Wednesday 13 December 2017

Defrosting the Guitar and Restringing the Fridge

            Tuesday marked a week that I’ve had this cold and though for the last few days I’d had more energy, I suddenly felt run down again. Maybe that’s because in addition to still having the cold I was depressed about still having the cold and depressed about being depressed about still having the cold, etcetera. But my singing voice was much better, and even though I couldn’t hit the high notes, most of what I did sounded like singing.
            Near the end of song practice I broke a string. I had been just thinking about how glad I was that wouldn’t have to go out in the snow until Thursday because I’d just planned on studying for my exam, but since I didn’t have an extra B string I had no choice but to go buy another.
            At around noon I got ready to leave. The problem with going anywhere is not just the travel time but the getting ready and the undressing afterwards. This really screwed with my study intentions.
            Before leaving I turned off my fridge and put my three packages of frozen peas out of the window ledge. I figured this would be a good time to defrost it, since there was so little perishable stuff inside. I figured I could stock up with a fresh refrigerator on the way home on Thursday.
            I rode up to Long and McQuade and this was my first time taking the bike I built last spring out into the snow. There was no slipping and sliding but there was already salt on the street so I won’t consider it a major test. At Long and McQuade, just to make sure I would have no more interruptions I bought three each of E, B and G strings.
            On the way home, since I was out anyway I decided to stop at Freshco. As I still have a cold I didn’t buy any dairy other than a single litre of 2% milk. Instead I bought coconut milk. I picked up a few other things and went to the express. The skinny cashier has had braces it seems for years. I wonder how long it takes to straighten one’s teeth. Online it says up to three years.
            I spent a lot of the day studying for my test. The problem is that I’ve spent the last few days reading Augustine, when there are several philosophers to fresh up on and very little time before the exam.
            The night the fridge finally dropped the last of its ice, I turned it back on and took the milk and the peas off the ledge. The coconut milk had turned to icy slush but the regular milk was fine.
            I watched an episode of Mike Hammer that began with a woman from the US that was married to a man in a fishing village in northern France. The doctor told her that her husband was dying of the plague and so she couldn’t go near him. Just before he died he told her to go away. Next she is on a cruise ship travelling from Paris to New York. Mike Hammer is also on board and she hires him because she keeps seeing her husband. It turned out the guy faked his death and was trying to drive her insane so he could get her money. This episode and some of the weirder stories of this second season were written by B. X. Sanborn. I think he was a minor author of pulp fiction.

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