Thursday 25 July 2024

Gail Kobe

            From Tuesday night to when I went to bed early Wednesday morning and continuing until I got up and started yoga, Leslie the beggar was under my window. She was asking people for money and shouting at those who didn’t respond with curses like, “I hope your penis gets cut off!” Sometimes she would sit directly under my window and the smoke from her cigarette would fill up the apartment as if she was right there in the bedroom. 
            Later that morning I published “If Our Tears Made Rainfall”, my translation of “S'il pleauvait des larmes” by Boris Vian on my Christian’s Translations blog. 
            I finished working out the chords for “Tombée des nues” (Falling from the Clouds) by Serge Gainsbourg. I ran through singing it in French and English. Tomorrow I’ll upload it to Christian’s Translations. 
            I weighed 87.95 kilos before breakfast. 
            At 13:00 I left for the U of T Graduate School of Periodontics for my deep cleaning. Last time it cost $203 but since then the federal dental plan kicked in for me and this time I paid nothing. I got my cleaning from the same hygienist as last time. She has a Slavic accent like a lot of them do and her name is Villi. At first she tried to do it without freezing but certain upper areas were sensitive and so she had someone come in to give me a few needles. He had a very calming manner. She kept on telling me to relax my lip but I have no idea what to do when anyone says that. The procedure took about an hour all together and I made another appointment for October 28. 
            I weighed 87.1 kilos at 15:30. For lunch I had pita crackers with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of low sugar iced tea. 
            I weighed 87.6 kilos at 18:00. 
            I took my camera and tripod out to look for people to put on video. Right now the main person I want to shoot is Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver. If I get him then I’ll consider this part of the project over. I walked to Sorauren and back twice. 
            I reviewed the videos of my song practice performances of “Dance and Sing to Baby Pop” and “Baby Pop” from August 4 to 9 of last year. On August 4 and 8 I played “Dance and Sing to Baby Pop” on the Kramer electric guitar. On August 4 the take at the 5:45 in part B was okay but the camera was tilted too high and the guitar did not sound great. On August 8 the take at 7:45 in part B was okay but the light was not good. On August 9 I played “Baby Pop” on my Martin acoustic guitar and the take at 9:00 in part B was not bad and looked good. So August 9 is the only take worth considering so far. 
            I made pizza on a roti with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 5, episodes 21 and 22 of Bewitched. Darrin by the way isn’t in either of these episodes. He’s been written as being on business in Canada. This is probably due to Dick York’s chronic back problems that caused him to quit at the end of this season. 
            In the first story Serena pops in on Samantha and recounts the current status of her exciting life. She’s just come back from a safari in Kenya and tomorrow she’ll be at Balmoral with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. But she says she’s bored with fun and there must be more to life than happiness. She’d just love to have an aching heart for a change. She says she wants to do what Samantha did and find herself a mortal and marry it. Samantha suggests she try computer dating and so she does. She fills out the questionnaire and there is only one match. The service arranges for a date between Serena and Franklin at a nice restaurant. They are both smitten as soon as they lay eyes on each other. He has already ordered her favourite wine before knowing what it is: Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1923. The date goes over amazingly and she invites Franklin for dinner at Samantha’s place. Samantha makes Serena cook dinner rather than conjure it. This was a predictable twist but the viewer learns before Serena does that Franklin is actually a warlock. The food is horrible and they are both extremely clumsy but they consider the night a success. They meet again the next night because Franklin has something to talk with her about. They meet and both want to say something. Serena goes first and demonstrates with a strange wind up of her arms that she’s never used before that she can disappear. Then he shows her that he can disappear. They both laugh. But then he points out that her habit of winding up before a spell like a demented windmill would be considered gauche in his social circle. She shows that she can cast a spell with as much style as he can as she makes a giant champagne glass appear, levitate it above his head and then drench him with champagne. He’s about to spray her with champagne from the bottle but she ducks and it hits Samantha. Then they both disappear. Serena then tries another agency but the one computer match for her is also a warlock. 
            In the second story Samantha and Tabatha have been in the park playing and are about to leave. Meanwhile a little boy is there with his pet chimpanzee but the boy is ignoring the ape to play with his kite. Samantha magically puts roller skates on Tabatha so they can get home faster and the chimp notices this and follows them. He knocks on the door and comes in when Samantha opens it. Samantha needs to find out where he belongs and so she makes him human so he can tell her. Technically if the chimp were made human it would have been a little boy since all the cute chimps we see in movies and on TV are very young. But in this unrealistic scenario the chimp is changed into an adult. He refuses to tell Samantha where his caregiver lives because he feels unappreciated there. Meanwhile at McMann and Tate the client Evelyn Tucker of Braun Cologne comes to see Larry. Her ad man Bobby Flynn has an idea for a TV spot involving three muscle men popping their pectorals. Larry reminds Tucker that Darrin is in charge of her account but she says Darrin has until the afternoon to prove he exists. He’s scheduled to return in a few hours and so Larry arranges for them to meet him at his home. When Tucker gets there she sees the human chimp and likes what she sees. Endora tells her his name is Harry Simmons and that he is Darrin’s cousin. Tucker wants Harry to advertize her cologne. A photo shoot is arranged for the next morning. Samantha tries to forbid Harry from going but Larry tells her that if Harry doesn’t come then Darrin is fired. Samantha learns that Darrin will be in Canada for another two days. Samantha takes Harry for the shoot and he is a success but he doesn’t like being human after all. Larry insists on more photo and TV shoots. Harry can’t quit but Samantha plans to get him fired by having him act naturally. He bites the make-up artist. He grabs Evelyn’s ass then grabs her and kisses her, taking her wig off and putting it on himself. Harry is fired. Samantha explains that this behaviour was to illustrate Darrin’s new slogan: “When your man uses Braun cologne there’s no telling how wild he might get”. Tucker loves the slogan and agrees to it but doesn’t want to see Harry ever again. Later Harry is changed back and returned to the boy. 
            Evelyn was played by Gail Kobe, who earned a Fine Arts degree in Theatre and Dance at UCLA. She started as a magazine model. She made guest appearances on several TV series. She played Penny Adams on the western series Trackdown. She played Doris Schuster on Peyton Place. She played Ann Boyd Jones on the soap opera Bright Promise. From 1982 to 1987 she was executive producer of the soap opera “The Guiding Light”. She was then producer of The Bold and the Beautiful from 1987 to the early 1990s. She taught theatre at San Fernando Valley State College.

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