Friday 27 December 2019

The Original Dark Phoenix was a Masterpiece. The New One Was a Mess

            On Thursday morning I pasted my translation of  “Le complainte du progrès by Boris Vian along with the chords onto my Christian’s Translations blog and began to edit out the various glitches that tend to occur when I do these posts. For instance the chords tend to show up as headings until I remove the HTML language that tells them to do that. It’ll take me a few days to get the song ready for blog publication.
            I finished memorizing “J’aime les roses fanées” (I Love Faded Roses) by Serge Gainsbourg and started looking for the chords. I was surprised that no one had posted them. I started working them out on my own. They seem pretty simple.
            I worked on my journal.
            Around midday I headed out for my annual Boxing Day rounds. First I went up the street to the Salvation Army Thrift Store where all clothing was 50% off. I looked for pants in my size range of 40-34 and 38-34 but there was nothing that long. I found a 36-32 pair of dockers from Banana Republic and a 36-34 pair of dress pants from Denver Hayes. They were probably too small but the fit of a size can vary and so I thought I’d try them on but there were five people ahead of me waiting for the change room. Since both pairs together would cost me $9.00 and since it would take at least $9.00 worth of my time to stand in line, change, try on two pairs of pants and then put my clothes back on I decided to take the chance and just buy the pants. If they fit at home it would be a score and if they didn't I'd say I broke even by avoiding the line-up. I took the pants home and tried them on. Both pairs are too small but wearable to do the laundry in and the dress pants might be okay for public wear if the cuffs were lowered or if I pull my socks up over them.
            I had planned on going to Value Village next but after the Sally Ann I figured one thrift store was enough for a day. I anticipated there being line-ups for the changing rooms there as well. So I just headed straight up to the Dufferin Mall, which was going to be my third stop anyway.
            I’ve had the most success buying pants at Marks Work Warehouse and so I headed straight for that store. I wanted to replace the Dockers that I’d bought there a couple of years ago because the left cuff has gotten chewed up from bike riding and there’s a little hole in the left thigh. I forget what caused it but I think it got caught on something sharp. My pair was 40-34 but I couldn’t find that size in any of their piles. I tried on two kinds of 38-34s. The jeans I was wearing are 38-34 and they fit great but I found the dockers to be snug in the wrong places. I asked an employee and he said they don’t have 40-34 in dockers right now. I wondered if people are shrinking.
            I tried the Gap and several other stores but no dice, so I went to Walmart. The main thing I wanted at Walmart is a bucket. I’d been using the old plastic bucket that had originally contained kitty litter for the last year to soak my big amethyst rock in vinegar but I think the acetic acid has dissolved a pinprick hole in the bottom, because it’s very slowly leaking maybe a drop or two a day. I looked around for a while but couldn’t find anything. When I asked an employee he asked, “Pockets?” He told me they were just two aisles over but I found them five aisles over and across a lane. They had little mop pales but I needed something bigger. I also wanted it to be white so the amethyst showed up well inside. I finally settled on a Mistral All Purpose can. It has a locking lid and looks something like a classic garbage can with vertical grooves. I'm sure it's really meant to be a small garbage can but I think it might serve my purpose.
            While I was downstairs I looked for a stainless steel baking sheet. I really hate the Teflon ones that I bought last year. They stain very easily and just look dirty now even when they’re clean. I’d like something I could just scrub clean and shiny. All they had were the Teflon and so I went back upstairs.
            I wanted to buy more underwear and socks. On my way there I saw jeans and I found a pair of black Wranglers in size 38-34 like the ones I was wearing. I tried them on and they didn’t look bad. I was almost ready to buy them but when I put on my own jeans and looked in the mirror they looked so much better that I decided to not buy them after all.
            I got a pack of six tagless briefs and two pairs of thermal socks.
            On my way home down Brock I saw some interesting garbage in front of the studio building where Malabar costumes is located. It looked like an artist had thrown out a bunch of materials, equipment, frames and books. The books were all artsy hardcover books with text and photos. One book was a coffee table size hardcover book called “Influence” and it was written by the Olsen Twins of all people. It looked more interesting than one would expect from those two but not enough for me to take.
            I took two books. One was a book that I thought was by Kant but it was on Kant. Reading books by authors about authors is like eating someone else’s vomit.
            The other book is called “From A to Z 26 Ways to be Canadian. The book six holes in it from front to back. It has 26 19th Century photos by William Notman and opposite each photo is a stylized letter utilizing the holes in the design. Fore each letter there is a single word the photograph is supposed to represent, although sometimes it’s meant to represent to opposite of the word. For example the first letter says Canadians are “Athletic” and there is a photo of Percival Molson, the great grandson of John Molson, who founded the Molson’s brewery. Percival was a star athlete at McGill University. He died in WWI but left money in his will for McGill to build a football stadium.

