Wednesday 12 June 2024

Maxine Evans

            On Tuesday morning I worked on revising my translation of “On fait des rêves” (We Dream and Dream) by Boris Vian. Tomorrow I might have time to run through singing and playing it in English.
            I finished memorizing “Et quand bien même” (And Even If) by Serge Gainsbourg and searched for the chords. I found a set on Ultimate Guitar and started transcribing them. 
            I played my Martin acoustic guitar during song practice for the third of four sessions. 
            I weighed 88.25 kilos before breakfast. 
            Around midday I took an early bike ride so I could stop at Steve’s music and ask about volume pedals. I was shown two cheaper models than the different model of the same brand that I saw demonstrated at Long and McQuade the other day. I had been shown the Boss FV30H for $169. Steve’s also sells that model for the same price but what they had on display were the Boss FV50H and the Boss FV50L both for $140. The guy behind the counter normally worked somewhere else, perhaps in repairs, so he wasn’t absolutely sure what the H and the L signify but said he thinks they stand for High and Low impedance. He said if that’s the case then for just a guitar volume pedal the high impedance would be better for me. It’s cheaper on Amazon but the ad claims that the model is for bass guitar. I suspect that’s a mistake because the Boss site says the FV50H is for electric guitars in general. I was also wondering how many cables I would need in addition to the guitar cable I already have if I’m using the volume pedal and the channel switcher pedal. He said I would need one for the volume pedal to connect to the amp and one for the Boss FS6L channel switcher pedal I would need one for each channel, so it’s a total of three. I was thinking I would have to plug my guitar into the channel switcher but since that connects directly to the amp my guitar connection is with the amp and not the switcher.
            On the way home I stopped at Queen Fresh Market and bought two baskets of raspberries. The woman who runs the place normally says “Thanks, see you next time” but this time she said, “Thanks big guy, see you again”. 
            I weighed 87.6 kilos before lunch. 
            I weighed 88.6 kilos at 16:00. 
            I was caught up on my journal at 17:35. 
            I compared the videos of my August 16 and September 7 acoustic performances of “The Post Colonial Breakdown” and they are close but I think I fumble slightly on the instrumental of September 7. Plus I look a bit friendlier on August 16, so August 16 is still ahead. I compared September 11 to August 16 and they are about the same and so since September 11 is already synchronized in Movie Maker I’ll go with that one for the upload to YouTube. I compared my August 13 and August 19 electric performances of “Mamadou” and on August 19 there is better light and the guitar sounds better. August 19 already has an advantage because it is synchronized in Movie Maker. I compared August 29 to August 19 and they are very close in quality. I’ll just go with August 19 because of Movie Maker. There are three more from September to compare. 
            My next creative video project will be for my song “The Next State of Grace”. For the audio I’ll be using the studio recording of Christian and the Lions performing the song. The instrumentation on the master track is with just guitar and synthesizer but I also have a CD containing the drums I added for the song. I extracted the four tracks with Fair Stars CD Ripper and listened to them. The fourth track actually has nothing on it. The drums are fun and I played a kind of military march on the snare, added the kick and threw in some cowbell as well. I’ll first make the video with the master track and then just add the drum track to a copy of the same video for an alternative to see which one people prefer. I still have to listen again to figure out which of the three drum tracks I’ll use. Then I’ll synchronize the chosen drum track with the master track in Audacity so it will be an easy fit after making the video. 
            I tried to open Samsung Magician for my Samsung T7 SSD but found that although I’d downloaded it yesterday, since I didn’t launch it the software had to be downloaded all over again. So I downloaded and then launched it but I couldn’t figure out how to use it to transfer files. I looked at several tutorials but they showed graphics that I couldn’t see of a split window and moving files from one side to the other. I had to stop for dinner. 
            I had a potato with gravy and two chicken drumsticks while watching season 14, episode 4 of Doctor Who
