Saturday 24 August 2024

David and Greg Lawrence

            On Friday morning I uploaded “D’où reviens-tu Billy Boy?” by Boris Vian to my Christian’s Translations blog and began preparing it for publication. 
            I memorized the sixth verse of “Amours des feintes” (Feinting Romance) by Serge Gainsbourg. There’s only one chorus left to learn. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice. There’s a switch that’s malfunctioning and when it’s accidentally touched during strumming it causes the guitar to fade out. Then I have to toggle it to get it to sound normal again. So today I’ll have to take it to Li’l Demon to see what can be done about it. 
            I weighed 86.9 kilos before breakfast.
            I got an email from Richard Olafson showing me the revised cover and the layout of my book Paranoiac Utopia. He says he wants to send it to the printer on Monday. I’m confused by that because he said he was going to send me a contract, which I’ve yet to receive. I don’t know much about getting published but it sounds odd that a book would go to print before the contract is signed. Maybe it’s normal for all I know. 
            I took my Kramer to Li’l Demon Guitars and Gian said the switch needs to either be soldered or replaced. I also asked him to reverse the switch so it’s down instead of up for the neck pickup. I only use the neck pickup and so if it’s in the down position I won’t accidentally knock it out while strumming. He says it while take at least a week to fix and so I’ll play the Gibson in the meantime. 
            I weighed 86.85 kilos before lunch, which is the lightest I’ve been at midday since last Friday.
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 86.55 kilos at 17:35. 
            I was caught up in my journal at 18:30. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I selected a clip of the video I shot on Queen Street of Matthew lip-synching, “for the next state of grace” and I inserted it into the main video after the clip of Whispering Ghost lip-synching “Sit here and wait”. After that it’s the beginning of the instrumental and there is a point just before Brian Haddon’s solo when I call out “Yeehah!”. But in the concert video the camera is on Brian when I do that and so I selected a clip of me singing it in the recent video that I shot on the street. I inserted it to correspond with the studio audio and then cut it just before Brian’s solo. When his solo is done I do a non verbal vocal and when I do the “Ahhh” part the concert video of that starts out in synch with the studio audio, but it goes off before the “Ohhh” part, so I’ll need to line that up tomorrow. 
            I digitized the cassette recording of part 2 of my Slamnation poetry slam from 2000. It was my last poetry slam. 
            I had a potato with the last of my gravy and the end piece of the roast beef while watching season 7, episodes 21 and 22 of Bewitched
            In the first story Samantha is reading the first chapter of a book called Marital Unrest before bed. She says that Louise Tate wanted her to read it. It says that after several years of marriage it’s common for partners to feel they want to be married to someone else. After reading the chapter Samantha is concerned about Louise. While she is sleeping we see everything spin around and then Louise is sleeping in Samantha’s bed while Samantha has switched places with Louise. But when they wake up Samantha is the only one who still knows who she is. Louise thinks she is Samantha and when Darrin looks at Louise he sees Samantha. Larry sees Samantha as Louise. The problem only affects mortals because when Samatha summons her mother she recognizes her and when Samantha looks in the mirror she sees herself. Endora thinks it’s a metaphysical molecular disturbance causing transfiguration. Samantha asks her to contact Dr. Bombay. He arrives, examines Samantha and confirms Endora’s diagnosis. Samantha is not affected because she is merely a carrier. It only affects mortals who have had contact with witches but it is Samantha that needs to be treated. He has Samantha play pop goes the weasel out of tune on a special harmonica but it doesn’t help. Bombay says he’ll have to concoct a potion but the key ingredient is the marrow from the tooth of a sabre toothed tiger. Samantha goes to Darrin’s office and Betty the secretary recognizes her as Louise Tate wanting to see Darrin. She explains they are planning a surprise party for Larry. The first thing she does is give Darrin a passionate kiss, which he thinks is coming from Louise. Then she proves to him that she is Samantha by using witchcraft. So a party is held for Larry at Darrin’s house and both Samantha and Darrin try to make it last until Bombay comes with a potion because neither of them wants to sleep with someone they aren’t married to. Bombay returns with the potion and Samantha drinks it but nothing happens. Bombay asks for more details on the night before this happened. She says she had a dream. She was tossing and turning, it was very breezy and she kept hearing “Louise”. Bombay says the molecules were not only disturbed but held there by a layer of dream inversion. He says a simple incantation on top of the potion should do the trick. It works and everybody is back to normal. 
            In the second story Serena comes with a gift for Darrin. Inside the box is a portable TV, but it turns out to be enchanted. On channel 13 the weather report is presented by a weatherman who is the weather personified. Darrin rejects the conjured gift and wants Serena to leave. She goes away in anger. Later she disguises herself as Samantha and tries to get Darrin to say something nice about her but he says Serena is rotten. She turns back into herself and says she’ll be willing to forget that insult if he’ll accept her gift. He refuses and she says he has all the graciousness of a gorilla and so she turns him into one. Nosey Gladys Kravitz next door hears animal sounds and goes to snoop only to see a gorilla in the Stevens living room. Serena turns him back and asks him to apologize but he refuses and so she makes him a gorilla again. Gladys calls the police and they see the gorilla too. They call a private zoo called Johnsons Jungle Isle and ask if they are missing a gorilla. They have a female gorilla named Tilly that needs a mate and so when they hear that the gorilla in question is male they lie that it is theirs. They come to pick it up but when Darrin sees the tranquilizer gun he just leaves willingly. When Samantha comes home she learns what has happened from Gladys and she goes to get Darrin back. She transports him home. When Gladys sees him she calls the cops again, who call Johnsons again. Samantha keeps transporting Darrin to different parts of the house as the cops and the keepers pursue him. Finally when he’s on the roof Serena turns him back to himself. Darrin says he can’t be as mad as he should be at Serena when he loves her cousin so much. 
            Samantha and Darrin’s son Adam was played by David and Greg Lawrence. There were laws in place that limited the amount of time small children could be employed and so this was often gotten around by using identical twins. They were first used on an episode of Get Smart. Then they got a lot of work in commercials such as for Pillsbury and Listerine. Then they were cast in Bewitched. After Bewitched was canceled their parents decided to retire them from show business. When they were 14 they learned that they were adopted and that their biological parents were Tony Curtis and Peggy Potter. They went into the restaurant business together and David became a chef. They continued to appear at Bewitched conventions.

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