Saturday 31 December 2016

Why Isn't the Joker Funny?

            All through the wee hours of Saturday I tossed and turned back and forth in and out of a dream about an anti-terrorist video found on one of those fake news sites, when I translated it back through two languages, turned out to be a pro-terrorist video.
            I stayed in bed for seven hours, which is two hours longer than usual. I took lying there well past the point of discomfort because I knew it was going to be uncomfortable getting up as well. I finally rose at 4:30 with a backache that was probably partly the result of my cold and of staying in bed for too long. I put some finishing touches on my journal entry from the day before and then just after 5:00 I started my yoga.
I began song practice at around 6:00 and that was very difficult because my voice was so hoarse, with limited range. I got through it though and then moved on to the segment of the morning that I set aside for the memorization of French songs. I got through one by Boris Vian, though it took much longer than usual because my brain was mush. By the time I moved on to another Vian song my mind was exhausted and so I stumbled back to bed. The dream I had was a reproduction of my effort to memorize the Vian song but my brain couldn’t handle it in REM sleep either. I got up again at around 9:30 and ate the first food I’d had in about eighteen hours. I ate two oranges and then posted my journal entry. I had a couple of other things to eat but then felt tired again and went back to bed for another hour.
It was essentially a yo-yo kind of day, spent going to bed for an hour or two and being up for an hour. The only food I consumed when I was up was about a glass and a half of the jug of orange juice that I’d wisely bought the night before at No Frills.
During sleep in the afternoon I was searching for the one, the witness, the one person in me that stood apart from having an illness. When it felt like I’d found him I would wake up.
When I woke at 19:30 I felt like I had a little more brain energy and that I might be able to stay up for a few hours. I made some kimchi soup and cut up some slices of leftover turkey to go in it. It as tasty but it didn’t sit that well in my stomach.

I watched Suicide Squad and was generally disappointed. One can’t successfully have that many characters jumbled together without a better story. It was poorly paced and bad guys were badly designed. Will Smith basically played the same one character that he tends to play. The only outstanding personality among them all was Harley Quinn. Jared Leto’s Joker was not maniacal enough and like all the recent incarnations of the character, he doesn’t joke. What’s the point of a joker that doesn’t joke?

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