Friday 26 July 2024

Ethelreda Leopold

            On Thursday morning I posted “If Our Tears Made Rainfall”, my translation of “S'il pleauvait des larmes” by Boris Vian on my Boris Vian Facebook page and on my own Facebook page. 
            I uploaded “Tombée des nues” (Falling from the Clouds) by Serge Gainsbourg to my Christian’s Translations blog. I edited and then published it and posted my translation “Paradise Lost” on Facebook. There are nineteen Gainsbourg songs left in my project to translate all of his songs. I memorized the first verse of his song “Un amour peut en cacher un autre” (One Love Can Serve to Cover Another). That verse is repeated three times and there are only two other verses in the song so I’ll probably have it all nailed down on the weekend. 
            I weighed 87.35 kilos before breakfast.
            Around midday I put my motorcycle jacket in a bag and hung it on my right handlebar as I took an early bike ride downtown. I stopped at Perfect Leather at 555 King Street West where they had my new guitar strap that they’d copied from the one they made last year. I paid $120 in cash and then showed them my motorcycle jacket. There are holes on each side on the front of the chest where my backpack straps have been rubbing against it. Apparently I should have conditioned it more and it got dried out. They are going to put new panels of leather to replace the ones where the holes are, fix the zippers and the snaps, and put in a new lining, all for $400. It’ll be ready on August 17. 
            On the way home I stopped at Freshco where I bought five bags of cherries, a pack of raspberries, some bananas, a pack of five-year-old cheddar, cinnamon raisin bread, a pack of frozen shrimp, a jug of orange juice, Breton crackers, a pack of Full City Dark coffee, and some two in one shampoo and conditioner. In the personal needs aisle I ran into one of my ex-yoga students from PARC and we chatted for at least twenty minutes. 
            I weighed 87 kilos at 15:24. 
            I weighed 87.35 kilos at 17:35. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:16. 
            I took my camera and tripod out to look for people to put on video for my project. I walked to Sorauren and then east to Elm Grove. I went home to get dinner started. I put nine chicken drumsticks in the oven and then I went back out to take another trip to Sorauren, to Elm Grove and then home. Still no sign of Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver. 
            I reviewed the song practice videos of my performances of “Dance and Sing to Baby Pop” and “Baby Pop” from August 10 to 16. On August 10, 12 and 16 I played “Dance and Sing to Baby Pop” on my Martin acoustic guitar. On August 10 the take at 3:30 in part B was the best English version up to that date. On August 12 the take at 6:30 in part B wasn’t bad but the light was a bit washed out. On August 16 the take at 12:45 in Part B was pretty good and looked good. On August 14 I played it on my Kramer electric guitar and the take at 12:15 in part B wasn’t bad and looked good. This session is already a project in Movie Maker. On August 5 I played “Baby Pop” on the Martin and the take at 11:30 in part B was okay and didn’t look bad. 
            I had two of the drumsticks for dinner with a potato and gravy while watching season 5, episodes 23 and 24 of Bewitched.
            In the first story Darrin’s mother Phyllis is visiting Samantha for lunch when Samantha’s mother Endora pops in. She says she wants to take Tabitha to the zoo like she did last week. Phyllis is jealous and thinks that Endora is given more time with her granddaughter than she is. Later Darrin’s father Frank comes by to address that very matter. He says Phyllis thinks Samantha is trying to keep Tabitha away from her. He asks Samantha to let Tabitha spend this weekend with him and Phyllis. Samantha is reluctant for reasons that are obvious to those that know that Tabitha is a witch with no control over her powers. But Endora supports Frank’s proposal. He says they’ll pick her up at 13:00 tomorrow. Samantha decides she is going to come too. The next day Phyllis takes Tabitha out onto the patio to show her Black Bart, her new pet mynah bird. When Tabitha is alone with the bird she makes him so he can really converse rather than merely imitate. He tells her Black Bart is a dumb name and he wants to be called Mr. Marvelous. Phyllis returns and when she hears this goes to Frank to tell him. Samantha gets Tabitha to undo the spell on Black Bart so all Frank hears is the usual mimicry. He wants Phyllis to lie down for a while. Later Tabitha asks Phyllis for a raisin cookie. Endora appears and Tabitha asks if she can have a cookie too. Endora asks if the cookies are from an Alive B. Toklas recipe. This is a reference to the Alice B. Toklas Cookbook, which was popular with the counterculture around the time this episode aired because the book included a recipe for hashish fudge. Since they are not from that book Endora says she’ll pass. Phyllis says, “I have an idea” to which Endora responds, “Beginner’s luck!” Samantha says she’d better take Tabitha home but she can’t find her. Endora suggests that because the adults were arguing about her she probably turned herself into something small to escape. Endora remembers that when Samantha was small, during an argument between her father and Uncle Arthur, she turned herself into a postage stamp and ended up in Istanbul. Samantha sees the face on one of Phyllis’s raisin cookies smile and she knows it’s Tabitha. She takes the cookie aside and tells it to change back and she does but Phyllis and Frank happen to see Tabitha appear. 
            In the second story Samantha and Darrin are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Rockford. Samantha tells Endora that J. Earl’s ancestors came over on the Mayflower. Endora says she doesn’t remember seeing any Rockfords on the Mayflower. That night J. Earl mentions that he is the president and chairman of the board of the Burning Oak Country Club. He thinks that Darrin would fit in there. Darrin says he’d like to think about it, which Rockford finds insulting. He leaves and takes his account with him. The next day Darrin apologizes and Rockford invites him to play golf at the club. Mrs. Rockford calls Samantha and invites her to lunch with her and the ladies of the screening committee. Endora declares that soon Darrin will be outsnobbing the snobs. Samantha says he won’t but Endora casts a spell on Darrin to make him a snob. As a snob Darrin hits it off well with Rockford. Samantha has lunch with Mrs. Hortense Rockford and two other ladies. Mrs. Cynthia Monteagle says she’s disappointed Samantha doesn’t share common friends with her. They are all surprised that Samantha’s husband works for a living, since all of their husbands own companies. Samantha suggests that’s why Burning Oak is so exclusive and empty. Harriot MacGibbon asks Samantha who her couturier is. Samantha says Sears and Robuck. When Darrin comes home he tells Samantha they are invited to have dinner that night at the club. When Samantha hears Darrin’s snobbish manner she realizes he is under a spell. When Hagatha arrives to babysit Tabitha, Samantha asks her to do some research into the names of some of the club members. That night Rockford says they must protect the club for the true blue pure bred Americans. Then everyone freezes and Endora arrives with Hagatha’s list. Samantha asks her to remove the snob spell from Darrin. Then Darrin argues that they should get rid of the wrong people and let in the common people. Samantha says she and Darrin have decided to stay out of Burning Oak. She tells Rockford that his ancestor on the Mayflower was an Irish stowaway named Toodles Rockney. She tells Mr. Morton that his grandfather was a horse thief from Poland. She suggests subtly that Cynthia is of Jewish descent. She says there is no pure bred American other than the Indians but they wouldn’t be allowed in the club. The next day Darrin announces he’s got the Rockford account and the screens are off at Burning Oak. 
            One of the club guests was played by Ethelreda Leopold, who was a 17 year old fashion model when she was spotted by a Warner Brothers talent scout and cast in the chorus line of the musical Dames. She appeared in several Three Stooges, Andy Hardy and Abbott and Costello films. She was a Busby Berkely Girl and won a popularity contest within that group.

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