Thursday 8 August 2024

Kay Elliot

            On Wednesday morning I finished memorizing “D’où reviens-tu Billy Boy?” (“Where Have You Been Billy Boy?) by Boris Vian. Tomorrow I’ll search for the chords online. 
            I memorized the first two verses of “Love Fifteen” by Serge Gainsbourg and revised my translation of the first verse. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice. Tomorrow I’ll start a four session stretch of playing my Martin acoustic guitar. 
            I weighed 87.1 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I finished sanding the western wall of my bathroom and the edges of the part of the southern wall that’s above the bathtub. Tomorrow I’ll finish that section. 
            I weighed 87.2 kilos before lunch, which is the lightest I’ve been in the early afternoon since July 25. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 86.2 kilos at 17:45. That’s the least I’ve tipped the scales in the evening since May 7.
            Richard Olafson sent me a revised layout of my book. He corrected the spelling of “Paranoiac Utopia” except on the spine of the cover. There are still a few errors of uncapitalized letters at the beginning of names but the book is shaping up. 
            I went out with my tripod and camera to look for Whispering Ghost so I can reshoot the video that I fumbled last month. I walked to Sorauren and then east to Elm Grove and then home.
            I was caught up on my journal at 19:52. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my acoustic performance of “Dance and Sing to Baby Pop” I published the movie and made three thumbnails. Tomorrow I’ll probably upload it to YouTube. 
            I made pizza on a slice of Bavarian sandwich bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 6, episodes 19 and 20 of Bewitched.
            In the first story Tabitha is feeling neglected because the new baby is getting all her mother’s attention. Tabitha conjures her own copy of her mother who she can have all to herself. Her copy of Samantha doesn’t even know about baby Adam. But Tabitha knows that she has to keep her copy of mommy a secret. She has the wished Samantha take her to the play park where they go on rides and eat treats. Gladys Kravitz sees Samantha and Tabitha at the park but this Samantha doesn’t know Gladys and so Mrs. Kravitz thinks something is wrong with her. She asks her about the baby and she says, “What baby?” Gladys calls Darrin at work about her encounter and Darrin calls Samantha. Samantha thinks her cousin Serena must have taken Tabitha to the park. Samantha calls for Esmerelda to babysit but Hagatha appears because Esmerelda is on vacation. Samantha goes to the park to look for Tabitha but Tabitha sees her from the Ferris wheel and so she tells the mommy copy to take her home. Darrin encounters the copy making a sundae for Tabitha and she doesn’t know him either. Larry has forced Darrin to invite the client Mr. Nickerson and his wife over for dinner. The mommy copy brings Tabitha down to show her off and to feed her hors d’oeuvres. Tabitha gets a stomach ache from all the treats she’s had all day. Samantha catches her copy and Tabitha in Tabitha’s room and realizes it isn’t Serena. She makes Tabitha cancel the copy. Then she explains that real mommies sometimes have to say “no” but it still means “I love you”. 
            Hagatha was played by Kay Elliot, who played the nagging android replicas of Stella Mudd, Harry Mudd’s wife in the Star Trek episode “I Mudd”. She appeared in a total of three episodes of Bewitched. She was in the horror movie The Severed Arm and the comedy Gas Pump Girls. 

            In the second story Uncle Arthur’s powers are malfunctioning. Dr. Bombay is summoned and as usual he was busy with something else when called. He was competing in the Witches International Chess Tournament and playing with a terrible handicap because his king was drunk. Bombay examines Arthur and diagnoses that he is allergic to horse feathers. Arthur admits that he rode in the winged horse derby last week. Bombay blows a horse pill down Arthur’s throat. But after Bombay leaves there are side affects as Arthur turns into whatever he thinks about. Samantha tries to teach Arthur to drive to take his mind off the other problem. Arthur says he prefers to fly because it makes him feel like Superman. Suddenly Arthur is dressed like Superman and he takes off to fly around the neighbourhood. Darrin and Larry see him and Darrin tells Larry it’s done with wires and part of a new campaign with the slogan, “Try Top Pop. It’s Super, Man!” Bombay returns with another pill that cures him. When asked what’s in them he says he has no idea. He just buys them at the drug store.

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