Wednesday 15 May 2024

Harry Holcombe

            On Tuesday morning just as I was about to start yoga I saw another coyote or probably the same one as last month. That’s the third coyote I’ve seen from my window. The first time was last year when one ran north through the Dollarama parking lot and up O’Hara. This year the two sightings were of one coming down O’Hara. Last month it went south through the Dollarama parking lot but this time it veered and went down Dunn Avenue instead. I suspect it avoided the parking lot because a car was parked there. I assume the other time it went down Dunn from the parking lot anyway. I’m wondering what’s north on O’Hara that is interesting for a coyote and I’m guessing that north of the West Lodge apartments it might have access to the railroad tracks where I assume there are rabbits and other tasty live things to eat. 
            I finished posting “Brothers”, my translation of “Les frères” by Boris Vian. Tomorrow I’ll do another search for the words to the next six songs on my chronological Boris Vian list. If I can’t find them I’ll start learning his song “On fait des rêves” (We Keep Dreaming). 
            I wasn’t quite able to memorize the fourth verse of “Quoi toi moi t’aimer tu rêves” (What You Love of Me is what You Dream) by Serge Gainsbourg. I should have it nailed down on Wednesday. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.4 kilos before breakfast. 
            I sanded another section of my bathroom ceiling. All that’s left to do is the area directly over the bathtub but that will take more than one more session and maybe more than two. I made sure that I changed my clothes to old ones before I started working and afterwards I took a shower. I’ve lived here since 1997 and the ceiling has never been sanded in my time here so I don’t know when it was painted. If it was before 1990 the paint dust might have lead in it. I might have time to do another section tomorrow unless I get an email about my amplifier having been fixed. When I've finish the ceiling the hardest part will be over so I think I’ll take a break and start shopping for an effects pedal for my guitar.
            I weighed 87.3 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. I wore my shirt unbuttoned but probably could have gone with just my undershirt. 
            I weighed 86.8 kilos at 17:45, which is the lightest I’ve been in the evening in a week. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:34. 
            I compared my August 5 and 9 song practice performances of “La bas c’est natural” and I think August 9 looks a little better. I also made a slight strumming error on August 5. I compared August 11 to August 9 and found that August 11 looks better although there’s a slight rhythm error and a lot of traffic noise. I’m going with August 11 for now. I compared August 15 with August 11 and I think August 11 looks better. I compared August 27 to August 11 and found that August 27 looks and sounds better and there is less traffic noise. I compared August 31 to 27 and I think August 27 is a little better. I compared September 6 with August 27 and August 27 may be slightly better but September 6 has the edge because it’s already synchronized in Movie Maker. There’s traffic noise but that’s picked up louder by the camera microphone. If I use mostly the Audacity recording not much is picked up. At least that’s been my experience with other songs. So the acoustic version of this song I’ll upload to YouTube will be the one from September 6. Next there are nine acoustic takes of “Kenya” to compare.
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song Angeline I edited the copy of the movie Head that shows Mickey Dolenz jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge into the ocean. I cut out a lot of the double exposure shots as he’s falling. Once he hits the water the colours become psychedelic and I think that scene will fit the third and final chorus that goes, “I feel I’m falling through your painful painted dream”. But there are parts where the colours kind of splash together and blur the imagery, so I cut out the parts that don’t show a distinctive human form falling underwater. I also edited away the segment with the mermaids. I was left with about thirty seconds of clips. I inserted the first two into the main video to push the concert video back so it is in line with the studio audio when I begin the second chorus. It’s still slightly off but I have to figure out whether it’s ahead or behind. 
            I cut up a whole chicken and grilled the parts in the oven. I had a chicken leg and a potato with the last of the gravy while watching season 2, episodes 23 and 24 of Bewitched
