Monday 7 November 2016

Artworks and Just Things

            On Monday, October 10th, just like the two days before, there were maggots on my kitchen floor. I suspect that flies have laid their eggs in the old floorboards in the area in front of the stove and sink. They seem to come out when the sunlight touches the floor. There weren’t as many for the last two days as there were on Saturday. I vacuumed them up again and dumped the contents of the cylinder in the toilet.
I’ve also vacuuming the couch every day. I haven’t really noticed a lot of fleas since Saturday, so maybe it just took some time for them to die out without their preferred feline host around.
            I washed a few things and put them out back, but it’s so much in the shadows out there now that they were wet all day, and so I had to bring the shirt in to hang up in the apartment.
I spent a lot of Monday, October 10th, working on gathering ideas for both my English and Philosophy essays. I skimmed two books of poems by Michael Ondaatje. I’ve also been reading Arthur Danto’s “Works of Art and Mere Real Things”.

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