Monday 5 August 2024

Morgan Jones

            On Sunday morning when I got up there were four homeless people sitting on a blanket across the street, shouting at traffic and each other. Later there was just one guy groaning and trying to sleep. Still later the others came back. At around 8:00 some passers by were standing over the one guy who was lying on his back and unresponsive. They called 911 and a firetruck, an ambulance, and a cop car arrived. I guess the guy wasn’t dead because the emergency people were joking with the cops after they put the guy in the ambulance.
            I worked out the chords for the first six verses and part of the instrumental of “Trente-deux Fahrenheit” by Serge Gainsbourg. There are just two verses left to work out.  
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.55 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I finished sanding the upper part of the north wall of my bathroom. The west wall is only a small area above the tiles over the bathtub. The final area that I’ll need the stepladder to sand will be the south wall. Then I’ll sand the parts that I don’t need the stepladder for, starting again with the east wall. 
            I weighed 88 kilos before lunch. I had Breton crackers with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of low sugar iced tea. 
            I took a siesta and slept fifteen minutes longer than usual. 
            I took a bike ride and stopped on Brock to look at some stuff in boxes. When I got back on my bike I was trying to hurry to get going because a car was on the way. I mounted my bike awkwardly and fell, banging my elbow on the pavement. I was bleeding for a while on my way downtown. I washed it when I got home and it doesn’t seem to be too bad. More of a skinning than a banging of the bone. 
            I weighed 86.9 kilos at 18:00. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:53. 
            I went out with my tripod and camera to look for people to put on video for my project. I walked to Sorauren and then to east to Elm Grove. I stopped at Queen Fresh Market to buy two baskets of raspberries. I walked to Jameson and then home. I ran into my upstairs neighbour David on the stairs. We might go for lunch at the Afrobeat Kitchen soon. David said he’s seen some bed bugs so I guess it’s a matter of time before I do as well. 
            I made pizza on a slice of Bavarian sandwich bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 6, episodes 13 and 14 of Bewitched
            In the first story Samantha asks Darrin to try to be agreeable with Endora and so he does. Endora finds it disgusting so she casts a spell on Darrin to show him how being agreeable will really be. He begins to agree with everything anybody suggests, no matter how ridiculous, including Gladys Kravitz’s petition to upholster the bus benches. At work Darrin meets Mr. Shopwell who hates yes men. Darrin has drawn up a campaign with a new slogan because he thinks the old one is outdated. Shopwell says he likes the old slogan and Darrin agrees he should never change it. Shopwell decides to cancel his account after 22 years. Larry fires Darrin and so Darrin considers his options. Stone and Washburn have an opening and so Samantha follows Washburn to a restaurant and casts a spell on the hostess to put the name Darrin Stevens in Washburn’s head until he calls and hires him. Samantha summons Endora and makes her reverse the spell but the result is that she makes Darrin extremely disagreeable. Then she gets her to remove that spell as well. 
            Washburn’s assistant Johnson was played by Morgan Jones, whose first professional acting role was a small part in Singin in the Rain. He co-starred in the TV series The Blue Angels. He co-starred in the film Not of This Earth. 

            In the second story it’s two days before Christmas and a busy time and so Samantha needs Esmerelda to look after Tabitha for a couple of days. But Esmerelda sneezes again and ends up conjuring Santa Clause. Most of Esmerelda’s sneeze spells disappear after a few minutes but this one lingers. Santa needs to start getting ready for his round the world trip but only Esmerelda can send him back to the North Pole. So Samantha brings the elves to her living room where they work at super speed making toys until Christmas Eve. Then Samantha brings Santa’s sleigh and reindeer to their front yard so Santa can load it and take off from there. Abner Kravitz just thinks it’s a very good Christmas display.

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