            In the first story it’s Darrin’s birthday and Samantha’s mother Endora decides to give him the fulfillment of three wishes without warning. For the first he wishes that an elevator would hurry up and it drops like a bullet with passengers inside. For the second he wishes that he could see one of the secretaries in a bikini and she suddenly is, much to her surprise. Later he learns that Mr. Turgeon, a very important client who refuses to deal with anyone but Larry is waiting for Larry in his office. The problem is that Larry is in Chicago and his plane is grounded because of fog. Darrin wishes he could be Larry Tate for one day and suddenly he is, though it takes a few minutes for him to realize it. Darrin as Larry goes for lunch with Turgeon, then Turgeon introduces him to his niece Joyce in hopes that Larry will help Joyce get into Larry’s company. Turgeon leaves them alone but then Larry’s wife Louise walks in and gets the wrong impression enough to slap her husband’s face. Later when Louise understands her mistake she cooks Larry his favourite dinner as an apology. Darrin takes the opportunity to call Samantha to ask for help. Samantha comes to Larry’s house and tries to undo the spell but finds out that it is time sensitive and he’ll change back at midnight. Louise wants Samantha to go home so she can be alone with Larry. Darrin is trying to avoid going to bed with Louise but he does put on Larry’s pyjamas. Then at quarter to midnight a fully dressed Larry comes home causing Louise to become very confused, especially when he goes out to the car to get his bags and Louise finds Larry in his pyjamas in another room. Samantha keeps jinxing Larry to keep him from getting back into the house right away. Darrin tells Louise he’ll get rid of Samantha but for her to go to bed first. She wants him to kiss her goodnight. He is just giving her a quick kiss on the lips when Larry walks in and sees Darrin in his pyjamas. Samantha causes Louise to fall asleep and collapse in Larry’s arms, then she explains that Louise has been sleepwalking. Louise will think it was all a dream. Larry thinks this experience is the result of him drinking on the plane. 
            In the second story Samantha and Darrin have a dinner engagement with an extremely important and eccentric client named J.T. Glendon. Samantha is trying to make a dress to wear for the occasion but it is not going well. Endora visits to remind Samantha that she had promised to have lunch with her. Samantha takes half an hour off to join her mother but it turns out that lunch is in Paris. Then Endora suggests that they drop in on Aubert, the greatest dress designer in Paris so Samantha can be inspired to finish her dress. But Aubert is privately viewing his four latest designs on four models and refuses to receive guests. He tells his assistant Brigette to send them away. Endora puts everyone in suspended animation so she and Samantha can appear and have a look at the designs. Then Samantha goes home to return to her dressmaking. She thinks she is finished but then Darrin comes home and asks her to hurry up and finish it because they have to meet Glendon. Samantha has no choice but to use witchcraft and to make an exact copy of one of Aubert’s dresses. Glendon’s wife and sister are also at the dinner party and they are very impressed with the dress Samantha is wearing. Darrin brags that she made it herself and so Doris Glendon and Ethel Granger ask her to make a dress for each of them. J.T. Glendon is such an important client that Darrin unilaterally volunteers on Samantha’s behalf and so Samantha gives in and says she’ll do it. Then Samantha’s neighbour Gladys Kravitz asks her to make her a dress too and she doesn’t have the heart to turn her down. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Samantha, Darrin’s newest client is Aubert of Paris. It’s a secret and so Darrin invites Doris and Ethel to wear their new dresses at a special cocktail party. Gladys gets herself and Abner invited as well. At the party Darrin reveals that his surprise guest is Aubert of Paris. Aubert walks out, sees his four latest designs before they are supposed to be revealed, and faints. Later Darrin tells Samantha that Aubert is going to sue his agency for $5 million. The thing that makes Aubert the most angry is that only Samantha looked good in his gown, while the other three women looked horrible. He has been trying and failing for years to break into the US market. This gives Samantha an idea. She appears before Aubert and suspends his animation while he can still understand what she is saying. She tells him that his designs fail in the US because he has been designing for women with fashion model figures. He has to think about the shape of the average US woman. She reanimates him and he understands that he needs to design for the pear shaped woman. Samantha promises to make dresses from his new designs. At the show the models are Doris, Ethel and Gladys. This was the very last appearance of Alice Pearce as Gladys because she died after this was filmed. 
            Glendon was played by Harry Holcombe, who started out as a director of radio programs, including Benny Goodman’s Carmel Caravan. His first film appearance was in The Purple V in 1943. He co-starred in the very short-lived sitcom Barefoot in the Park. He played the doctor on Bonanza. He was Grandpa in the Country Time lemonade commercials in the 70s.

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