Monday 15 July 2024

Isabel Sanford

            On Sunday morning I worked out the intro for “S'il pleauvait des larmes” (If Our Tears Made Rainfall) by Boris Vian and ran through singing and playing the whole song in French. Tomorrow I’ll start revising my translation. 
            I memorized the fourth and the half verse that follows and leads to the instrumental of “Asphalte” by Serge Gainsbourg. There are just two verses left to nail down. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the second of two sessions. Tomorrow I’ll begin a four session stretch of playing the electric guitars, starting with the Gibson for two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.15 kilos before breakfast, which is the lightest I’ve been in the morning since May 30. 
            Around midday I swept and mopped my floors. It looks like they’ve finished the renovations upstairs so now I can use the stepladder and return to sanding my bathroom. 
            I weighed 88.45 kilos before lunch. That’s the highest it’s been at midday since July 3. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. It was spitting at first but it let up once I was on the Bloor bike lane. 
            I weighed 88.45 kilos at 17:00. That’s the most I’ve tipped the scales in the evening since June 28. 
            Yesterday I sent the artwork that I conceived for the cover of my book Paranoiac Utopia to Richard Olafson to see if he would accept it. He not only responded that he likes it but that he finds it exciting. He already ran the cover and the text through his layout program to show me what the book will look like. The text looks good but I’m disappointed with the position of the bar code on the lower right of the back cover. If that’s a standard position there’s nothing I can do but it would be aesthetically better somewhere else because it blocks some of the imagery. I asked him about it but he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:34. 
            I took my camera and tripod out to look for people to put on video. As I was approaching the corner of Queen and West Lodge where a lot of people sit and drink, a very outgoing guy named Sal who I see and hear shouting on the street spoke to me. I asked if he wanted to be in a video and he agreed. He remembered when I shot the video of Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver a couple of weeks ago. I told him to tell Silver Wing that I need to reshoot. He says Silver Wing lives nearby so it’s probably a matter of time before I run into him again. This guy’s name is Sal and I guessed correctly that he’s from Guyana. We went across the street and I shot him in the sunlight against a brick wall. He was getting tired of the repetitions of “Sit here and wait for the next state of grace” and “Line up and wait for the next state of grace”. I told him they won’t be repeated in the actual video but it’s just that I need a few takes so I can pick the best. I walked to Sorauren, then east to Elm Grove, then back to Sorauren and to Elm Grove again. I now have four videos done. I need a total of six for the music video but I’ll shoot an extra four so I have a selection to choose from. 
            I made pizza on a roti with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching the first two episodes of the fifth season of Bewitched
            In the first story Endora decides to turn over a new leaf. She comes to Samantha with a wedding present, finally acknowledging her marriage to Darrin after four years despite the fact that he’s mortal. She even refers to Darrin by his name rather than “Derwood”, “Dubbin” or some of the other wrong names she’s deliberately given him. But as soon as Darrin walks into the kitchen and sees her he is hostile towards her. She tells him he’s being small and so she casts a spell on him. A few hours later while Darrin is at work he notices that his clothes are too big. He’s normally the same height as Larry but now he’s a head shorter. By the time he gets home he’s only a meter tall. The nosy neighbour Gladys Kravitz sees him run into the house. The next morning Darrin is standing on the kitchen table and he’s only slightly taller than a coffee mug. Gladys Kravitz comes to snoop, saying she’s looking for her dog. Meanwhile the mastiff comes in the kitchen and Darrin hides inside the cup. The dog knocks it to the floor. Darrin runs outside and hides inside a mayonnaise jar on the curb that is sitting with some other garbage. Two garbage men come and take the garbage to the dump. There a drunk named Frank O’Hara finds Darrin and thinks he’s a leprechaun. If one captures a leprechaun it has to grant the finder three wishes. Darrin tells him that if he takes him to his wife then she will grant his wishes. He does so and wishes for and gets new glasses, a new suit of clothes and a Shetland pony. Samantha gets Darrin back, then he apologizes to Endora and she reverses the spell.
            In the second story Samantha steps out for a few minutes and then her identical cousin Serena arrives with a raven on her shoulder that keeps calling “Let me out”. As Darrin comes down for breakfast Serena gives herself Samantha’s hair and clothes and then gives Darrin a big kiss. Then Samantha walks in and Serena reveals herself. The raven is a warlock named Malcolm that Serena was dating until she found out he was married and cursed him. Then Serena hears Malcolm’s wife Brunhilda approaching and disappears. Brunhilde arrives and thinks that Samantha is Serena. She punishes her by sending her a century back in time. Serena reverses her spell on Malcolm to avoid being found by Brunhilda. Samantha finds herself in 1868 New Orleans with amnesia. She gets splashed by a carriage and a woman named Aunt Jenny comes to see if she’s okay. She takes her home to the plantation where she works for Rance Butler. This is after emancipation and so Jenny wouldn’t be a slave. After Samantha has been fed Butler wants her sent away but Jenny insists that he let her thank him for the meal. Then when he sees Samantha he falls for her and says she can stay as long as she likes. Back in the present Serena tells Darrin that she can’t reverse Brunhilda’s spell but she can send him back and if he can get Samantha to kiss him the spell will be broken. Darrin arrives in 19th Century New Orleans with only a picture of Samantha. One of Jenny’s friends recognizes her and directs him to the Butler estate. Jenny answers the door and confirms that the blonde woman is there, He barges in and sees Samantha but she doesn’t recognize her name or Darrin. He wants her to kiss him but she says “Don’t touch me!” Darrin says he can prove he’s her husband if she takes off her dress because she has a mole on her back. She tells Darrin he is no gentleman. He says he doesn’t want to prove he’s a gentleman but that he’s her husband. Butler tosses him out. That night Darrin climbs to Samantha’s bedroom and wakes her with his hand over her mouth until she promises not to scream. She then bites his hand so that he screams. Butler comes in and forces Darrin into a sword duel. He appears to cut Darrin’s arm and Samantha puts herself in front to protect him without knowing why. It’s only Darrin’s shirt that was cut. She feels compelled to kiss him and they both disappear. 
            Jenny was played by Isabel Sanford, who wanted to act from an early age but her mother forbade it and so she would sneak out of the house to perform in night clubs. She gave up her dream and got married. She already had three children and was in her late twenties when she returned to her dream. She joined the American Negro Theatre and made her stage debut in 1946. She acted on Broadway for thirty years before moving to Hollywood. In 1967 Stanley Kramer saw her on Broadway and cast her in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. She was a cast member on the Carol Burnett Show. In 1970 she was cast as Louise “Weezy” Jefferson on All in the Family. She starred on The Jeffersons from 1975 to 1985. After the show was canceled she continued playing Weezy on Roseanne, Fresh Prince of Bellair, Jane Austen’s Mafia, and in Old Navy and Dennys commercials.

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