Friday 26 July 2024

July 26, 1994: I debuted my poem "Portrait of My Quicksilver Headdress"

Thirty years ago today

            On Tuesday night I hosted my Orgasmic Alphabet Orgy writers open stage in the Art Bar of the Gladstone Hotel. There was a good turnout, including the first visits from John Barlow, Adeena Karasick and Death Waits who formed their own little bubble in a corner and giggled like school kids playing hooky.
            This was the Gumby Bible group poem for the night: 

Put on your space-helmet Baby 
& get ready for fall
Leave off all that you're doing 
You just might grow tall
in the breeze...then you're gone out 
& lost your baseball down the sewer again
Oust add last your lassi all dew the sewer ajar
Ah yes, impudent & yet luquiscently musical...insical
My poetry's problem: 
I assume people are dead to the world 
I read the previous lines & think
how impudent it was for John & Adeena 
to ignore the rhyming scheme of the 1st stanza
So it seems that Siskel & Ebert were right 
Two thumbs in the same stanza 
are worth all the space-helmets on Bloor street
Is that all that poetry is... here & now? Where's here? 
Struggling poets wrestling with the void 
The spaces between the characters & the words 
fall through the cracks in my breathing apparatus 
I hope the oxygen will last until I reach the surface
Arnature upright//outasight 
lusty old woman with attitude 
& then Adeena & Nancy (Primadonnas) did put on a skit 
had a drink of coffeewater & passed it off as wit 
A pantomime of passe rude 
& with a drink well...something lewd 
My drunkenness
But you knew this already
O goody,goody! here we go again Poetry! 
Sing a song for John Bonham. 

            I debuted my poem “Portrait of My Quicksilver Headdress”: 

So here I'm again with my writing
That illusive nomadic muse 
that comes charging from the unconscious frontier
like a ravaging horde of Mongols
to lay waste the card-house empire
of my conceptual mind 
is back now to dance on the damage with me
well at least for one more clumsy time

But nowadays I have to venture
deep into its sweet resting place
drag it kicking & screaming from out of its bed
& then slap it till its wide awake
just to nail down its dancing convulsions
like Christ on my high forehead's cross
Oh but make no mistake from the shape of this mask
Know my muse it is always the boss

Each one of my comatose projects 
that had lain there so dumb on their backs
half-formed, like thalidomide babies so long
are now spread like a thousand card hand 
of poker dealt out by the dealer 
who is my sweet imprisoned muse
But I'm beguiled by all the wild jokers I find
in this deck that I've so much abused

All the brutalized ink-blackened pages
that had crunched themselves into soft balls 
in the killer womb inside my frustrated fist
& to warm smoky freedom had rolled 
away on the underground railroad
conducted by garbage truck crews
well they're back now to fight
through my memory's court 
for their forty pages & a muse

Yes I'm back once again with my baby 
that had swum for so long in the womb
& the ultrasound films of that boring process 
are continuous echo-reruns 
on the nightmarish Walt Disney channel
that plays in my subconscious mind
providing the vaguest reflection of me 
that my ego could hope to design

It’s my fantasy's one-sided quarrel
I won't have to avert my eyes
& there's no counter-wit here I must circumvent
There's nobody to tell me I lie
So I'll lie in here all by my lonesome
just soaking up in my own brew
that’s so warm & so deep
I just might go to sleep 
in this alphabetic-stupor-stew

I use this typewriter to hammer 
a hole for myself in the wall 
of the towering mountain of purposefulness
& my voice as a beckoning call
to call you all out of your caverns
so I can then investigate
& comparatively determine the size
of my own spread of surrealestate

If you've all been knocked on your asses
in as many good & bad ways
then you're fattened by memory 
like I have become
& writing is one way to lose weight
Cause experiencing & teaching 
are two halves of one breathing process
& those of us holding a lungful of life 
can now pass on that eventful breath 

But our tiny Minds can't seem to handle 
Sensation's chaotic crossfire
that charges the electrical circuitry 
of each moment that challenges time
So that’s why we cause them to mutate 
& bleed into future & past
diluting them into a thin lady's drink
who's tall volume might cushion their blast

Then we sip with the greatest of leisure
Hope & memory's candy cane straws 
reweld them back into a plastic moment
merely flawed by some surgical scars 
that run like a railroad track border 
between these two nations at war
whose dividing line is as hard to define 
as the one between ocean & shore

Yes we tend to keep our lives separate
from Reality's smashing sea 
with dams made of bones 
from our clinking closets
& amnesia: the sealant between
Then we prick that dyke-wall with pinholes
to let just a little bit through
But its high where the wall's thin enough to be pricked
& the footholds are so very few
& most of us are far too lazy 
to climb up to where its that thin
& less of us have the digestive system 
that will hold that effulgent-juice in 
long enough so that when we do spit it 
deep into some young thirsty mind
it won't be so rich as to make the kid sick
or go down as more grape-juice than wine

But in my life the grey knotted tapeworm 
that is my excuse for a soul 
keeps me stealing that blood that’s been barely tasted 
from that foaming-toothed vampire’s hole
that serves as the garbage disposal 
of prayer, of blessing, of curse & of sigh
from who's lips we read the equations of time
& who's nickname is simply "the sky"

Sometimes it takes years of rewriting 
to translate one moment in time
& though the translation is never complete
it might unveil a piece of my mind
& almost just might count for something 
in writing, as in hand grenades
which though they fall short of the targeted mass
they still manage to blow it away

But I write cause I don't have the courage
to sit or to stand or to walk
in peace so I mirror these black fireworks
inside me with a crude voodoo-doll 
that shields me from most of my demons
but is also a fisherman’s net 
to catch them to serve as the ingredients 
in my diet of dark-angel flesh

It's a parachute serving to soften 
my descent through solitude's space 
(that bottomless mind-shaft of boredom & fear
that I tumble through from day to day)
& I fall through these out of time moments 
with or without pen in place
wrapped up in a mirror-lined crystal cocoon 
that will give me illusions of space

But what sails me away from one island 
of boredom becomes one in kind
So even though I get a sense of focus
lining up with a moment in time
its too bad it isn't the moment 
my body is feeding upon
but a moment that hangs in the perilous air
no momentum to carry it on

I can't seem to hold my attention 
when ideas fly in large flocks
but the counterbalance of this difficulty
is my flexible method of thought
& a talent for seeing the order 
that lies in perception's outback
which renders me so much more beautiful 
than the rest of you cloven-brained hacks

My acrobatical circus-boy mind 
keeps on seeping through all of the cracks 
in conception & emerges triumphantly 
as a glistening penis-head buck
Yes I'm raking the sky with my antlers
& their explosion frozen in time
a quicksilver ejaculation that sprouts 
from a well at the core of my mind

My thoughts are slowed down by my writing 
just long enough to be shocked 
by their image reflected inside of the page
& for one fleeting moment be caught 
like deer staring into car headlights
just long enough to be pulled back 
inside myself to become the soundtrack 
of my dance for the Calendar Girl
They go back in myself
orchestrate the striptease
of my Internal Calendar-Girl

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