Tuesday 16 May 2017

My Old Place

            On Monday I needed to send in my income statement to social services. All I had to declare was $10.00 of vacation pay from OCADU. After mailing it I headed down to King and Maynard to take some pictures of the Buddhist temple so I could post one of them with my blog. There don’t seem to be any official pictures posted of the place since they made it look all spiffy for Buddhmas. It was a bad time of day for shooting something to the west of my camera, but I managed to block the sun by standing north east of trees and poles.
            There was an old Tibetan man walking round and round the temple with his mala beads and every time he passed the front of the temple he would spin a couple of the gold coloured prayer wheels that are lined up at the front.
            Since I was there with my camera out I couldn’t resist going to the south side of 10 Maynard and taking a shot of the basement window of the apartment where I used to live and also of the one to the east end of the building where my daughter’s mother lived for a while and where Astrid was conceived.
            I threw out about ten pairs of holey socks but kept a couple of the heavier ones with no heels because they are good for slipping on top of other socks in the winter.
            In the evening I took a bike ride though my knee is still bothering me. I’m hoping that it’s just a matter of adjustment to the new bike and the new position my body takes while riding.
            Because it was so warm out I eschewed my motorcycle jacket for the first time since early last fall. I just wore a tank top with my unbuttoned long sleeved shirt on top.
            There was a lot of traffic on Bloor Street east of Yonge, which slowed down the bike traffic as well because cyclists couldn’t pass the slower ones in front. I finally got ahead at Church Street and rode as far as Parliament before turning around and coming back.
            I noticed that the old house that had been on skids just west of Parliament has finally been moved. I see online that the William Whitehouse residence built in 1887 was relocated nearby to 30 Howard Street.
            I went south on Yonge to take Queen Street home but I think from now on I’ll use College or Dundas until those horrible busses are off Queen Street. They slow me down way too much.
            I stopped at Freshco to but one container of zero fat yogourt.
            I spent quite a bit of time sewing some little leather strips to repair the leather tip of my guitar strap and finished it just before going to bed after midnight.

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