Sunday 18 August 2024

Edward Platt

            On Saturday morning I worked out the chords for the second verse of “D’où reviens-tu Billy Boy?” by Boris Vian. The last line of the second verse stays higher than the last line of the first verse. 
            I memorized the first verse of “Amours des feintes” (Feinting Romance) by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I played my Gibson Les Paul Studio during song practice for the second of two sessions. Tomorrow I’ll start two sessions of playing my Kramer. 
            I weighed 86.8 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I went to No Frills with my bike trailer. The clouds looked crazy as if they were about to tear each other apart. It was a sure sign of hale but it never happened around here. At the supermarket the grapes were expensive and I would have done a price match on the green ones but they were too soft. I bought one bag of red grapes, a bag of very expensive cherries, two watermelons, three packs of raspberries, bananas, a pack of chicken drumsticks, dish detergent, olive oil, a jug of orange juice, a bag of Miss Vickie’s chips, and two containers of skyr. I asked the stocker in the dairy section why I haven’t seen PC skyr in three months. He said they’ve discontinued the product at least for now. Hanan the cashier asked if I was collecting Marvel cards. I said, “If I was 12 or my daughter was 12 I would be”. She said lots of older people are collecting them. I have a large collection of the comics but I don’t see the point of the cards. 
            I weighed 87.8 kilos before lunch. I had Breton crackers with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of raspberry iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride. For years I’ve gone up O’Hara to Maple Grove and east to Brock. But a few days ago they suddenly reversed the one way direction of Maple Grove to westbound. I went east on it anyway and up Brock. It started to shower just north of the railroad bridge and so I turned around, but by the time I was south of the bridge it had stopped again. I went back to Maple Grove and read the sign about the changes. Now Seaforth is a one way street going east but it’s a two-way bike route. I went west on Maple Grove and then north to Seaforth to check it out. I rode back to Brock and then north to Bloor. I decided it was too late to go all the way downtown and so I just rode to Bloor and Ossington and then south to Queen and west to Parkdale. Once I was back in Parkdale it was raining again but I made it home just before getting soaked. 
            I weighed 87.45 kilos at 17:30. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:40. I returned to my “Next State of Grace” Movie Maker project. I converted the video I shot on the street of Allen Sutterfield from MP4 to WMV and imported it into Movie Maker. I put it at the end of my “Next State of Grace” timeline and isolated Allen’s first successful repetition of “sit here and wait for the next sate of grace”. It’s amazing how many people I shot just like Allen first repeated the line as “sittin here and waitin for the next state of grace”. It’s the telephone game over and over again. If someone can misquote a phrase they just heard a second ago imagine how many thousands of times Christ’s teachings would have been corrupted before they were even written down. I inserted the clip of Allen into the main video and it fit very well with the studio audio of Brian Haddon singing, “sit here and wait for the next state of grace”. It looked just like Allen was singing the line. 
            The sun came out at around 19:00 and so I took my camera and tripod out to look for Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver. I walked to Sorauren and then home. If it’s sunny tomorrow evening I’ll pop out again but it will be the last time. 
            I returned to the Movie Maker project and cut out a few seconds of the concert video leading up to the beginning of the second verse. I almost had the video synchronized with the audio when I quit for the night. 
            I made pizza on a slice of Bavarian sandwich bread with Basilica sauce, a beef burger cut in half edgewise and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 7, episodes 9 and 10 of Bewitched
            They’ve rehashed a lot of old plots for some of these episodes, including this one. Despite the fact that Darrin and Samantha have been together for six years and have given Endora two grandchildren, she’s still trying to break them up. She brings in Samantha’s old friend Ashley who considers Samantha to be the one that got away. Samantha says that is not accurate since she was never hooked. Ashley goes to Darrin’s place of employment to find out what is special about him and observes him invisibly. Darrin and Larry are having a meeting with potential client Charlie Gibbons of Gibbons Dogfood. They learn that Gibbons expects the one who handles his account to have a dog. Larry lies that he lives in an apartment building but tells Gibbons that Darrin has a dog. When he asks what breed Darrin and Larry name two different breeds at once; both long hair and short, and a patch of white around its eye. Gibbons says he wants to meet Darrin’s dog and Larry says they can see it that night. Darrin and Larry head for the pound to see if they can find a dog that fits their wild description. Ashley transports himself there ahead of them and becomes that dog. When Darrin brings the dog home it is aggressively affectionate with Samantha. When she feeds the dog it transforms the food into a T-bone steak. Samantha realizes she is dealing with a witch or a warlock. From the way he licks her face she concludes it’s Ashley. She tells Darrin it’s not really a dog and then Ashley transforms back into himself. When Larry calls to say he and Gibbons are on their way over Samantha turns Ashley back into the dog. Since it’s Samantha’s spell he has to stay a dog until she wills otherwise. But when Gibbons arrives Ashley behaves in an unfriendly way towards Darrin. Gibbons says a man who can’t get along with his own dog can’t handle his account but they say the dog’s only hungry. They feed Ashley a Gibbons dog burger and when Gibbons is looking away Ashley changes it into a steak. Darrin pitches to Gibbons the idea of a Gibbons dog burger in the shape of a T-bone with the bone being a Gibbons chewy bone in the centre. Gibbons loves the idea. After he leaves, Samantha changes Ashley back to himself and he goes off for a drink with Endora. 
            In the second story Endora continues to try to discourage Samantha from being with Darrin. This time she magically ages him to give her a taste of his future. They had a date to play bridge with the Tates and since they can’t show up there with Darrin as an old man, she calls and says Darrin is sick. They decide to go to a drive-in movie but run into Larry and Louise. Samantha says Darrin is still sick but she’s gone to a movie with his grandfather Grover. But Larry and Louise happen to be there with Louise’s Aunt Millicent and they decide to hook Millicent up with Grover. They leave Millicent with Samantha and Grover. Darrin has a meeting the next day with the client Jennings Booker and goes as his elderly self since Booker has never met Darrin. Then Larry arrives and identifies the old man as Grover. But Grover wins Booker over anyway and lands his account. Later Larry and Louise bring Millicent over to see Grover. Samantha transforms herself into an elderly woman and rings the front doorbell. She claims to be Grover’s wife Carolyn of 53 years. Millicent is upset and leaves. Samantha keeps herself as an old woman and tells her mother she’ll stay that way as long as Endora keeps Darrin as an old man. Endora changes him back. 
            Booker was played by Edward Platt, who studied at the Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati and later was accepted into Juilliard. He became a band vocalist and then sang bass with the Mozart Opera Company in New York. After the war he acted on the radio and then made his Broadway debut in 1947 in the musical Allegro. Then he did The Shrike on Broadway and in 1955 he recreated his stage role in the film adaptation. He played the juvenile court officer in Rebel Without a Cause. He co-starred as Maxwell Smart’s spy boss “the Chief” for 137 episodes of Get Smart. He produced the movie Santee in 1973 but it was not successful. He committed suicide in 1974 because of depression.

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