Friday 21 June 2024

Elias Toufexis

            On Thursday morning I finished posting “We Dream and Dream” my translation of “On fait des rêves” by Boris Vian on my Boris Vian Facebook page and on my personal Facebook page. Tomorrow I’ll search again for the lyrics of his songs “Paris la nuit”, “Pas pour moi”, “Les petites soeurs”, “Les ponts déchaussés”, and “Le quatrième homme”. Chances are I won’t find any and then will begin learning his song “S'il pleauvait des larmes” (If it Would Rain Tears).
            I memorized the second verse of “Des Ils et des Elles” (Of Hes and of Shes) by Serge Gainsbourg. That’s half the song so I should have it done on the weekend. 
            I played my Kramer electric guitar during song practice. Tomorrow I begin a four session stretch of playing my Martin acoustic guitar. 
            Yesterday the tracking for the packages that were supposed to arrive yesterday by two different couriers both changed to Friday. I was glad of that because I thought I would be able to take an early bike ride so I could take the guitar strap that Perfect Leather made for me last year to be copied so I could have one for my new Gibson. But this morning the tracking for the UPS delivery of the three guitar cables changed to today so I couldn’t go downtown early after all. 
            I weighed 88.7 kilos before breakfast. 
            I weighed 89 kilos before lunch. 
            While I was taking a siesta it seems UPS came. I received notification by email to pick up my package from the Penguin Pickup at 68 Abell. I rode there on my way downtown for my bike ride. I said, “I’m here to pick up a penguin” and the guys laughed. I said, “You must hear that all the time”. The guy said this was the first time. I suggested that it’s probably so obvious that everybody thinks that everybody else has already said it so they don’t bother. Anyway my package was still out on the truck and probably wouldn’t be coming in until almost closing time. I said that should have said that in the notice and he agreed.
            I rode east on Queen and had all green lights until Spadina. Then I headed north to Bloor, east to Yonge, south to Richmond, west to Peter, north to Queen and then west. I stopped again at the Penguin Pickup on my way to Freshco but the package still wasn’t there. I went to Freshco where the grapes were over $6 a kilo. I found the No Frills flyer on my phone and found that they are $2.18 a kilo there this week so I did a price match. I also got a pack of raspberries, bananas, skim milk, two packs of Full City Dark coffee and a pack of toilet paper. 
            I weighed 87.65 kilos at 17:52, which is the lightest I’ve been in the evening since June 8. 
            At around 18:00 I got an email that my package is now at 68 Abell, so I’ll probably pick it up tomorrow or Saturday. I have until June 27. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 18:50. 
            In the Movie Maker project for my August 19, 2023 song practice I copied the project and named the copy “Mamadou (electric)”. In the video timeline I cut out everything before the second take of “Mamadou”. In the audio timeline I removed everything before the first take of “Mamadou”. I should have the audio and video lined up tomorrow and might even have the video published. 
            In the Movie Maker project to create a video for the studio audio of my song “The Next State of Grace” after I sing “I’m the part that won’t ever get stirred” the beginning of the next line, “and as I am boiling” was out of synch. So I added a 0.70 second clip from the video I made of the boots dangling from the power line. Then I deleted some of the concert video until it was in synch for, “and as I am boiling I…”. After that they fall apart again and so I added another 0.70 second clip from the video of the boots. Tomorrow I’ll try to synchronize the video with the audio for “drink my own broth”. 
            I had a potato with gravy and a chicken breast while watching season 5, episode 5 of Star Trek: Discovery
            Discovery is tracking Mol and L’ak who had incapacitated the ship with a time bug and stole the coordinates for the next clue. The coordinates that Jinaal gave them on Trill seemed to lead to emptiness until they found a wormhole that leads to a pocket of interdimensional space. Based on the trajectory of their warp trail Mol and L’ak should be inside. Only a shuttle is small enough to get in and Burnham decides to go and to bring Book with her. They find Mol and L’ak’s ship wrecked. They also find the wreck of the Mirror Universe version of the Enterprise. They board the dark Enterprise and try to use the sensors to find the clue and Mol and L’ak. They find the crew abandoned ship. Sensors detect three signatures in sick bay, Mol, L’ak and the clue. Book finds the crew’s story. The Terran high chancellor was killed for trying to make reforms. This crew escaped. They mutinied. A Calpian slave turned rebel leader helped them. That would be the mirror universe’s Saru. One of the scientists on the dark Enterprise went on to being one of the group of scientists associated with Velleck who his the clues to the Progenitors’ technology. In sick bay Burnham and Book see several holographic copies of Mol and L’ak aiming phasers at them so they don’t know which ones are real. They come in firing and take out the holo emitter. They have a stand-off and Book tries to connect with Mol through talking of her father who was book’s mentor. But it’s not a great connection since her father abandoned her and her mother. L’ak shows them the clue and Mol says if they give them a ride out of there they’ll let them replicate it. Burnham says that isn’t the clue. She holds up a locket that she found earlier and says that’s the real clue. Burnham says the Federation can help them. Mol asks if the Federation can erase an Erigah. That lets it slip that L’ak is Breen and that the Breen have placed a blood bounty on their heads. Then we look into Mol’s memories of how she met L’ak when she was working as a courier. He was royalty and the Primerate’s nephew but was demoted to shuttle bay duty. He and Mol make a deal and form a working relationship that leads to romance. Eventually the authorities find out and his uncle tells him to kill her. He kills two of his uncle’s men and wounds his uncle. Then Mol and L’ak escape together to become fugitives. In the present Mol and L’ak open fire but it damages the security system and Burnham and L’ak are trapped behind a force field while Book and Mol have to work together to free them. Book tells Mol that her father loved her. Burnham and L’ak fight and he falls on a sharp piece of metal. Mol overloads the system to shut down the force field but now the ship is on a collision course with the aperture and the shuttle has drifted away. Burnham and Book go to the bridge to try to find a solution while Mol tries to save L’ak’s life. There’s enough power to activate a tractor beam which they project out of the worm hole and oscillate it in the pattern 3-4-1-4. Only Rayner recognizes what that means and he says they have to open the aperture of the wormhole enough for a starship to come out. They use photon torpedoes but in a precise one chance only firing. It opens the aperture and Discovery pulls out the Enterprise by its own tractor beam. Mol and L’ak escape in a Terran warp pod. The pattern that Burnham sent was meant only for Rayner because it related to his own cultural history from a poem called The Ballad of Kraal about calling with a drum beat to be rescued. 
            L’ak is played by Canadian actor Elias Toufexis, who is a trained musical stage singer. He played Morton in The Five People You Meet in Heaven. His first feature film appearances were in Brilliant and Decoys. He played Warp from the Suicide Squad on Smallville. He played Kenzo and The Seventh Man on The Expanse. He’s done voice work on several video games. He is one of the busiest performance capture actors in the world and Variety called him the Canadian Andy Serkis. He enjoys playing the games he performs in so he can shoot himself. Forbes called him a voice acting heavyweight. The Montreal Daily Mirror called him the third most popular actor from Montreal after William Shatner and Jay Baruchel. He’s co-owner of the theatre and film company Untimely Ripped Entertainment.

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