Monday 8 July 2024

Walter Sande

            On Sunday morning I searched for the chords for “S'il pleauvait des larmes” (If it Rained in Tears) by Boris Vian and was surprised that no one had posted them considering how many covers of the song are posted. 
            I worked out the chords for the first verse and a half of “L'impression du déjà vu” (A Sense of Déjà Vu) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I weighed 87.5 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since June 23. I washed a pair of shorts and hanged them to dry out on the roof. Someone has been using a 38 X 90 X 2000 plank as a clothesline and so I used it too. 
            I moved several videos from my main hard drive to the Samsung SSD. I weighed 87.7 kilos before lunch. That’s the least I’ve tipped the scales at midday since June 28. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 86.8 kilos at 17:45. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:10. 
            I went out with my camera and tripod to look for more people to shoot for my video. I walked west and stepped into the Lucky Supermarket to make change. I stepped in line when a guy who’d been standing a considerable distance away and looked like he was still shopping suddenly stepped up and said he was in line. I said “I’m just gonna make change”. He held up his bag of orange peppers and said “I’m just gonna buy some groceries”, so I said “It’s okay” and left. He called after me “Go for it!” but it’s no big deal to make change elsewhere. I walked to Sorauren, then east to the library back and forth three times but there was no one who grabbed my attention. On Saturday night there was a different energy on the street and I shot three videos. There’ll be other nights and it’s not like I’ve really a reason to be in a hurry. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my acoustic performance of “La jambe de bois” I had time to almost synchronize the audio with the video to within a second. How much time I have to spend on it for the next little while depends on it being too cloudy in the evening to shoot videos. 
            I made pizza on a roti with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 4, episodes 20 and 21 of Bewitched. 
            In the first story Darrin and Endora have been fighting. Endora has been casting nasty spells on him with the worst being putting a live cobra in his briefcase. This results in McMann and Tate losing a big account and Darrin getting fired. Darrin takes it out on Samantha and that causes her to suggest that Darrin might be happier if he’d never met her. Darrin doesn’t disagree and suddenly he disappears. Endora says she gave Darrin his wish and she challenges Samantha to enter the alternative timeline to see how happy he is. They go and observe Darrin driving an expensive sports car and living it up as a playboy. He’s such a big success at McMann and Tate that they are considering making him a partner. They see that Sheila Sommers is Darrin’s girlfriend and they are getting married in ten days. Her father, the fourth richest man in the country is paying for the wedding and the honeymoon. That night he is throwing a party for them and so Samantha and Endora go to watch. While they are there Darrin steps out onto the balcony for a smoke and he doesn’t look that happy. They follow him to his favourite bar where he confesses his doubts to Al the bartender. Darrin is leaving when he bumps into Samantha on her way in. He buys her a drink and confesses that he might be looking for something else. Then he realizes that he is and tells her to wait there while he goes to undo something. He leaves and Samantha is satisfied. She returns to her own timeline knowing that Darrin would be with her no matter what.
            In the second story Samantha has the morning paper ready for Darrin to read during breakfast. But the headline reads “Riot at Love-In” and shows a picture of a hippy who looks exactly like Samantha. She blanks out the photo so Darrin can’t see it. He wonders why there’s no picture and Samantha suggests that the love-in was out of sight. After Darrin leaves for work Samantha pops her cousin Serena out of jail and she arrives in her hippy clothes with a psychedelically decorated electric guitar. Serena plays some rock and roll for Tabitha who calls her Auntie Serena. They did the same thing on The Beverly Hillbillies with familial relations. Jethro’s mother was Jed’s cousin and yet he called him Uncle Jed. Technically Jed and Jethro would be cousins and so would Serena and Tabitha. Meanwhile Larry and Louise are having breakfast and they see the morning paper and the picture. The writers are not even acknowledging that Louise already met Serena a few episodes before this and would have told Larry about her. Larry doesn’t mention the headline at work but asks if he and Louise can come over to play bridge that night. Darrin comes home and sees Serena is there. He calls her a kook which pushes her into revenge mode unless he apologizes. Larry and Louise come over and see Samantha looking normal but in the corner they see the guitar that Serena was holding in the newspaper photo. They try to tell Larry and Louise about Serena but they don’t believe it. The next day Darrin is meeting with an important and conservative client when Serena shows up in her mini skirt and is behaving in an over the top manner causing Giddings to leave. Larry still thinks it’s Samantha and that she needs a psychiatrist. Darrin invites Larry and Louise over to meet both Samantha and Serena at the same time. But Serena doesn’t show and so Samantha keeps changing back and forth but apparently can’t be both at once, even though a few episodes ago Samantha did make herself into two people. Larry is still suspicious even though Samantha and Serena appear separately in such a short time that it would be impossible for it to be one person changing their clothes, hair and makeup. Samantha as Serena sings a song called “If’n” that parodies hippies and claims they don’t wash themselves. The table is set for five people but there are only four. Darrin and Samantha are discussing in the kitchen what to do when Darrin says, “Serena I’m so sorry I started with you!” Darrin is about to explain Serena’s absence when she comes down the stairs while Samantha is also there. She tells Darrin that the apology was all she’d needed. 
            Giddings was played by Walter Sande, whose first work in the movie business was as a musical director for 20th Century Fox theatres. He started getting uncredited parts in films. He played Jack Flash Strong in The Iron Claw. He co-starred in Don Winslow of the Navy and Don Winslow of the Coast Guard. On TV he co-starred in The Adventures of Tugboat Annie. He was also a master woodworker.

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