Thursday 10 November 2016


            On Monday morning of October 17th, except for two French songs that I played, I skipped song practice and just went right into continuing to transcribe my lecture notes from Aesthetics class in order to prepare myself for the quiz. I had any time before 23:00 to access the test online and then the timer would be set for fifty minutes. I knew enough about myself to know the times of day when my mind is most fresh, so I definitely wasn’t going to take it too late in the day. On top of that, I had to work that night at OCADU. So my plan was ton take the quiz in the early afternoon. At around 11:00, I laid down for a while to recharge. Coincidentally I recharged my phone at the same time. Both of us only needed a half an hour. At around 13:30 I finished transcribing my lecture notes, and then I moved them all into a document that was separate from my journal. I coped that file, as well as several of the essays I’d had to read for the course, to a USB stick, then I set up my laptop near the computer so that I would have easy access to the information for reference during the quiz. Then I found all of the essays in the $160 reader that I’d had to buy and cut strips of paper to mark each one with the name of the author sticking out from the side of the book. I also had my scribbler handy and open, just in case I could get to the information quicker in my long hand notes. At about 14:00 I went online and accessed the quiz. It seemed easier than I expected, but of course that could be deceptive because of the professor’s penchant for trick questions. I could have used an extra thirty seconds, as I had only almost answered the last question when the clock timed out. It was a relief anyway to be done.
            I went back to bed for a while so I wouldn’t be dozy while posing at work.
            With the quiz finished, I focused on working ideas for my essay on Leonard Cohen, Michael Ondaatje and Susan Musgrave’s contributions to the Decadence movement.
            Before leaving for work I put some files on a flash drive and took my laptop to work with me. One thing good about modeling is that I can usually set up my laptop nearby and work on projects during breaks.
            I worked for Kieran Brent in the Design department. His class was drawing portraits, so I didn’t have to disrobe. Not that I’m shy about that but it’s less time consuming to already have one’s clothes on, especially at the end of the night when one wants to get home and have dinner as early as possible.

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