Monday 19 August 2024

Shirley Gordon

            On Sunday morning I worked out the chords for the third verse of “D’où reviens-tu Billy Boy?” by Boris Vian. 
            I memorized the second verse of “Amours des feintes” (Feinting Romance) by Serge Gainsbourg. I noticed that I’d missed the fifth verse when I first translated the song and so I corrected that omission. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice for the first of two sessions. 
            I weighed 87.25 kilos before breakfast. 
            When I was at the supermarket yesterday I forgot to buy a strawberry-rhubarb pie. I went out in my neighbourhood to look for a bakery that sells pie. There’s only one bakery in my area on Brock and it only has bread. I decided that I would look for pie during my bike ride later on. 
            Around midday I finished sanding the upper shelves that I built in the bathroom. I then sanded the part of the eastern wall that's in between the upper and lower shelves. 
            I weighed 87.75 before lunch. I had Triscuits with five-year-old cheddar and a glass of raspberry iced tea. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride and planned on going downtown but it started raining lightly as I headed out. It got heavier once I was on Bloor and so I decided to go south on Ossington. I stopped at a couple of bakeries on the way home but none had pie. I stopped at Freshco and got a frozen strawberry-rhubarb pie. I started heating it when I got home. 
            I weighed 87.75 kilos at 17:30, which is the heaviest I’ve been in the evening since August 5. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:15. 
            I went out with my camera and tripod to look for Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver for one last time and for the first time in a month and a half I saw him. I was walking west on the north side of Queen and he was walking east and looking drunk. So I turned around and walked in his direction. He crossed at Lansdowne and I was catching up when he stopped to talk to the mad woman with the greenish blue hair who hangs around on Queen. He said to her, “I’m gonna eat your soul” and she screamed and threw her cigarettes at him before walking away. I called out his name and he remembered me. I asked if we could reshoot that video and told him I would give him another $10. He said his mask and costume were at the spot. I asked if we could go and get them and offered $20. We started walking west again and he said his stuff was at his ex-girlfriend’s place. He talked about calling her and I pulled out my phone. In his backpack with the white skull painted on it he pulled out a baggie full of money while he was looking for the number and then he didn’t seem fully coherent because he thought we’d already tried to call her. Suddenly he walked over to the curb and took a piss. Most people who would urinate on the street would do it against a building but he didn’t seem to mind exposing himself to traffic. Peeing off the sidewalk is actually more conscientious than pissing on a wall from which it would run down and form a stream on the sidewalk and stink up one’s walk. Then he ran into a cute curly headed woman who hangs out at Queen and West Lodge and they talked about getting something from the LCBO. He then told me he didn’t think his ex would answer the phone and if we shot a video he wanted to have his make-up and his tail and antlers and one of his three masks. He’s homeless and the only way to get in touch would be the way I saw him today so I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I left him at West Lodge and went home. If I see him before my video project is done and he has his shit together I can shoot the video of him and put it in but he’s too hard to depend on for me to waste my time going out to look for him. 
            In the Movie Maker project to make a video for the studio recording of my song “The Next State of Grace” I synchronized the concert video with the audio for my line, “Well I’m dug down so deep in the trench of my heart”. But then they go out of synch for “I can’t seem to climb back out again”. So I found the best of three clips of that line from the videos I shot on the street of me playing the song a couple of months ago. I inserted it into the main video and synchronized it. Next I’ll see if I can line up the concert video with the audio for my line, “and my voice is so distant it can hardly be heard by the women who pass in the rain”. 
            I made pizza on a slice of Bavarian sandwich bread with Basilica sauce and five-year-old cheddar. I had it with a beer while watching season 7, episodes 11 and 12 of Bewitched
            Darrin is about to land the Bigalow Industries account after playing golf with the president Mr. Langley. Langley has also invited Darrin and Samantha to join his country club. But they will have to be screened first. Endora appears and once more tries to convince her daughter how tedious her existence with Darrin is. She also reminds her that country clubs are just meeting places for snobs. She casts a spell on the TV set to show what Samantha’s cousin Serena is doing right now. She’s having a good time dancing with two handsome warlocks named the Corsican cousins but Samantha isn’t interested. Endora secretly casts a spell to make Samantha feel whatever Serena is feeling. The first thing she feels is being slapped on the ass when there is no one there. Then when Serena is eating spicy food Samantha feels a burning sensation in her mouth. Then while Samantha is talking with Darrin and Larry, Serena is being tickled by one of her boyfriends causing Samantha to laugh when nothing funny is being said. Samantha has learned that Mrs. Langley is coming over that afternoon to screen her for the club so she goes to the supermarket to get some food to make hors oeuvres. Because Serena is dancing Samantha starts dancing to no music in the store. Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Hunter arrive an hour early to catch her by surprise. Samantha says it’s an old female trick practiced my old females. Serena’s boyfriend runs away because he sees his wife and so now she is crying which causes Samantha to cry as well. Endora is with Serena and her emotional state is ruining Endora’s plans so she conjures a drink to lift her spirits. Serena gets drunk and so Samantha feels drunk, which causes her to be very blunt with the snooty ladies. They ask if Samantha was born abroad and Samantha bets they are asking because they don’t accept foreign members. Mrs. Langley says that’s not true because they have a member from Brooklyn. Mrs. Hunter suggests they might have caught Samantha at a bad time. Samantha says anytime would have been a bad time. She asks Mrs. Langley where she got her hat. Langley asks, “Do you like it?” Samantha says “Nope. I just want to make sure I stay out of that store”. The ladies decide to leave and Mrs. Langley says her husband is going to be very disappointed. Samantha says she bets he won’t be half as disappointed as Mr. Bigalow was when Mr. Langley got rid of him. She says that when you drop in early on people to snoop you end up with outrageous interviews. Later it turns out that the swindle that Langley used on Bigalow has become front page news and it’s a good thing McMann and Tate didn’t get the Langley account after all because of the bad publicity. 
            In the second story Darrin has struck out five times trying to present a winning campaign for Mr. Harmon. He thinks that a spell has been cast on him. Samantha summons Dr. Bombay who analyzes Darrin with his hexameter. The balloon fills up with clean air which Bombay says means that witchcraft is involved because if the air had been polluted it would have meant humans were behind it. But Bombay admits his machinery hasn’t been working right lately and so there may be no spell on Darrin. The next day Darrin doesn’t go to work and tells Samantha he’s retired. He says he gives up and so now they can live off Samantha’s witchcraft. Samantha doesn’t like the idea but later tells Darrin she does. But she says he shouldn’t retire but should use her magic to help him climb to the top. She gives him a drink, has him recite an incantation, then turn around three times and tells him the result will make him master of any situation. Darrin goes to work and asks Larry to call for another meeting with Harmon. He presents the same campaign to him as before but this time with confidence and this time even tells Harmon to shut up and listen. Harmon loves the campaign. But Darrin comes home feeling bad about using witchcraft to be successful and asks Samantha to remove the hex. She informs him that it was just a placebo and there was no real hex after all. 
            This story was written by Shirley Gordon who started writing for and being the associate editor of Radio Life Magazine. During the Golden Age of Radio she wrote scripts for several series including Suspense and The Whistler. On television she wrote for the Courtship of Eddy’s Father, My Three Sons, and sixty episodes of The Bob Cummings Show. She wrote eight children’s books in the 1970s and 80s.

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