Sunday 12 May 2024

Sharon DeBord

            On Saturday morning I memorized the first verse and the chorus of “Quoi toi moi t’aimer tu rêves” (What You Love of Me is What You Dream) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar without amplification during song practice for the first of two sessions but it was annoying. I can hear what I’m doing for the most part but not always. I stopped a few times to try to figure out how to play my guitar through the audio interface. The levels register the input but I can’t hear the output. I might have to download an amp simulator. I saw a demo of a free version of Amplitube that looks pretty good. Because I stopped playing to do research I had to shorten each song to get through song practice not too late. 
            I weighed 87.3 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I went down to No Frills. I was going to try another experiment with my bike trailer and see if it works better for shopping with the milk crate strapped on for a basket. But I was running late and I knew it would probably be time consuming. I bought five bags of grapes, a pack of strawberries, a pack of raspberries, bananas, Basilica sauce, two containers of skyr, two bags of sweet chili chips, and a jug of orange juice. I weighed 87.3 kilos before lunch. I had saltines with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of lemon iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. It was sprinkling the whole time but not enough to get me wet. 
            I weighed 87.3 kilos at 17:10. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:15. 
            I downloaded the guitar amp simulator Amplitube after researching a bit. Another amp sim called Blue Cat gets more frequently mentioned as the best of the free ones but I saw “easy to use” more often in reviews of Amplitube. It took about two hours during which time I did other things and so I’ve yet to try and use it. 
            I reviewed the song practice videos of my performances of “La bas c’est natural” and “Kenya” from August 25 to 31. I played “La bas c’est natural” on my Martin acoustic guitar on August 25, 27, and 31. On August 25 the take at 17:15 in Part B sounded okay but there was bad light and traffic noise. On August 27 the take at 22:45 was pretty good, there was low traffic noise and it looked good. On August 31 the take at 9:15 in Part B was okay. On August 29 I played it on my Kramer electric guitar and the take at 7:45 in part B was okay but I could have looked friendlier at the end. On August 26 and 28 I played “Kenya” on the Martin. On August 26 the take at 22:15 was pretty good and looked good. On August 28 the take at 21:45 was not bad. On August 30 my electric performance of “Kenya” wasn’t recorded because the camera battery was past its bedtime. 
            I downloaded the video of the scene from the movie Head in which Mickey Dolenz jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge and falls in slow motion. I converted it to WMV and tomorrow I’ll import it into the Movie Maker project for my song “Angeline” to edit and use for the second chorus. 
            I grilled five hot Italian sausages and sliced two of them onto a naan pizza with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 2, episodes 16 and 17 of Bewitched
            In the first story Darrin is having trouble coming up with a slogan for the Kingsley Potato Chip campaign. He’s been working too hard and he’s all tensed up. Samantha muses that it would be good for him to get away for a while. His boss Larry says he has a cabin in the woods upstate they could use. He hasn’t been there for three years and now it’s up for sale. Samantha and Darrin decide to go there and find it extremely run down. Even the fireplace is falling apart. It begins to storm outside and the roof is leaking. They consider leaving so Darrin lets Samantha conjure a phone to find out if the roads are washed out and they are. Reluctantly Darrin lets Samantha use witchcraft to transform the place into a luxury cabin in Early American style. Meanwhile some newlyweds named Alice and Charles MacBain come to see Larry because they are considering buying his cabin. They want to drive up and check it out tomorrow. So the next day while Samantha and Darrin are in town shopping, the MacBains arrive and let themselves into the cabin that Samantha had only transformed for the three days of her and Darrin’s stay there with the intention of changing it back to its dilapidated state upon leaving. The MacBains fall in love with the cabin immediately and call Larry from the phone that isn’t supposed to be there and has no connecting wires, to tell him that they want to buy the place. When Samantha and Darrin find the MacBains there and learn their plans they are at odds with each other on what to do. Darrin says it is dishonest to let them buy a magically transformed property while Samantha argues that they would be happy there. Alice says this is their dream home, plus they need it for Charles’s health. Darrin gives in and doesn’t make Samantha change the cabin back. The MacBains go back to the city to pack. A day or so later Darrin and Samantha are getting ready to leave when Larry arrives, which forces Samantha to change the cabin back to its dilapidated state. Then the MacBains return and so Samantha has to change the cabin back to its beautiful form while altering Larry’s perception so he still sees a run down cabin. The MacBains give Larry their down payment of $1000 and Samantha is shocked to learn that the full price Larry is charging is $5000 ($50,000 today) for what he perceives as a run down shack. Samantha makes Larry feel guilty and he tells the MacBains that he’s selling it to them for the amount of the down payment of $1000. 
            In the second story Samantha is almost at full term in her pregnancy (Elizabeth Montgomery was pregnant in real life and so nothing was faked in that department). She is still doing housework but Darrin is worried about her exerting herself and wants her to take it easy. He says he’s going to hire a maid for her. So Samantha has to interview several prospects of which we see three. The first is Mrs. Luftwaffe who wants to see Samantha’s references. Samantha uses magic to make her kitchen messy so the stuffy woman rejects her. The next is a very young and attractive woman named Barbara whose five references are all from husbands. She wants to see a picture Darren and so Samantha makes his portrait look like a farmer. The third is Naomi who is trying to put her son through medical school but confesses from the start that she is accident prone but promises to pay for everything she breaks. Samantha always supports the underdog and so she hires Naomi. That night they have Larry and Louise Tate over for dinner and Naomi cooks but it is a disaster in the kitchen and so Samantha uses magic to help Naomi out. Saturday is Naomi’s day off but Louise calls Samantha to say their maid had to go away and asks if she can lend her Naomi to work her magic in her kitchen like she did in Samantha’s. Samantha keeps sneaking away from Darrin to help Naomi out. The next day Naomi quits because she knows they’ll have to fire her eventually and she wants it to happen before the baby arrives because she knows she would become attached to it. She then works out in her head the math of the percentages of her pay of all the breakage. Samantha points out to Darrin how good at math Naomi is and he agrees. She asks if he can find her a job in the accounting department of his company and he thinks he can. 
            Larry’s secretary, Miss Thatcher was played by Sharon DeBord, who started as a stenographer for ABC and then a secretary for Warner Brothers. She only considered acting later and started working in theatre. A producer saw her perform in the play Roman Candle and cast her in General Hospital on which she played Nurse Sharon Pinkham for nine years. She starred in the movie That Tennessee Beat.

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