Friday 31 May 2024

Erin Murphy

           On Thursday morning I worked out the chords for the second verse of “On fait des rêves” (We Keep Dreaming) by Boris Vian. I’m pretty sure that the third verse repeats the chords for the first and the fourth for the second. After that it’s more of a chant of parts of some lines. 
            I started working out the chords for “Aberdeen et Kowloon” by Serge Gainsbourg. As usual for most of the songs from the Made in China album by his wife Bambou, there is no full audio of this song online. So I have to listen to the extract on Apple Music over and over and determine the chords in bits and pieces for a few days until it all comes together. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. The action is easier to play now but it goes out of tune a lot, maybe because the strings are new. 
            I weighed 86.9 kilos at 11:20, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since May 12. 
            I got my place ready for pest control but Orkin didn’t come in the morning. I heard footsteps on the third floor above me and thought it was Steve from Orkin so I went up there. The door was open and I found the landlord removing more stuff. A lot of Caesar’s things, including his bed are still in his apartment a month after he died. Steve from Orkin didn’t come until 13:30. He said they have a new treatment for bedbugs and it’s no longer the spores. It’s a type of poison again and so I couldn’t stay in my place even in the kitchen like I could last time. 
            I strapped my laundry basket to my bike trailer. I’ve always used it just to hold dirty laundry rather than carry it but it worked great and strapped nicely onto the trailer. I put a large load of clothing in the big bag that came with the trailer inside the basket. I then strapped the plastic milk crate on top of the laundry basket and shoved another smaller bag of laundry in there. I carried another bag of laundry on my right handlebar. Normally I can fit all my washing into one machine but I’d bought a new fitted sheet and a big towel on my birthday, plus I’d gotten a lot of extra clothes dirty while sanding my bathroom ceiling earlier this month. At the laundromat I ran into Betina, one of my former yoga students at PARC. We chatted and I gave her a hug before I left. By the time I was done with my laundry it was 16:00 and too late for a bike ride downtown. So I just had lunch and took a siesta. 
            I weighed 88.3 kilos at 18:00. It’s been well over a year since I’ve been that heavy in the evening. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 19:09. 
            I started a Movie Maker project for my August 20, 2023 song practice. Then I copied it and renamed it “Kenya (electric)”. I deleted everything leading up to the beginning of that song and left off with the audio a split second behind. I should have them lined up tomorrow and may even have the video published. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “Angeline” I imported the Greta Garbo silent film Wild Orchids. I copied it to the end of the timeline and then started watching it while eliminating the parts I don’t need: 
            Wealthy businessman John Sterling and his wife Lillie leave San Francisco on a luxury boat to Java because John wants to invest in tea plantations. Lillie is excited by the romance of the trip but John is not romantic. In the corridor Lillie sees a man named Prince de Gace severely beating his servant and she is appalled. When he sees her he is smitten. He watches her continue on and notes which cabin she enters. Seconds later John passes and he notices that he enters the same cabin. The prince strikes up a friendship with John so he can get to Lillie. The three go to dinner and Lillie is cold to the prince. John doesn’t dance but insists that Lillie dance with de Gace. Then John is called away by a telegram. Out on the deck the prince tries to kiss Lillie and she slaps him. They turn and see John standing there. He approaches and says he is furious, but then we see his anger is because they did not ship his hunting suit, and so he did not see the kiss. Later Lillie and John are in their separate twin beds. This is the scene that I want. I started saving it and cut out everything before it. 
            I had a potato with gravy and a chicken leg while watching season 3, episodes 15 and 16 of Bewitched
            In the first story Aunt Clara goes to the park with Samantha and Tabatha. They sit down on a bench next to another bench where a mother is sitting with her baby. The baby has a stuffed pink elephant with polka dots and Tabatha tries to use magic to get it when the mother’s back is turned. Samantha takes it away each time and scolds Tabatha. But each time when the mother returns she sees Samantha holding her child’s toy. She accuses Samantha of being a thief. 
            Later at home Samantha has Clara babysit while she goes to the bank to negotiate a loan so they can tear down their gazebo and build a rumpus room. Leon Scranton the bank manager is gruff at first until he learns that Samantha’s husband works for McMann and Tate. His brother’s paint company’s advertizing is handled by Darrin’s company and Scranton is friends with Larry Tate and so he says he’ll approve the loan but first he has to send Hawkins, his appraiser, to inspect the property. Hawkins is very concerned with character more than finances and has rejected other potential loanees when they came up short in his sense of propriety. 
            Meanwhile Clara is trying to conjure an elephant toy for Tabatha but as usual her magic malfunctions and she conjures a live pink and polka dotted baby elephant. She can’t reverse the spell without the original toy elephant. Then Hawkins arrives to investigate the Stevens house and the elephant sticks its head out the window. Hawkins runs away but returns with Scranton and Larry. The elephant loves Tabatha and follows her wherever she goes so Samantha keeps leading the elephant into other rooms. Hawkins finds it each time but by the time he gets Scranton and Larry to come it is gone. Hawkins thinks he is losing his mind. 
            Clara buys the toy elephant from the mother and now is able to change the real elephant back to a toy. 
            The second story is similar to one that was presented in the first season except that the sport is changed. Samantha has befriended a boy named Johnny Mills and is helping him transport his soapbox car to the try outs. He is racing against Gladys Kravitz’s nephew Flash. Samantha does help Johnny with a touch of magic when she fixes his wheel that is about to come off during the race. Johnny wins. Johnny now qualifies for the Soapbox Derby but needs his father’s signature and doesn’t think he’ll get it. Mr. Mills is a hard working mechanic who wants his son to become a doctor. Samantha talks him into signing the paper but he says he won’t have time for the race. Johnny wins the race all by himself but Gladys Kravitz files a complaint that Samantha assisted Johnny against regulations. Samantha tries to get Mr. Mills to come to the hearing. He lists all the things he needs to do instead but Samantha gets them done with witchcraft and Mr. Mills comes to defend his son. Johnny explains to the judges exactly how he built his soapbox car. Gladys’s complaint is dismissed. Johnny moves on to win the nationals and the prize is a college scholarship. 
            Tabatha was played by Erin Murphy, who originally shared the role with her fraternal twin sister Diane but as they got older they looked less alike and so Erin was given the role. She was still a child actor when Bewitched ended and had guest roles on several TV series while also appearing in many commercials. She worked as a swimwear model in her teens. As an adult she has worked as a casting director, a makeup artist, a stylist, an acting teacher, a motivational speaker, a TV host, a correspondent, and as a fashion, beauty and lifestyle writer. She was a stunt double for Virginia Madsen. She raised alpacas and started the company Erin Murphy Knits. She is co-owner of Slim Chillers, a maker of low calory frozen martini pops. She owns the company Bewitched Memorabilia. She was the host of Disney’s Parentpedia.

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