Sunday 25 August 2024

Eric Scott

            On Saturday morning I finished memorizing “Amours des feintes” (Feinting Romance) by Serge Gainsbourg. Tomorrow I’ll look for the chords. 
            During song practice I played my Martin acoustic guitar for the first of four sessions. 
            I weighed 87.05 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I took my bike trailer to No Frills. The grapes were all too soft and so I got a watermelon and two baskets of nectarines instead. I also bought three packs of raspberries, a bag of potatoes, two T-bone steaks, mouthwash, chili sauce, peppercorns, a box of spoon size shredded wheat, cinnamon-raisin bread, multigrain sandwich bread, skim milk, a jug of raspberry iced tea, a jug of orange juice, two containers of skyr, and two bags of Miss Vickie’s potato chips. 
            I weighed 87.7 kilos before lunch. I had Triscuits with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of raspberry iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 86.85 kilos at 17:45. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:51. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I deleted some of the concert video of the instrumental. There’s a point near the end when I’m doing a non-verbal vocal and I transition from singing “Ahhh” to singing “Ohhh” but in the concert video I take longer to get to the “Ohhh” part and so I cut out some of the space in between. I got it synchronized with the studio audio but then I finish that vocal part slightly sooner in the concert video. So I took a clip from the video I shot of myself singing the song on the street a couple of months ago. In the studio audio I finish while singing “ahhh” again but on the street it turns out that I sang “ohhh” in that part. But when I inserted it into the main video it wasn’t very noticeable that my mouth was forming “oh” instead of “ah”. I synchronized the concert video with the studio audio for the beginning of the last verse when I sing, “And my mind hangs above this emotional wreck”. But then they fall apart for “like a scavenger looking for parts”. Tomorrow I’ll decide what to do about that. 
            I made pizza on a slice of multigrain sandwich bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 7, episodes 23 and 24 of Bewitched
            In the first story Tabitha and Adam are playing in a small above ground swimming pool. Tabitha asks her mother when they will be getting a real pool. Samantha answers when they can afford it. Endora appears and expresses frustration that her grandchildren have to settle for a life of squalor. Darrin and Larry share a cab to work and as Darrin is leaving, the cabbie asks if he forgot something. There’s a large envelope in the back seat, which Darrin assumes is something Larry forgot. Darrin takes it to his office and calls Larry’s office to ask about it. Larry says to open it and tell him what it is. Darrin opens it and it contains $100,000, which Darrin thinks was conjured by Endora. He tells Larry it’s a note from his mother in law. Darrin calls Samantha to complain about Endora but Samantha finds out that her mother had nothing to do with it. Darrin brings the cash home and when Darrin asks if Samantha did it she is insulted and after making the money disappear goes out to cool off. An hour or so before that Mr. Kosko the real owner of the envelope tracks down the cab through the dispatcher and the cabbie tells him who took the envelope. They wait outside Darrin’s office building until he leaves and then follow him home. Kosko asks for his money but Darrin doesn’t know where it is because his wife has it. Kosko pulls a gun and tells him to find her. He calls Louise who says Samantha is there but doesn’t want to talk with him. When Louise tells Samantha he was babbling about someone coming for the money and life or death, Samantha goes home. Samantha meets Kosko and wants to know where and how he got the money and why it wasn’t in a bank. Kosko is evasive. Then a large man named Braun arrives who is associated with Kosko. Samantha says she’s having a hard time remembering where she put the money. Kosko and Braun draw their guns but Samantha makes Braun’s gun fall apart and turns Kosko’s gun into a toy that shoots a “Bang” sign. Then Samantha causes sirens to be heard outside and a megaphone voice to call for Kosko and Braun. They decide to surrender and leave with their hands up but there is no one outside. Then real sirens arrive responding to the sirens they heard. Samantha gives the cops the money and Kosko and Braun are taken in for questioning.
            In the second story, Endora wants to take Tabitha to the unicorn races but Darrin won’t allow it. Endora thinks he’s being childish and so she turns him into a ten year old boy and refuses to change him back until he apologizes, which he refuses to do. Larry comes by and Samantha introduces the young Darrin as Darrin’s nephew Marvin. Marvin goes to play in the park with Tabitha and when they come back Tabitha tells her mother that her father played basketball with the other boys. We learn for the first time that Darrin played college basketball for Missouri State University. He has many years of experience despite the current age of his body. Then Herbie, one of the kids that Marvin played basketball with shows up at the kitchen door. He hints that he’d like to stay for lunch. Samantha doesn’t have time to prepare anything from scratch and so she opens a can of Mother Flanagan’s Irish stew. Herbie takes two bites and then decides to go home for lunch. Then both Samantha and Darrin try it and hate it too. Now Darrin has to convince Larry to drop the account. Samantha is sure he will after tasting the stew. Larry does hate it but still wants to sell the product. Darrin suggests they sell it while telling the truth such as “It may not be a gourmet treat but at least it’s nourishing” and “it’s cheap”. Then Flanagan himself comes by. Samantha suggests to Darrin that she turn him back into Marvin and let him tell Flanagan the truth. Marvin meets Flanagan and he asks him if he likes his stew. He says he doesn’t. He says he eats everything he’s served but he couldn’t eat Flanagan’s stew. Flanagan says he remembers that he never liked his mother’s stew either. Samantha suggests he lower the price and sell it as Mother Flanagan’s Doggie Stew. Flanagan loves the idea. Later Herbie comes to ask if Marvin can play basketball. He says they’re playing a bunch of bullies and couldn’t win without him. Samantha thinks Herbie’s honesty about Flanagan’s stew should be rewarded and convinces Darrin to let her turn him into Marvin one more time. 
            Herbie was played by Eric Scott, who played Ben Walton on The Waltons and appeared in all 212 episodes. After The Waltons he started a business called Chase Messengers, which was a parcel delivery service in Encino, California.

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