and Gabby advises him to cash a cheque from a far away place like Australia and since it would take two weeks to clear he’d have time to make it good. He goes to the bank pretending to be an Australian sheep rancher and the banker is about to cash the cheque when Andy shows up and tries to help Kingfish out. He says that they raise kangaroos together. The banker says to Kingfish, “I thought you said you were a sheep rancher. Kingfish explains that they cross the sheep with the kangaroos because there'd been a problem of baby kangaroos dying of pneumonia and so now the pouches are lined. The banker says he’ll have to call the Australian bank first. Kingfish and Andy go to see Laguardia the lawyer to ask him for advice. He tells them to get someone to steal the piggy bank and then the problem would be solved. He says he has to go for a court case to defend a guy that was arrested for driving too slow. “How can someone get arrested for driving too slow?” “It was a stolen car and the cops caught up with him!" Kingfish arranges to take Sapphire out to a movie while Andy gets in with the spare key and steals the piggy bank. When they get back they see the bank is stolen but then there is a knock on the door and a cop returns it, saying the thief got away but dropped it. Meanwhile Andy has a bump on his head from going over a fence. He goes to get help from Baldy the druggist who us on the phone with the emergency ward at the hospital. He wants to make sure he gets the ingredients right for their order and asks if they want it on whole wheat or rye. Finally Andy goes to Sapphire and tells her the whole story but explains that each time he took money out it was for her. Sapphire understands. Meanwhile Kingfish has pawned all his best suits and raised two hundred dollars, which he has converted to change and put into the piggy bank. On their anniversary Sapphire announces that she wanted to save Kingfish embarrassment so she took the piggy bank as it was and sold it to a junk man for $2.
            I uploaded “Jeunes femmes et vieux messieurs” to Youtube.

            I’ve wanted to ride up to Topcuts at Yonge and St Clair but it needs to be on a Monday afternoon because that’s when Amy works. I couldn’t go last Monday because of snow and couldn’t go today because of rain. Maybe next Monday it’ll be a dry day.
            I did a French grammar exercise.
            I grilled eight chicken drumsticks. I sautéed the mushrooms that I got from the food bank but I’d washed them beforehand and so they’d absorbed a lot of liquid, which came out in the pan. I added the squash soup to it since it was already looking soupy. I was going to have some of the mushrooms with my dinner but now it would be too much so I would save it for lunch on Tuesday. I boiled three little potatoes and steamed the spinach I got from the food bank. I had those with two drumstick and gravy while watching Zorro.
            This story begins with Dolores Bastinado and her younger brother Pogo arriving in Los Angeles on business. She sends Pogo to the tanner to deliver a crate of boots from Argentina. On learning that Dolores is a rich landowner Sgt Garcia tries to court her. Murietta goes to the tanner with further Eagle Brotherhood business. He finds that the tanner Jose allows a homeless man named Pasqual to sleep at the tannery. He says to get rid of him. Pasqual refuses to go because he had been promised a place to sleep. Murietta whips him and he runs away. When Don Diego learns of this he offers Pasqual a place to stay. Diego suspects that the tanner must also be involved with the Eagle Brotherhood. He arranges for Zorro to search Murietta’s room while Bernardo searches the tannery. Zorro finds the cross of the Andes in Murietta’s drawer. When Murietta enters his room Zorro overpowers him and ties him up before leaving. Meanwhile Bernardo discovers at the tannery the crate of boots that Dolores brought and finds that under a false bottom are the rest of the jewels that go with the cross of the Andes. Jose sneaks up and knocks Bernardo out. He sees the jewels and decides to take them. In the middle of the floor of the tannery is a very deep pit. Jose is trying to throw Bernardo down it when Zorro arrives. They fight with staffs until Jose falls back against a sharp point and dies. You can always tell a bad guy is about to die if they find out Zorro's identity.

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