Tuesday 20 October 2015

Proof of Address Voting Frustration


            I was visiting a friend in his second floor apartment when I looked out his south-eastern window to witness the curious sight of two thin men, one white and one black, walking east together on the street, both of them so tall that they were eye level with the second story window of the building across the street. I was still thinking about how that was possible when I walked to his kitchen, and while standing in front of his north facing window, somebody walking by outside punched me in the balls. It didn’t really hurt but it was just enough for me to know that I’d been punched in the balls.

            On Monday I went out to vote. I don’t remember a previous election when proof of one’s address, other than the card that is sent out by Elections Canada, was such a big deal. I was asked for identification with my address on it. I have never had or needed a piece of identification with my address on it. The only piece of official identification that a person can have containing their address is a driver’s licence, which is something that I don’t and have never had. It comes across as somewhat biased in favour of people who drive to have this expectation. I was asked if I had a bill from Bell Canada to prove my address, but I don’t receive any bills by mail anymore, and besides, why would a utility bill prove my address any more than an Elections Canada card with my address printed on it? I had two pieces of picture id with my name, plus the voter’s card, which had my name and address on it. These in combination should have been enough. I started raising my voice and saying that I had an essay to write and if I had to go home to dig up a letter with my address on it, I wouldn’t be coming back to vote. The woman finally just grumbled and gave me a ballot. They really should try to make voting a smooth and pleasant experience so people aren’t in a bad mood while trying to make their choice.

            I spent the entire rest of the day struggling with my essay, and finally finished a first draft of it before midnight.

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