Thursday 23 May 2024

Kasey Rogers

            On Wednesday morning I worked out the chords for the intro and the first line of “On fait des rêves” (We Keep Dreaming) by Boris Vian. 
            I finished memorizing “China Doll” by Serge Gainsbourg. I didn’t bother to search for the chords because I’m pretty sure no one has posted them. I started working them out while repeatedly listening to the extract on Apple Music. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.4 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since May 14. 
            Around midday I rode to The Mother of All Guitar Shops at Dundas and Roncesvalles to ask about switch pedals. He had effects pedals but no pedals to plug into the back of my amp. While I was there I tried out an attractive Gibson with a solid, dark wood body. It sounded pretty good. A middle aged woman was there buying her first electric guitar. She told me she had only been playing acoustic for a little while. She said she has a paid account with Ultimate Guitar. I was surprised because I always find chords for free on that site. 
            I rode up to Junction Guitars but he didn’t have the kind of pedal I want either. I noticed that he had a Jackson electric guitar that looks exactly like my Kramer. He had a lot of Telecasters but I didn’t like their look. 
            I weighed 87.3 kilos at 13:45. 
            I had saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of raspberry iced tea for lunch.
            I weighed 87.3 kilos at 16:00. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 17:45. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my performance of “Kenya (acoustic)” I finished editing the video. I darkened it and added the effect for it to span the colour spectrum, then I published it. I looked for a thumbnail to use for when I upload it to YouTube tomorrow and settled on a Kenyan sculpture. 
            I continued to search for a Greta Garbo video clip to match the line “Restless days of hopeless sleep” for my “Angeline” video project. I skimmed two or three of her early silent films but so far haven’t found what I’m looking for. I’ll skim through The Mysterious Lady tomorrow. 
            I scanned the last seven slides of the penultimate box and the first ten slides of the final box. These so far are baby pictures and more shots of my daughter’s Aunt Susan. 
            I made pizza on naan with Basilica sauce, a hot honey smoked sausage and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching the first two episodes of season three of Bewitched.
            Samantha takes Tabatha for her check-up and just as the doctor is declaring that she is a healthy, normal baby she begins to levitate the doctor’s stethoscope behind his back. It’s been a year since she was born and this is the first time she’s shown that she has magical powers. She also wiggles her nose like her mother but she has to use her finger to make it twitch. Meanwhile Darrin’s boss Larry says he’s bringing Mark Robbins the new client over to Darrin’s place for cocktails so he can get a better feel of what kind of image he wants in his advertizing campaign. While Mark is there Darrin takes him to see Tabatha in the nursery and Mark immediately declares that Tabatha has the face he wants for his product, which is truck transmissions. A photo shoot is arranged with Diego Fenman the world’s best baby photographer. Samantha plans on warning Darrin in the morning that his daughter is a witch but he takes Tabatha to the photographer while Samantha is sleeping. Samantha catches up to them at the studio. Diego insists on being alone with Tabatha during the shoot. He sets up the first shot with some of the many stuffed toys in his studio but just before he snaps it Tabatha transports a stuffed giraffe into the frame. Every shot he arranges, Tabatha changes. Then Tabatha starts levitating several toys as they dance in a circle. Diego thinks he is losing his mind. Then when everyone comes in he blames Tabatha. Tabatha causes a painting of a pony to break over Diego’s head. 
            In the second story it’s Samantha and Darrin’s second anniversary and they have Aunt Clara come over to baby sit. But Samantha hasn’t told Clara that Tabatha has begun to use magic and so when Clara sees things floating around she thinks her own powers are even more on the blink than usual. She goes home to rest and so now since they can’t get a sitter they have Larry and Louise over for the anniversary party. But during the party Tabatha keeps levitating things from the living room, up the stairs to her nursery. Darrin sees some things floating and Samantha suggests to him that Aunt Clara’s spells may have a delayed reaction. But then Darrin follows a copper pot up the stairs and sees it floating into Tabatha’s hands. Samantha admits that it’s Tabatha’s doing and Darrin is in shock. They decide they have to get rid of the Tates before they see something they shouldn’t. Samantha casts a few spells to make it appear that Larry has had too much to drink. She makes him knock things over, slur his speech and lose his balance until even Larry is convinced he is drunk and he and Louise leave. Then Samantha calls for Aunt Clara to appear and lets her know that it wasn’t her own spells going haywire but Tabatha’s. Clara flies off to spread the news to the rest of the family that a new generation of witches has arrived. Darrin has gotten over his shock and is willing to accept that his daughter, like his wife, is a witch. 
            The new Louise Tate, replacing Irene Vernon after two seasons was Kasey Rogers, who got the nickname Casey in grade school because of how far she could hit a baseball. She studied piano, accordion, acting, and elocution from the age of seven. Her first film role was in the 1949 movie Special Agent. Her best-known film role was in Hitchcock’s Strangers On A Train. She played Julie Anderson on Peyton Place for 103 episodes. She later took up competitive motocross racing and started PURR (Powderpuffs Unlimited Riders and Racers). She became a writer and developer of TV shows. She wrote several Bewitched themed craft, interior design, and cookbooks such as The Bewitched Cookbook.

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