            Also in the box was an Apple keyboard and an Apple mouse, which apparently will work with a PC if they are functional.
            Another score was a Black and Decker single speed jigsaw. It worked when I plugged it in but I’ll have to buy blades for it.
            Additionally there was a rubber mallet, a glass hand roller that would be good for collage or similar projects, Elmer’s all purpose glue, neutral PH adhesive, part of a roll of string, another of twine, a spool of very strong black nylon twine and another of thread.
            After taking my stuff home I rode back out to go to Freshco. I bought three bags of grapes but they weren’t as firm as I would have liked. I got a pint of blueberries, a jug of vinegar, maple yogourt and paper towels.
            I had a turkey wing with hot sauce for lunch and took a late siesta. I got up at 18:30 and worked on my journal.
            I had three small potatoes, some turkey, gravy and cranberry sauce for dinner while watching “Dark Phoenix”.
Spoiler alert!
This story begins with Jean Grey as a child losing control of her powers and causing a car accident that kills both her parents. She is taken in by Charles Xavier’s school and grows up to become an X-Man. They go into space to save the crew of the space shuttle from a strange energy phenomenon. Jean is teleported on board by Kurt. Jean absorbs the energy and becomes literally drugged by the power. Her mind is also breaking free of all the blocks that Charles installed to shield her from her childhood trauma. One of those blocks made her believe her father was dead but he’s alive. Meanwhile some powerful aliens arrive. Their leader takes over the body of a very pale blonde woman. Jean goes to her father but discovers that he gave her up to Charles because he hated her for killing her mother. The X-Men arrive. She’s angry at Charles for lying. Raven tries to get close to her but Jane sends her flying backwards into some sharp spikes. Raven dies. The blonde alien and her family are looking for Jean. Jean goes to see Magneto who leads a remote colony of mutants that he protects. She asks for help and he asks whose blood is on her shirt. The army comes for Jean. She fights them and Magneto tells her to leave. Beast comes to tell Magneto that Jean killed Raven. Now they both want her dead. The blonde alien finds Jean. Jean can’t read her mind. The blonde explains that they had been tracking the energy force before Jean absorbed it in space. The aliens have acquired a building in New York and they welcome Jean in. The blonde convinces Jean that she must embrace her power. She offers to help her control her power to turn the universe into paradise. Meanwhile both the X-Men and Magneto’s team converge on the building. They fight each other. Magnet goes for Jean but she almost kills him. Charles arrives and she makes him rise from his wheelchair and painfully climb the stairs to her like a puppet. He asks her to look in his mind and she sees that he really had no ill intent in lying to her about her father. She tells the blonde to take the energy from her. They embrace and the transfer begins. Jean seems to be in a trance. The blonde tells Charles her people will kill everyone and make the Earth theirs. Cyclops hits the blonde with a blast and breaks the link. Soldiers come with mutant power neutralizing tech and capture everyone, including Jean, who is unconscious after the energy drain. They are on a train heading for the mutant prison when the aliens attack to get at Jean and to complete the energy transfer. When their tech doesn’t work on the aliens and after many of them have been killed one of them flips a switch to release the mutants. The mutants fight the aliens. Jean begins disintegrating the aliens and even being impaled has no effect on her. The blonde grabs her and renews the energy transfer but it’s too much. Jean won’t let her break away and tells she’s going to get the power. Seeing that the power is causing people harm Jean takes the blonde up into space. She disintegrates the blonde and then turns into energy in the shape of a Phoenix. She transformed into a cosmic entity.
The blonde alien was apparently named “Vuk” although I never noticed anyone call her that. She was played by Jessica Chastain.
The problem with this story is that it was already done in X-Men Last Stand, which was the best superhero movie of all time. It seems really stupid to attempt to do it again with mediocre actors, poor special effects and bad writing. Why not move the X-Men along rather than rehash old stories? If X-Men were part of the Marvel cinematic universe it wouldn’t have been screwed up. There are no continuity issues in any of the Avengers movies while X-Men is a mess.

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