            The Tardis lands on a cliff in Wales in the present. The Doctor steps on a circle defined by and crossed with string that holds objects and messages. Ruby picks up two of the messages and reads them. One says, “I miss you” and another says, “Rest in peace Mad Jack”. Then she looks around and the Doctor is gone. She goes back to the Tardis and finds it locked and even her key doesn’t work. She sees an elderly woman in the distance and approaches her but she is always the same distance away. She gestures but doesn’t respond. When she walks away from the old woman and looks behind she follows her at the same distance. She meets a woman hiking and asks her to talk to the old woman but when she does she screams and runs away. She goes to a pub full of unfriendly people who mess with her head. The landlady bartender Lowri Palin pretends to be surprised by Ruby’s request to pay with her phone as if the technology hasn’t reached them yet. She points out the old woman who is standing the same distance outside and watching the pub. One of the patrons is on his way home and says he’ll ask her why she’s following but when he does he also runs away. She tells them about the circle and someone says it’s called a Fairy Circle. The clifftops are a liminal space neither here nor there where rules are suspended. Because Ruby read the messages the spell that was cast is broken. They all recognize the name Mad Jack. The charm was there to keep him away and now he is unbound. There’s a loud knock on the door and everyone is terrified, saying it’s Mad Jack. Ruby opens the door and it’s the cook bringing in meat pies. Everybody laughs at Ruby because they were messing with her. A woman tells Ruby she’s racist to believe the Welsh are magical people, then she says, “You just walked into a piece of string”. Ruby sits in front of the Tardis during the day and sleeps in a room above the pub every night for a few nights. But the patron who ran away says he won’t be back and so the proprietor tells Ruby she has to leave. Ruby says goodbye to the Tardis and catches a train to London, always seeing the old lady out of the window all the way. At home she gets her adopted mother to try to talk to the old lady but the result is that her mother runs away. Then she changes the lock on her home and rejects her and says even her real mother didn’t want her. Ruby is contacted by Kate Lethbridge Stewart of UNIT who gives her hope that they know how to deal with strange phenomena. Kate has her agents move in on the old lady while she is listening on the com. The result is that she tells them to disengage and also rejects Ruby. Years pass but the old lady remains. Ruby has measured the distance as exactly 73 yards. Then Ruby sees on TV a rising Welsh politician who says he used to be called “Mad Jack”. She remembers that just before the Doctor stepped on the circle he told her about a Welsh prime minister who nearly caused a nuclear holocaust in the 2040s. It is now the 2040s. Ruby says she knows what to do now and she is going to save the world. She joins Jack’s campaign to get close to him. Jack is running for prime minister and he plans to spend billions on nuclear missiles, which he is willing to use. There is a young woman named Marti Bridges who also volunteers. Jack becomes prime minister and plans to buy Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. A big rally is being prepared in Cardiff in a football arena. They are told not to step on the grass but Ruby does so and paces backwards exactly 73 yards from Jack so that the old woman is standing next to him. The result is that he runs away terrified and resigns. Ruby laughs and so does Marti. Nothing in the story makes it obvious why Marti changed towards Jack but some forums have speculation that he had raped her. But the old woman never goes away. Forty years later Ruby is elderly and goes back to the cliff where the Tardis is still sitting and covered in moss. She speculates that the old woman represents hope. Next Ruby is on her death bed and now the old woman is closer and they embrace at the moment of death. Then we see that opening scene but from the old lady’s perspective and the old lady is Ruby watching after her younger self. The young Ruby now seems to have a soul memory of the previous future. Unlike the first time the first thing Ruby notices is the old lady and hears her whisper “don’t step” and she notices the circle before the Doctor can step on it.
            Lowri was played by Maxine Evans, who plays Rhian on the TV series Stella. She started directing while acting in local theatre. Her first short film earned her a nomination for best director at the Cork Film Festival. She started directing on television for the show Nuts and Bolts. She became a series editor for Crossroads and then a story liner for Coronation Street. Her production of the play The Revlon Girl won several awards. 
            I worked quite a while longer on the SSD until I figured out that I was overthinking it. I thought that I needed to see files appear in Magician. Maybe I can somehow but it’s not necessary. The T7 is just the H drive and if I drag files into it they are automatically stored in the SSD.

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