Tuesday 13 August 2024

Richard Baer

            On Monday morning I finished working out the chords for the chorus and part of the first verse of “D’où reviens-tu Billy Boy?” by Boris Vian. 
            I worked out the chords for the intro and the first two lines of “Love Fifteen” by Serge Gainsbourg. 
            I played my Gibson Les Paul Studio during song practice. 
            I weighed 87 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I removed some screws and screw plugs from my bathroom wall. I screwed some screws deeper into the walls so they won’t stick out when I’m sanding. I’ll start sanding the lower part of the eastern wall tomorrow in the area where the mirror hangs. 
            I weighed 87.55 kilos before lunch. 
            In the afternoon I took a bike ride downtown and back. 
            I weighed 86.35 kilos at 17:45.
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:45. 
            I took my camera and tripod out to look for Whispering Ghost with Wings of Silver. I walked to Sorauren and then to Elm Grove, then to Jameson and back home. I’ve decided that if I don’t run into him by the end of Sunday I’ll just return to my project with the videos that I’ve already shot. If I see him before the project is done I can always edit him in somewhere. 
            Richard Olafson asked me to make the title clearer in my artwork for the cover of my book. I worked on that before dinner and got it half done. I finished it before bed and sent it to him. 
            I had a potato with gravy and two chicken drumsticks while watching the last two episodes of the sixth season of Bewitched
            With each season of this series there is less and less logic to the spells that Endora casts on Darrin. Early on she was teaching him lessons but her tricks have become increasingly mean spirited leading up to this season. 
            In this story she is getting out of hand and Samantha offers a magical solution. Her father Maurice has a magic amulet that he used to protect himself during the years they lived together. Now that they are apart Samatha has convinced her father to give Darrin the amulet. When it’s on his person Endora cannot help but behave sweetly towards him. Once she is away from him she remembers how she was and thinks she must be sick. She gets Dr. Bombay to examine her and she is in perfect health. Darrin goes downstairs to make himself a snack and encounters Endora. Thinking he has the amulet with him he asks her to make him a sandwich. The amulet is in the bedroom so she turns Darrin into a dog and makes him beg. Samantha sticks the amulet under Darrin’s paw and Endora changes him back. Later Esmerelda comes complaining about her love life. Darrin shows her the amulet and says she should get something like it. Samantha tells him to put it away. But Esmerelda thinks it’s a love charm and steals it. Endora comes, having just talked with Maurice and hearing him admit to giving Darrin his amulet. She is furious at her daughter as well and casts a spell on both of them to cause them to argue. They are arguing when Larry comes by with Augustus Sunshine of the Sunshine Greeting Car Company and insult each other throughout the visit. Then Esmerelda returns with the amulet because it is not a love charm and only works on Endora. Samantha gets Endora to reverse the quarrel spell. Then she compels Larry and Sunshine to return and she and Darrin convince Sunshine that their bickering was staged for his benefit to communicate that his old style of greeting card messages don’t work in the modern day and that funny insults might be a successful new direction. 
            This story was written by Richard Baer, who earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Yale and a Masters degree in cinema from the University of Southern California. His first film script was Life Begins at Seventeen. He wrote 37 episodes of the TV series Hennessey (for which he was nominated for an Emmy), and 10 episodes of That Girl. He also wrote for The Munsters, The Andy Griffith Show, F Troop, Petticoat Junction and Leave it to Beaver. He was an active member of the Writers Guild of America. His comedic play Mixed Emotions is very popular in Russia. 
            In the sixth season finale Esmerelda is depressed because of her lack of a love life. Samantha and Darrin need her to babysit but she’s in no condition to do so and so Samantha summons Dr. Bombay. She asks if he knows any warlocks they can fix up with Esmerelda. He brings a patient of his named Norton but he does not seem to be attracted to Esmerelda. Bombay prepares a love potion in the kitchen while Samantha is preparing for a dinner party that night with a client named Meiklejohn and his wife. But after Bombay pours some of the potion into a scotch and soda for Norton, Samantha accidentally and unknowingly knocks the rest of the potion into her clam dip. Norton drinks the potion and it causes him to fall in love with the first person of the opposite sex he sees. Unfortunately that is Samantha and he begins to chase her around the house. Norton gets put out of the house for a while and then the Meiklejohns arrive. Esmerelda tries the dip and falls for Darrin. The Meiklejohns are somewhat of a bickering couple but when Mr. Meiklejohn tries the dip he falls for his wife. But then Mrs. Meiklejohn eats the dip and falls for Larry. Bombay is summoned again and reverses the spell on the potion. Samantha feeds everybody the dip but Mr. Meiklejohn because she thinks it’s not a problem that he’s in love with his wife. A few days later Darrin is worried because Mr. Meiklejohn is still romantic towards his wife and he thinks it’s because of the potion. Samatha tells him that the potion only worked for 24 hours and so the rest is romantic momentum that has rekindled Mr. Meiklejohn’s feelings for his wife.

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