Friday 26 April 2024

Robert F. Simon

            On Thursday I worked out the chords for the chorus and the first couple of lines of the first verse of “J'ai pleuré le Yang-Tsé” (My Tears Flood the Yangtze) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.5 kilos before breakfast. 
            When I posted my five-years ago diary I noticed that this time five years ago I went downtown to renew my health card. I checked my card and saw that it will expire on my birthday next month and so today seemed like a good day to renew it again. I checked online to see if it’s possible to do it online and it is if one has an Ontario Photo Card but I don’t. It never occurred to me to get one before but it seemed like a good idea now so I decided I’d ask when I got downtown to Service Ontario. I left at around 11:30 and took my usual bike ride to Yonge and Bloor first, then I went down to Dundas and across to Bay. Once there I realized I’d gone too far and should have turned right at Yonge and College. I had to pee like crazy and made it to the washroom at 777 Bay just in time. At Service Ontario there was no line-up whatsoever although five years ago I had to wait over an hour and a half. I asked the receptionist how people renew their cards online if they need to get their picture taken. She said if one renews it online they use the old photo but if they do it there they need to get their picture taken. I asked why and she sounded slightly bored and annoyed by the question when she said, “I don’t know. Your number’s being called at booth 27.” At the booth I showed all the id I needed and ordered both the health card renewal and a photo card for the first time. I needed to take two photos. I asked if there was no lineup because everybody is doing it online now. She said that no, it is usually very busy and this was unusual. 
            On the way home I stopped at Freshco where I bought five bags of grapes, two packs of raspberries, bananas, a pack of five-year-old cheddar, a jug of raspberry lemonade, Full City Dark coffee, salsa, and a bag of Miss Vickie’s Sweet Chili chips. 
            I weighed 86.1 kilos at 14:30, which is the lightest I’ve been in the early afternoon since March 29. 
            I took a late siesta at 15:00. 
            I weighed 87 kilos at 16:45. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:00. 
            I copied the Movie Maker project for my September 11, 2023 song practice as “Joanna Dancing (acoustic)” and isolated that one song. I kept mostly the audio I recorded on Audacity with a touch from the camera microphone. I put it in grey scale and added the effect of starting close and easing back, then I published it. Tomorrow I’ll upload it to YouTube.
            I downloaded the dance performance from Mata Hari starring Greta Garbo. I converted it to WMV and then imported it into the Movie Maker project for my song “Angeline”. I placed it at the end of the timeline and started cutting out the parts I don’t need. I got it down to 39 seconds but I probably only need about 2.
            I scanned some more slides from the fourth to the last box and got more than half of the box done. There are mostly baby pictures from the late summer of 1991, some urban shots of buildings, and one portrait of my daughter’s Aunt Susan. 
            I grilled four pork chops and fried two. I had one of the fried ones with a potato and gravy while watching season 1, episodes 19 and 20 of Bewitched
            Samantha invites Darrin’s parents Phyllis and Frank for dinner but also invites her mother Endora. Endora is extremely charming and impresses Frank so much that Phyllis gets jealous. Frank tells Endora that he and Phyllis are going to the theatre and invites her along. Phyllis says she’s going to have a headache that night. She thinks Frank is smitten. The day after the theatre Phyllis tells Darrin she’s looking for a good divorce lawyer because Frank didn’t come home the night before. It turns out he did come home but he didn’t have his keys and Phyllis either didn’t hear him calling or refused to. Frank tells Samantha he spent the night at his club. He tells her the story of how he and Phyllis fell in love at Angel Falls in his convertible when it started rain storming and he couldn’t get the top up. Samantha helps to patch things up and Phyllis is preparing for a date with Frank but then Endora shows up to apologize to her and Phyllis gets the wrong idea. She thinks Frank and Endora want to be together and nothing Endora says can convince her otherwise. Phyllis takes a train to Phoenix and Frank catches a plane to Florida. Samantha asks for Endora’s help to fix things. Samantha causes the train to stop in Angel Falls and Endora makes the plane land there. Phyllis and Frank meet and he’s driving a convertible. He gives her a ride and it’s like that time before. 
            In the second story Samantha is invited to be the matron of honour at her cousin’s wedding in Cairo. Darrin can’t make it and tells Endora that Samantha isn’t travelling without him. Samantha agrees but Endora blames Darrin and tells him he’s in trouble. That day at work Darrin is swamped and Larry hires him an assistant from the copy writing department. Gideon arrives and acts like he is extremely worshipful of Darrin. Darrin brings Gideon to the meeting with Mr. Wolfe of Wolfe Brothers Department Store. As soon as they meet Wolfe, Darrin begins to fumble while Gideon is smooth and charming with Wolfe. While making his presentation Darrin gets the hiccups and Gideon has to take over. Later on the way to another meeting with Wolfe, Darrin gets stuck in the elevator and when Darrin doesn’t show up, Gideon takes over. Later at home Darrin gets the idea that Endora jinxed him. The next day Darrin is late for work because he ran out of gas even though he filled the tank the day before. When he gets there he finds that Gideon has just presented Wolfe with the exact same layouts that Darrin worked on all night but left at home. That evening Samantha tells him his thinking is becoming dangerous if every time things go wrong he’s going to blame it on witchcraft from now on. But when he tells her about the layouts she starts to think it might actually be witchcraft. The next day Darrin begins a presentation before the entire Wolfe Brothers board and things go wrong again, including a model of a Wolfe home going up in flames. Darrin is given a few days off. Gideon is sent to pick up the Wolfe file from Darrin’s briefcase and Samantha takes the opportunity to cast a spell to make Gideon reveal himself. It turns out he is not a warlock but a very clever and conniving human being. Darren tends to doodle at work and Gideon went through his waste basket to figure out his layouts. Gideon overloaded the circuits in the elevator by pressing all of the buttons at once. Darrin overhears and punches Gideon. The next day Gideon is back to sharpening pencils and Darrin impressively takes over the Wolfe account again. 
            Darrin’s father was played by Robert F. Simon, who took up acting to overcome shyness. He spent ten years on Broadway as both an actor and a stage manager. He played Captain Rudy Olsen on The Streets of San Francisco and J. Jonah Jameson on the live action Spiderman TV series in the late 70s.

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