Saturday 7 December 2019

The Flora on My Floora

            On Friday morning I worked out the chords for the first verse of  La poupée qui fait pipi" (The Poppet that makes Peepee) by Serge Gainsbourg and chances are the rest of the song has the same chords.
            I washed another section of my bedroom floor and that makes about three quarters of the unfurnished part of the bedroom floor clean now. Afterwards I mixed some more wood soap and tried out the new mop to go over all the reachable areas that I’ve already washed. Mopping a floor uses back muscles I haven’t used in a while. It’s funny how that is. I bend and twist my back every which way during yoga but swinging a mop from side to side made me ache a bit.
            I had a chicken drumstick and some yogourt for lunch.
            I gathered together all my old journal entries relating to the revisions I made to my book of poems, “Paranoiac Utopia” based on Albert Moritz’s suggestions. I’ve made arrangements to send the edited manuscript back for him to look at again but he wanted me to let him know what I’d changed. I worked on my notes for part of the day and had them half done by 16:00.
            I did my afternoon exercises while listening to Amos and Andy. In this story Kingfish finds out that Sapphire’s brother Leroy is coming to visit. He says he doesn’t want Leroy to stay in his house. Sapphire says, “Your house? It isn’t any more your house than it is mine!” Kingfish says, “Then who does the landlord send the eviction notices to?” Kingfish tries to convince Andy to take Leroy in as a roommate by telling him that the government just passed the new “Double-up Law”, which says that nobody is allowed to live alone anymore. He said he’s surprised Andy hadn’t heard of it since they made a big announcement last night. Andy said he was listening on his little portable radio but he didn’t hear anything about it. Kingfish explains that it’s such big news that they didn’t broadcast it to the small radios. He says they’re applying the law to penitentiaries too and putting two prisoners in solitary confinement from now on. Andy doesn’t buy it. Then Kingfish intercepts a letter to Leroy from a lock company that says they looked at his design for a lock and they are interested in buying it from him. This touches off a new scheme, as Kingfish wants to try to get the patent for the lock from Leroy. He tells him that he could go to jail because of his invention like the guy that invented the steamboat. The guy that invented the boat and the guy that invented steam teamed up and sued him. Leroy sells Kingfish the lock for $50. The lock company arranges to come and see it and Kingfish asks Andy to pretend to represent a rival lock company in order to make the bid higher. When Andy tells the other company rep about his experience he says he just came back from South America where he was fixing the locks on the Panama Canal. He made two keys for them because he can’t keep going down to South America. The lock has been installed on a door across the hall and Kingfish opens it with the key Leroy gave him. Inside of the room he finds Leroy sleeping. He asks how he got in since he’d given Kingfish the only key. Leroy explains that is what’s special about his lock. It can be opened with a pin.
            Technically, since the Panama Canal is the line between North and South America it’s not in either place.
            I finished the notes on my revisions to my poetry manuscript and sent the manuscript and the notes in two attachments to Albert Moritz. Albert will be featuring in Shab-e She’r at The Tranzac on December 16 but sadly I can’t go because I’ve been told that I’m no longer welcome at Shab-e She’r.
            I had oven heated potato wedges, my last two drumsticks and gravy for dinner while watching Zorro.
            This story begins with a bear having wandered into the courtyard outside the fort. Sgt Garcia and some of the men take muskets outside the gate to kill the bear but their guns do not fire. They discover that their gunpowder has been replaced with charcoal. Garcia tries to investigate but finds the only boxes that left the pueblo were those belonging to Raquel. When asked she says that they are her husband, the commandant’s effects which she put into storage in the basement of the inn. Quintana and Enrique decide they must kill Garcia. Zorro sneaks into the basement to look for the gunpowder but is caught at gunpoint by Raquel. He easily overpowers her and finds out about the plot to kill Garcia. Quintana and Enrique take Garcia to the mountains under the pretence of helping him find the gunpowder. Quintana is about to shoot Garcia in the back when Zorro uses his whip to yank the gun from his hands. Garcia does not realize he is being rescued and tries to capture Zorro. Quintana accidentally kills Enrique. Garcia is about to sneak up behind Zorro but Zorro is about to club Quintana and when he swings backwards he knocks out Garcia too. 

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